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Chammys Sound Mod

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I ended up switching over to this sound mod from ModWar's sound mod. After making several large firefights in cities and observing them, comparing the two sound mods, this sound mod does seem to sound better overall, even though the gun sounds are a bit weak in first person. Can't wait for future updates!

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Okay, since my team uses FDF 1.1, I wonder if I could recommend this as a "new best thing"? How does it compare, what are the differences?

Realistically, you could talk until you're blue in the face about the differences, but you really have to run it to fullly appreciated the "holy shit" factor.  smile_o.gif

One of the best immersiveness factors I can point out immediately is the "pop and whiz" of bullets which really makes you think twice about poking your head out from cover. I noticed when enemy soldiers are in a distance, you hear the report of the weapon they just fired at you, then milliseconds later come the impact sounds near you!


Hopefully I'll get more time soon, and I'll make a good video of a huge firefight employing most, if not all the vehicles. I've got a comp that can handle some serious punishment now  smile_o.gif  Of course, that doesn't help now. lol

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Okay, since my team uses FDF 1.1, I wonder if I could recommend this as a "new best thing"? How does it compare, what are the differences?

No comparison! Chammy ftw! (and it's still only a beta)!

But hey thats just my oppinion smile_o.gif

Btw personally you cannot appreciate this mod just by testing the weapons one by one in the editor!

You have to get in amongst it,into the firefights to hear everything that is going on!

The distant gunfire,the close-up firefights! pistols.gif

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You got me convinced, will test it out in this week regular MP event!

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Get yourself into a Berzerk Map even if you dont like it and just listern to the battle around your its awesome.

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I noticed when enemy soldiers are in a distance, you hear the report of the weapon they just fired at you, then milliseconds later come the impact sounds near you!


Are you reporting some kind of an error? It should be the other way around Sir... If they're at a distance you will hear the round land/hit near you and then hear the report of the weapon.

At any rate, the sounds of this pack are really great. Only thing I can think is they could be much louder. I'd like to see some nicer vehicle and aircraft sounds as well, but I'm sure thats on its way smile_o.gif

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Great sounds, i like them alot but some do need to be a bit louder like the M16 and AK (as the fact that your firing a gun close to your ear it should be loud in first person wink_o.gif )

Other then that, it's pretty great.

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I noticed the other night i was being sniped! (by a clan mate-damn camper Bob lol)!

I could hear the whoosh/whizz of the round coming split second before it killed me!

Amazing! pistols.gif

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Great stuff.

The AK did however have some weird bi-sound. Like music from a movie or something...

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THX for the Help!!

Nice worke @ chammy soundmod team notworthy.gif

greeting from switzerland xmas_o.gif

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Yes Chammy a great mod u have made..but i find that some of the rifles sound the same. I was being shot by an enemy and i thought it wa sa firednly because the guns sounded the same.... sad_o.gif

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Just some more feedback I want to give even though it's been said. Small arms fire sounds rather weak in first person. When I fire my rifle (m16/m4 etc) the sound is spot on but the volume is just too low.

Good to read you guys are already on this. Also, what sound system do you have and what setting do you have it on in Arma as this can cause some differences in perception of audio.

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Awesome beta! Thank you!

Just a few constructive comments:

-x2 all the positive remarks said in the last few pages.

-The super sonic bullet whizz seems to come after the sonic rifle report, and it repeats off into the distance like a siren.

Keep it up, guys! All the hard work is paying off.

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I noticed when enemy soldiers are in a distance, you hear the report of the weapon they just fired at you, then milliseconds later come the impact sounds near you!


Are you reporting some kind of an error? It should be the other way around Sir... If they're at a distance you will hear the round land/hit near you and then hear the report of the weapon.

At any rate, the sounds of this pack are really great. Only thing I can think is they could be much louder. I'd like to see some nicer vehicle and aircraft sounds as well, but I'm sure thats on its way smile_o.gif

Nope, my bad. I was mistaken. That'll teach me to post when I'm excited and tired lol

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Okay, the Russian Scoped Rifle, the SVD Dragunov, could use a different sound. I wanna hear the "PING PING" when I shoot the rifle. Similar to the Modwar sounds for it. Other than that great job so far keep it up! thumbs-up.gif

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Thanks for all the feedback guys!!

