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Jonny´s Marines

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Too much of this

Wait I am checking....


JOH_Marines----------1st Infantry Division


4360 times----------3783 times


JOH_Marines Replacement------------ACU Infantry Replacement


1212 times-----------------------------819 times


Jonny! Why you think that this community is not worth your work? Look, they love you.

Not enough of this


I have had some Big crashes and lost a lot of stuff, i had to reinstall everything.

I'm now at the point of reinstalling all arma tools and start setting up a new island.

Maybe its a good plan of recording all in as much as possible pictures and try to create a nice manual out of it.

Well here's my start, sorry it will all be in PDF format.

Part 1, (Visitor3 installation)


Some people should take note, if indeed that relayed statement is true.

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Quote[/b] ]he probably left because of people like you

@USMC123. I "advised" him on the only thing i found not right on

his great units; i didn't called that wrong/default texture an error

or a mistake, i just advised him of what i found just not right.

I call that: Addon Report Info. It's up to him if change it or not, and

i've try to offer some help to Jonny with some few small things.

And also indirect help like promotion and publicity of his Marines,

with each ArmA screenshot that i take and with "my own" addons

too, check out my M4's thread and you'll notice a "best viewed with

the Johnn's USMC" message under the screenshots. Im not a units

maker and not even an addons maker, but i do what i can to support

the things that i like; like his Marines. That has been and will be

in my HD from day one. So... "it may not be for people like me".

Let's C ya

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I'm not trying to be mean but to be honest he probably left because of people like you. Who constantly wanted better then the already awesome addon. Why we probably had a page worth of discussion about the proper combat boot for the Marines to wear. If I was him I'd be pretty annoyed too.

Erm, I hardly think .jonny left because of crits. And we don't even know if he left, it's just a guess. And even if he did, I completely understand him.

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From .Jonny himself
Quote[/b] ]I am going to leave the community of armed assault since the community, in my opinion, is not worth modding/working for anymore.

Well only someone with IQ under 6 could say this. Jonny's marines are great, but if he leaves, let 1st Infantry Division take control.

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+1 WL for flaming and insulting.

<s>I'm closing this now as it's obvious in what direction it goes now.

If jonny ever has something to add he knows where the keys are.</s>

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thread is alive again. Thanks to W0lle for unlocking it again smile_o.gif

anyway i am not posting here without a reason. Yet another minor update this time. Its main features are a greatly improved performance and new backpacks as seen on my sf units.





A big thanks goes to Mr. Burns for the pictures.

Quote[/b] ]Version: 1.6

By: Johannes 'Jonny' Wagner*([email protected])

Requires Armed Assault V1.08



1. Credits

2. Version history

3. Addon Description

4. Classnames

5. Installation

6. Known issues



Wilco for his marpat reference photos



1.0 (06-04-07) (official release)

- First public release

1.1 (07-04-07) (official release)

- Fixed several bugs

- varius config changes

- added woodland marpat

1.2 (11-04-07) (internal release)

- Fixed bugs again

- various changes on the normal maps

- added new details to the textures

1.3 (14-04-07) (official release)

- Fixed the bugs of the bug fixes

- various changes on the normal maps especially fitted to the FSBE AAV

- added new details to the textures

- added new FSBE AAV for the Force Recons

1.4 (12-12-07) (internal release)

- removed the Force Recons, aswell as all the older variants

- replaced the old textures from 1.3 against new textures.

- replaced all old models against new, custom made, models for all remaining variants.

