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Elite SEAL

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About Elite SEAL

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  • Interests
    Special Forces and Special Operation units from around the world, The Equipment they use, aswell as the Vehicles and Tactics employed.<br>Computer/Console Games that involve the before-mentioned interests.
  1. Elite SEAL

    AIM Units

    Awesome, seriously looking forward to seeing more screenshots of the addons you guys are creating.
  2. Elite SEAL

    AIM Units

    Nice looking vest/soldier, are you likely to create a Coyote Tan version as well? And what about varients for different classes, such as Rifleman/Grenadier/Machine Gunner all with different pouch layouts? What other custom gear are you guys working on? any new holsters for example? Leg rigs/pouches etc.
  3. Elite SEAL

    ArmA Custom Faces For Free

    Cool, thanks for that anyway wipman. Appreciated.
  4. Elite SEAL

    ArmA Custom Faces For Free

    Hi mate, with the gloves that are used with your custom faces do they normally "overwrite" the ones that might be used with a particular addon if the unit is already wearing gloves? If not would you be keen on doing a custom face with Oakley Assault Gloves shown here, along with a desert camo face scheme and three-colour desert camo sleeves? Thanks very much
  5. Elite SEAL

    Mercs and Civilians

    Great work, vests/pouches are looking very impressive.
  6. Elite SEAL

    Mercs and Civilians

    Excellent work on the vest, very impressive. Will you be creating some new pouches to go along with the vest as well? Like admin/map pouch, pistol magazine pouches, utility pouches etc. Or just stick to the BIS default pouches and vary them up a bit dependent on the load out of a particular class?
  7. Elite SEAL

    Task Force Helmand Modification

    Just out of curiosity will you be doing any 22nd SAS or any other Special Operation unit in this mod? I'm not too clued up as to whether the SAS are even in Helmand Province or not, but figured what with this being a british forces in afghanistan mod you may have included some SAS anyway?
  8. Elite SEAL

    NZDF Mod

    Some very impressive looking stuff there, especially liking the NZLAV.
  9. Elite SEAL

    Metal Gear Solid PMCs (beta)

    Awesome work ardvark, most definitely looking forward to the next release with SCARs aswell, then all thats left is some armed with a Mk14 EBR and a M60E3. Thanks heaps .
  10. Elite SEAL

    Helping Hand's Stuff

    Nice looking Masada HH, just wanting to know however if there will there be versions with Collimator/Red Dot optics (Aimpoint M68/Comp-M2, Trijicon Reflex etc) and/or Holographic sights (Eotech)? Thank you very much for any answers you can give.
  11. Elite SEAL

    Police Units

    Some interesting looking police M113's on that site, like the Calhoun County Sheriff one with "Have A Nice Day" written on the side.
  12. Elite SEAL

    1st Infantry Division

    Randomise via scripting or some such? Will there still be light units without any of the extras, just the vest and such. Have you considered adding any units with drop-leg tactical holsters?
  13. I'm not entirely positive if this has been pointed out before, but if you notice on the Razor Team PDF document that was part of a press release a bit ago they showed the Machine Gunner guy with a Mk48 equipped with a Vertical/Forward Grip and he had a specific animation of him actually holding this. Shown here in the following image. Strangely however, I've noticed some recent pictures, shown on gamestar.de that do not include this animation, as the machine gunner is now holding it by the handguard/lower rail area vs. the vertical grip that is still attached to the weapon. So is the above image just a render, and the animation shown in it not actually a "in-game asset", or was it removed for whatever reason?, if so why keep the vertical grip?
  14. Elite SEAL

    Mercs and Civilians

    Yeah from the pictures of this sasha character, the merc on page 3 is somewhat close, apart from the fact sasha doesn't wear a vest, his shirts a slightly lighter shade with a taller looking collar, aswell as the fact hes a tad lighter skin-toned, and has rough looking stubble. Maybe a interesting idea to make a "sasha" character for the merc pack, as if he "was" working for money wouldn't that technically mean hes a merc? He doesn't have the soldierly look that most of the other blokes did (uniform etc.)
  15. Elite SEAL

    Mercs and Civilians

    Nah man, nothing wrong with eastern/russian mercs and such. Espiecally with the one shown in the previous picture, apart from the skin-tone the guy looked quite similar to the sniper in Behind Enemy Lines (though he wasn't using a SVD Druganov was he?)