Here is are complete TASK list as of now,

Complete Military Vehicle sounds --- 50% ----- Chammy Only military vehicles will be replaced in this version

Vehicle sound config ---- 80% ------ Durg78 Add Vehicle Sounds to config

Sound Volumes -------- 75% ------ Durg78 Adjust sound volumes in config

Fix weapon sounds --- 10% --- Chammy M4, M240 Coax(m1a1), G36 Family.... and more ...

Add more weapon sounds ---- 45% --- Chammy Artillery shell whizing by you're head, tank rounds whizing by, More....

Create a BattleField ---- 30% ---- EvenLease Creat a mission for public that would present the mod

Regression tests ---- 0% ---- Chammy/Durg78/Even Test mod to make sure of no bugs

Release 1.0 ----- 41% ----  Chammy/Durg78/Even Vehicle/Character/Weapon sounds - Section 6-14

FX studio --- 0% --- Durg78/EvenLease Grenade Effects/Artillary Effects/Explosion FX

Release 2.0 ---- 14% ---- Chammy/Durg78/Even Total Conversion Mod - Section 22 - 30

Complete new template ---- 3% ---- EvenLease Complete new menu/background/music

Complete Weapon Sounds ---- 20% ---- Chammy/Durg78 Complete all weapons for the mod - No further editing required.

Complete Vehicle Sounds ---- 15% ----Chammy/Durg78 Complete all vehicles for the mod - No further editing required.

Complete BattleField ---- 30% ---- EvenLease Complete public mission that mod will present

Complete FX Studio ---- 0% ---- Durg78/EvenLease Complete Effects

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Excellent progress report EvEnLeaSe !!!!!

I've said it before but I NEED to say it again...

This is awesome !!!!

I had a bit of a break from Arma for 6 weeks but this mod has got me right back into it.

Thank you !!


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To the guys responsible for putting together this sound mod,my wife hates you.

I installed it after not having played ArmA for quite some time and as soon as i heard the first burst of gunfire i was hooked.

I've been playing for maybe 3 hours or so, even forgetting to take the wife out to lunch. This sound mod is superb work and its very much appreciated by me. I havn't even fully tested all the sounds out, but from my brief 3 hour session i can say it's fantastic.


Oh boy Mr.

Well in that case, we might as well pull it off the shelf, we dont want anyones relastionship ruined.

Ok Even, lets retire the project!!!





Hahaha, J/K, well, its great to hear( well not exactly but you know )

Well hopefully this next version like said before is a bigger improvement in the sound deparrtment. Mean while the rest of the guys are working on getting and improving more details to the game. Thanks all for the awesome kudos and feedback, like I've said, People all have prefferential tastes and likings, we can't ( goes for all modders ) make everyone happy but to an extent, but we'll try. Some Mods are better in some aspects while others lack them but maybe more improved in other things that other mods lack, it works both ways. All mods no matter what quality are awesome in their own way.

Well,back to work.....

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Excellent work ... can't wait for the full release smile_o.gif

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Good attitude man,

It's unheard of to actually get feedback from games developers in my experience, so it's really good to hear that peoples opinions count towards something and you guys listen to what people think.

The commitment you've all shown to your project is total, and the results are speaking for themselves.

I've really enjoyed playing the game with your sound-mod and I look forward to seeing (hearing)?! the finished article.


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^ x2. biggrin_o.gif


Anyway in the current version, the "kaaadyyysshh - Whipping alike" sound from the bullets hitting the ground or whatever seems to be gone. I can't hear it anymore. sad_o.gif

If you don't know what I'm refeering to watch my Chammy's Soundmod Preview from 03:40 - +...

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yeah we know what it is, we have it already fixed and ready to go in are next release witch will be V1.0, i cant give any dates to when that will come but i can say it might be within a month, now i said might... But, i dont know.

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Cool. Bullets striking the floor are soooo important. Looking forward to hearing the results.

One of my favourite bullet effects was on Goldeneye N64 when a round would hit a character and there was a very clinical 'whomp' sound. Classic.

The work I've seen so far is top notch, looking forward to the final product.

Keep up the good work chaps!

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