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ArmA is just ... awesome!

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Like the title says, share all your positive feedback and experience about ArmA in this thread only.

Positive feedback only! For complaints please use the complaint thread.

The channel rules apply here too, no flamebaiting, insults etc. Violations against this result in a 24h PR (at least).

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Yes. It's awesome. A search threw up a lot of similar threads. If I'd started this thread it would be closed already I fear smile_o.gif

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Yes. It's awesome. A search threw up a lot of similar threads. If I'd started this thread it would be closed already I fear smile_o.gif

That's why this thread was created I presume - the mother of all "ArmA is awesome" threads.

ArmA is truly awesome by the way. There are simply no limits to what you can do. It is already the ultimate combat simulator with most likely the best and most creative community you will find anywhere.

With hundreds of people making new content for it every day, ArmA is an expanding explosion of pure awesomeness.

Yes I am a fanboy.  wink_o.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

ArmA is good, though the campaign brought down the game for me a lot.

I'm sure it will be better than OFP ever was once the tools have been out for a couple of months though biggrin_o.gif

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I really like the game. I understand it may be a niche market. Alot of my friends don't like Op Flashpoint so I imagine that alot of people won't like this game. It certainly is a quirky game, but I have alot of fun with it. Good balance of realism and fun.

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Yup, very good.

Its OFP, but everything is improved so i dont see how it can be bad.

(Except for the campaign ofcourse.. tounge2.gif )

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yup no dubt about that. I like to fly my heli a bit around Sahrani, i wish someone made a mission/campaign similar to the ones i EnemyEngaged smile_o.gif

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I played some crazy Berserk. Loved it.  Played some fragfest air missions, loved it (I sucked, but I loved it).  Played uber-tight squad co-op. loved it..  Just fiddled around in the editor with the A-10's and an enemy column about 6 times, different outcome every time (all but two NOT in favor of the ground troops tounge2.gif )  Just watched tha' car-na-ge...  From the butterflies annoying me in front of my scope to the roar of the A-10..  Loving it.  Thanks BIS.

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Armed Assault is the most extensive combat game I've played to date. It's vast, it's ambient and if you allow it to, it will immerse you.

The weapons are designed to kill you. The terrain is designed to hide you. The vehicles are designed to protect you.

Whether you want to transport it, re-arm it, shoot it down, run it over, blow it up or film all of the above, there is a way to do it.

Also, the modding community has an unbelievable amount of skill and talent and makes combat in Armed Assault an ever-changing landscape of real life alter-ego and endless possibility.

The graphics are spectacular when you have the hardware to push it to the max. The models are amazingly detailed and life-like to %99. Lighting is awe-inspiring. Distance is jaw-dropping.

Patching seems have proved itself well done by BI. All around an amazing title that has had me gripped since I installed it.

...and I haven't even been into multiplayer yet.




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edit1: damn.. guess i screw it up..

Ill repost when i get something clear in my mind.

edit2: I like the current viewdistance and the terrain detail icon_rolleyes.gif

cant remember much more atm biggrin_o.gif

ill add more in future

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i think ARMA is not awesome YET.

I believe ARMA will be "awesome!" be when all Game become more optimized and fixed in all perspectives.

ARMA far from beeing awesome ATM, Though it points to the right way.  wink_o.gif

Did you even bother to read the post by W0lle? icon_rolleyes.gif

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i'm quite happy with the game so far , although i know it can be and will be improved, i think is a major step since OFP, specially in the graphics and enviroment , that helps to make the game much more inmersive inlove.gif

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I for one love ArmA, it's taken a bit of tweaking with graphics drivers and the patches have brought the game a long way - but it's the only sim on my new rig - well worth the money (and the cost of a new computer!wink_o.gifyay.gif

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Installed my-sprocket version the day it came out in november,couldnt wait for 505 version!

Now using 505 version,aint played any other game since and not likely to for years to come! xmas_o.gif

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Installed my-sprocket version the day it came out in november,couldnt wait for 505 version!

Now using 505 version,aint played any other game since and not likely to for years to come! xmas_o.gif

same here, I gave up Americas Army for this welcome.gifwelcome.gifwelcome.gif

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ya man!

I gave up battlefield 2/2142 for this smile_o.gif

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The only game I ever spent more time playing than ArmA is OFP. But ArmA is catching up smile_o.gif Playing ArmA online with people you know is great fun.

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The forests around Bangango (However it is spelled) are beautiful.   Feel like I should put on some bug spray.  Always makes me warm inside when a rocket barrage fells half a dozen trees taking out the skulking enemy.  Oh, and on a sadistic side, when your teammate shouts "ah crap!" because they had eyes on the enemy, and didn't see the mountain in his way...  Takes a looong time for the wreckage to slide down.  tounge2.gif

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I honestly cannot see why there are reason to be complaining about ARMA. I think its great. Its just OFP all over again! Thats great, the waiting for addon releases, the new news everyday, the new projects that are starting, the allready good stream of downloadble addons, the improved graphics, and for me the best thing the uber improved flight model for helicopters! yay.gifyay.gifyay.gifyay.gifyay.gif Bananas for BIS!

And lots of complaining about this bug and that bug is imo useless, report the bug and thats it, dont make a topic how bad you find it.

Operation Flashpoint took 6 years, 23904283 addons, 324092 upgrades, and 23940239 mods to be a complete as it was just before ARMA came out. We will get that all over again which I think is GREAT!

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ArmA is what i need simple as that....

to me is more than a game it's a beautiful platform ready to mod and push to the edge!!!

it has some bugs, but they are fixable, we are only at start...

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Mods and addons has always brought up the best of OFP, and I bet that it will do the same for ArmA.

Especially complete mods like ECP, FFUR, SLX, FDF and CSLA.

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It did take me some time to embrace the game, I actually did enjoy the demo and did not have so much problems with it. OFP has alot of more addons and missions and everything, so I was playing that instead of buying the full game.

But the full game blew me away, playing online(coop) is the best thing with the game. Even with its flaws and limitations, its still the best game around for people that enjoy realistic combat/soldier simulation games.

Arma rules em all! notworthy.gifyay.gif

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Best game ever, and it will remain that until Game 2 comes out! smile_o.gif

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I love ArmA, its all i wanted in a game and more, some ask how i could say that. well, i got ArmA to mod, not to play the campaign, not to play in SP by myself, not to cry about all the bugs.

I got ArmA to mod it, just like i did for OFP, what game can you have a 70x70 tank war in? ArmA. what game can you make an island that takes you 40+ mins to drive from end to end? ArmA. what game lets you make whatever real world model you want and then some? ArmA.

ArmA has endless possibilities.

If you came here to read a blog and play a bad ass campaign, than ArmA is not for you. maybe you'd be better off playing WoW.

If you came here to see mass amounts of user created addons. (some of the best in all of game modding) then ArmA is the game for you.

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