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Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

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I thought these articles stating player limits in MP were from Xbox websites. So far, I haven't read anything that would imply low playercounts on the PC, so would somebody mind showing me where they got that information?

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I thought these articles stating player limits in MP were from Xbox websites. So far, I haven't read anything that would imply low playercounts on the PC, so would somebody mind showing me where they got that information?

In the GameSpy article (posted earlier by me) it says the limits are for both consoles and PCs. They could have misunderstood, though. So there's nothing totally definite about this.

EDIT: One of the Codemasters team has said this:

Quote[/b] ]jigglybean said:

Hi everyone.

Just to clear things up a little. No decision has been made regarding any limits on the multiplayer side of the game on any formats.


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Glad to hear that... 8 players was kind of disappointing (Like : Hi, these are the keys of your new Ferrari, but you can't go more than 50km/h...)

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EDIT: One of the Codemasters team has said this:

Quote[/b] ]jigglybean said:

Just to clear things up a little. No decision has been made regarding any limits on the multiplayer side of the game on any formats.


Yes phew! I wanna hug and kiss all the CM team. biggrin_o.gif

I think 50 could be a good limit..... wink_o.gif

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Its has been confirmed officially that OFP2 will only allow max 32 players in MP... LOL! (yes also for PC)

They making a great game.. and then they limit it in such a way... what are they thinking.

I guess huge games like IC-arma are still on the hand of BIS  biggrin_o.gif

Im more worried about the 256 limit. That means that each one of those 32 players can only command 8 men which in my opinion is a slight step backwards. I wonder what the total command number is.

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Its has been confirmed officially that OFP2 will only allow max 32 players in MP... LOL! (yes also for PC)

They making a great game.. and then they limit it in such a way... what are they thinking.

I guess huge games like IC-arma are still on the hand of BIS  biggrin_o.gif

Im more worried about the 256 limit. That means that each one of those 32 players can only command 8 men which in my opinion is a slight step backwards. I wonder what the total command number is.

There's no limits decided yet, not even that 256 AI limit. They were all made up numbers from gamespot.

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Gamespot has made me reconsider my subscription with them because of their recent actions on OFP2.. from removing the new trailer, to giving a horrible preview & on top of that made up facts because they couldn't take the time to walk 20 feet to the Codemasters booth at E3 and ask a few questions.

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Did you guys know, that "helmchen" the ex-community officer quit (or was fired), or leaved codemasters without a single word, just after the Video from E3 was made public.

Very strange i think, maybe he violated his NDA? Very strange also, that this happend at the same time as the E3 video appeared and disappeared so quickly again....

Regards, Christian

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New weapontrailer for FN SCAR (SOF Combat Assault Rifle)

in OFP 2 released.

View it online or download it here


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Yeah, it's the same clip we've seen in the presentation already smile_o.gif

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Did you guys know, that "helmchen" the ex-community officer quit (or was fired), or leaved codemasters without a single word, just after the Video from E3 was made public.

Very strange i think, maybe he violated his NDA? Very strange also, that this happend at the same time as the E3 video appeared and disappeared so quickly again....

Regards, Christian

wow_o.gif Seems more than a coincidence. Also I thought from the start that the E3 video was taken down by Codemasters rather than GT having "some problems". Mysterious...

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Did you guys know, that "helmchen" the ex-community officer quit (or was fired), or leaved codemasters without a single word, just after the Video from E3 was made public.

Very strange i think, maybe he violated his NDA? Very strange also, that this happend at the same time as the E3 video appeared and disappeared so quickly again....

Regards, Christian

To sum his posts on the Codemasters-Forum and his photo (i saw one just a few days ago and his overweight was not a beneficial effect on him) up: the only good thing about him was his nickname.

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Its has been confirmed officially that OFP2 will only allow max 32 players in MP... LOL! (yes also for PC)

They making a great game.. and then they limit it in such a way... what are they thinking.

I guess huge games like IC-arma are still on the hand of BIS  biggrin_o.gif

Im more worried about the 256 limit. That means that each one of those 32 players can only command 8 men which in my opinion is a slight step backwards. I wonder what the total command number is.

There's no limits decided yet, not even that 256 AI limit. They were all made up numbers from gamespot.

Stange indeed. The fact about the 32 player limit was brought up by this same guy at the german section... (from where I got it) http://community.codemasters.com/forum....ount=22

they have some internal problems aperantly...

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There's probably also a difference between recommended player counts and supported player counts.

IE, perhaps the official game modes will only support 32 players with 8 AI per player. Given how much bandwidth that would all need, it sounds reasonable. However, that doesn't mean the game won't support more, just that their official maps/mode have that as a reasonable limit.

We'll see.

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To sum his posts on the Codemasters-Forum and his photo (i saw one just a few days ago and his overweight was not a beneficial effect on him) up: the only good thing about him was his nickname.

Please, he's a nice guy and any comments about things like weight are unnecessary in any discussion, let alone this one. Don't go down that road, you don't have the right.

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If the 32-player-limitation goes with realistic ragdoll and precisely accurate bulletholes will be ok/welcome.

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The most fun I've had in ArmA was co-op about 4-7 members of our clan, all playing together as a team and playing Evolution. Every time I join a large ArmA server it's as laggy as hell and not fun at all (both co-op and PvP)

I'd rather have 32 players playing smoothly then 64+ playing with lag.

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Internet connectivity and computers are only going to keep getting better, I'd rather not have a hardcoded limit, so when the hardware can support 128+ players smoothly, we can have it.

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I don't understand why is everybody (literally) throwing dirt on OFP2 that was still not relased crazy_o.gif

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I don't understand why is everybody (literally) throwing dirt on OFP2 that was still not relased crazy_o.gif

Because some people for some reason are real fans of ArmA, and they don't want to accept that OFP 2 might actually prove itself better than ArmA 2.

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I don't understand why is everybody (literally) throwing dirt on OFP2 that was still not relased crazy_o.gif

Because some people for some reason are real fans of ArmA, and they don't want to accept that OFP 2 might actually prove itself better than ArmA 2.

Only time will tell mate.

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I don't understand why is everybody (literally) throwing dirt on OFP2 that was still not relased crazy_o.gif

Because some people for some reason are real fans of ArmA, and they don't want to accept that OFP 2 might actually prove itself better than ArmA 2.

How are they any different to the people saying that OFP2 will be so great before they have even seen it? tounge2.gif

People from both sides of the argument have tried to decide too much from too little info.

There isn't enough info on either game to judge them properly. Hell, maybe they'll both be great - who doesn't want that? biggrin_o.gif

We will all be able to see for ourselves eventually, no point arguing about which is better just yet confused_o.gif

Renders and preview articles from magazines/websites don't tell you how good a game will be or even what it will really be like.

Any long time gamers should recognise this type of crap by now!

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I don't understand why is everybody (literally) throwing dirt on OFP2 that was still not relased crazy_o.gif

Who's doing so?

There's a difference between not falling on the ground before CM saying they are doing everything perfect (and labelling people as ArmA fanbois in the same sentences... lol? ) and throwing dirt on OFP2.

We don't know yet. Saying the game will be awefull or perfect is equally stupid reaction.

Same goes with ArmA2, tbh.

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