- added new nomex variants of the units

- changed classnames

- added classnames to readme.txt

1.5 (24-12-07) (official release)

- improved the ambient shadow textures

- added new weapons for the squad, and teamleader (m4acog m4acog m203)

- added groups

- fixed nomex units

- fixed various texture bugs

- fixed the selections problems

- fixed the problems with the faces

- fixed the wound problems

- fixed the problems with flawed selections in the shadow lods

1.6 (24-07-08) (official release)

- improved general performance

- added new backpacks



This Addon is representing modern US Marines as of 2008



Desert Units:

joh_marineDBA Desert Rifleman

joh_marineDGL Desert Rifleman GL

joh_marineDME Desert Corpsman

joh_marineDSA Desert Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW)

joh_marineDAT Desert Anti Tank Gunner AT4

joh_marineDAA Desert Anti Aircraft FIM 92

joh_marineDSN Desert Designated Marksman

joh_marineDSL Desert Squad Leader

joh_marineDTL Desert Team Leader

joh_marineDOF Desert Officer

Woodland Units:

joh_marineWBA Woodland Rifleman

joh_marineWGL Woodland Rifleman GL

joh_marineWME Woodland Corpsman

joh_marineWSA Woodland Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW)

joh_marineWAT Woodland Anti Tank Gunner AT4

joh_marineWAA Woodland Anti Aircraft FIM 92

joh_marineWSN Woodland Designated Marksman

joh_marineWSL Woodland Squad Leader

joh_marineWTL Woodland Team Leader

joh_marineWOF Woodland Officer

Nomex Units:

joh_marineNBA Nomex Rifleman

joh_marineNGL Nomex Rifleman GL

joh_marineNME Nomex Corpsman

joh_marineNSA Nomex Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW)

joh_marineNAT Nomex Anti Tank Gunner AT4

joh_marineNAA Nomex Anti Aircraft FIM 92

joh_marineNSN Nomex Designated Marksman

joh_marineNSL Nomex Squad Leader

joh_marineNTL Nomex Team Leader



There are two PBO files in the .rar archive, which need to be extracted into your ArmeA/Addons folder.

Put the following files in your addons folder:





Units can be found under "bluefor\desert Marines", "bluefor\woodland Marines" and "bluefor\nomex Marines".



- None yet

Please visit the Official Forums (http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard311/ikonboard.cgi) for further updates and discussions of this addon.


This is not an official Addon. Use it at your own risk.

Editing or redistributing this addon, or any part of it, is not allowed in any way without my explicit, written, permission.

Enjoy the addon!

Download: http://dl1.armed-assault.de/addons/JOH_Marines_1_6.7z

Edited by Johannes

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Hi, many thanks for the update Jonny; i miss a bit a engineer, but

i can live without it or rearm any unit to take this role. Let's C ya

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Very Nice Jonny,

Again splendid work and keep em comming biggrin_o.gif

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Oh man i would sleep well at night if i knew you were making the units for Arma 2.

Thanks Jonny smile_o.gif .

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looks good man, i loved the new backpacks on the SF and im sure they'll look tons better than the BIS "cube"

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Great job jonny..download and thks for ur awesome coool contributiuon to make arma playable... notworthy.gif

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great work! but why are in v1.6 the pistol holster empty (SquadLeader)?

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suckysuckylongtime as a www site? Thats funny as hell... biggrin_o.gif

Nice work on these units dude. If it wasn't for guys like you and these great addons, I would have stuck ArmA back on the shelf a loooong time ago.

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Am I required to delete JOH_CfgMarpat.pbo, JOH_DesMarpat.pbo and JOH_WodMarpat.pbo files before using the contents of the v1.6 release?

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great work! but why are in v1.6 the pistol holster empty (SquadLeader)?

Possibly for the same reason the drop-leg holsters were empty in his SF pack, my first assumption was something to do with "Queens Gambit".

But I could be wrong.

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great work! but why are in v1.6 the pistol holster empty (SquadLeader)?

Possibly for the same reason the drop-leg holsters were empty in his SF pack, my first assumption was something to do with "Queens Gambit".

But I could be wrong.

I think it QG with nothing to do. The mercenaries in QG have your guns in the holster. But true, the Army SF also empty holster. On armaholic.com there is the Fidelis Recon `s also have your guns in the holster.

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If I use a replacement pack for the original marines, will updating cause that replacement pack to no longer work?

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Johnny I have to quote "Dr. Harlan Wade" from the game F.E.A.R. to describe you : "You will be a God among men". Most thanks to you! Semper Fi!

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Thanks again jonny!  Outstanding work as usual!!  thumbs-up.gif

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