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Vilas' addons

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Wow, luckely its WIP cause it really doesn't look like a soldier yet.

WP is the Polish name for their army, situational awareness people... wink_o.gif

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Wow, luckely its WIP cause it really doesn't look like a soldier yet.

WP is the Polish name for their army, situational awareness people...  wink_o.gif

Actually nothing more than the shortening for Wojsko Polskie

just as the P'85 Polish units, LWP - Ludowe Wojsko Polskie (Polish People's Army). wink_o.gif

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Wow, luckely its WIP cause it really doesn't look like a soldier yet.

WP is the Polish name for their army, situational awareness people...  wink_o.gif



But............I was just screwing around, blame it on my working hours.



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how is the project coming along Vilas. You used to update us daily. Just hoping your not loosing interest in completeing the 1985 stuff

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No worries, many many things happen each day.

Vilas was a bit busy lately but meanwhile other things were shaped up, as far as it looks atm this project will become bigger and better than expected wink_o.gif

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No worries, many many things happen each day.

Vilas was a bit busy lately but meanwhile other things were shaped up, as far as it looks atm this project will become bigger and better than expected wink_o.gif

bigger? holy cow, how can it get much bigger than the quest to recreate the largest hypothetical conflict to ever ravage the earth......

is there any way we could get you guys to include some very predominate warsaw pact equipment such as a SA-9 or SA-6

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Cant promise that, first priority are the directly important vehicles like Tanks, APCs etc.

After that is done we can think about stuff like SA-6 and such.

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Are you planing to do the basic chopers for each side too? When i say basic i mean attack , transport and light/recon helicopters. I think the mi-24 D , mi-8/17 and mi-2 will fitt for the red side and the Ah-64 A , uh-60 and oh-6 will be good for the blue side.

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Warsaw Pact will use the Hinds ( RHS/Scars one ) and Mi-8s ( BIS ), cant say much about the NATO forces yet.

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Any news on the WW2 units? I can't wait to get my hands on the new ones...

This modern warfare is a bit too modern for me smile_o.gif

1985 is better, but let's go back to the roots biggrin_o.gif



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Currently all our powers are focused on Project '85 - we can't split everything into several projects, until we'll finish at least one of proper quality.

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about WW2 units i hope you make some vehicles cuz vilas is making lots of vehicles(well and units) so i hope whne you will finish with 1985 project you will focus on WW2 vehicles

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No worries, many many things happen each day.

As for example the capture of a soviet scout by the partisans



Just playing around with ideas for the possible look of the P'85 resistance.

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When I design a MP mission using vilas addons, I get the following error:

You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.


I can put things in the editor and plays fine in preview. I have tried putting the vilas addons in the Addon directory directly and it still doesn't work. Any ideas? thanks.

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Oh man those partisans look awesome!!! Do you think we could get more guys without hats on though? Don't ask me why, but it seems more realistic rather then everyone walking around in all sorts of caps.

Either way, looking abso stunning.

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No worries, many many things happen each day.

As for example the capture of a soviet scout by the partisans


[urlhttp://imageshack.us]p><p>Just playing around with ideas for the possible look of the P

Wolverines!!! http://forums.bistudio.com/oldsmileys/tounge2.gif' alt='tounge2.gif'>

BUt i agree to what Sheps said, bit reshaped ( trucker style caps, less round on front ) caps and knitted wool caps ( black or green ) would fit well for a east european or german resistance.

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The project is growing bigger every day and is taking shape as a 'Total Conversion MOD' that I hope, will respect all 'criterias' of a solid TTC project.

[*] Model Replacements (With the ability to choose different scenarios:

           - USA vs Soviet Troops

           - USA + ... (NATO Nations [incoming Models by our 3D gurus (Vilas, Topas, Yaciek...)) vs Soviet Troops

           ... etc

This aspect of the project is currently under development and further detailed informations would be released once things are seriously reliable.

[*] Realistic Ballistics, Fx values and SFX.

[*] Custom UI elements.

[*] AI tweaks, changes and enhancements.

Thanks to some people, with their permission, the best of what the community actually offers in terms of 'Sounds Effects' and 'Effects' would be incorporated to the MOD, this way has been chosen as it guarantees the quality of some major factors of the project and let us more freedom and time to focus on more significant and imperative aspects. :]



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when you say total conversion mod will it be like the VTE stuff that ooverwrites your default arma screens and then some other mods that overwrite the default bis vehicles?

or like Vilas has done in the past a series of addOns that give the opportunity to create a whole new "episode" in war

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Kinda, Vehicles and soldiers will be replaced.

Bit like FDF mod was for OFP.

Parts of it will also be availeable as standalone addons though.

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Some more variations in developement

(early pre-alpha status; final version will most definately differ a lot from presented, just working out various combinations by a normal trial & error method)

Hats and caps will be surely dealt with, they're here just temporarily wink_o.gif


The idea behind the partisans is to make them look underquipped - in terms of field wear; as they're civilians who just grabed weapons to defend their soil they will have some pseudo-military look. Can't look to well uniformed or like professional mercenaries and will wear second-hand :P sweaters, vests, etc. A rather incidental mixture of green/olive/brown/camoed stuff.

Some of them will be better dressed, don't worry you'll get guys in more 'complete' uniforms as well wink_o.gif

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Hehe, i like these units a lot, exactly what i had in mind when i said we could take the first chechen war as a example for partisans.

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I like that first pic there topas,looks like he let hes mum knit hes camo tounge2.gif

no..it was rather like that..

- Andrzej, where are you going again?

- Don't bother me, guys are waiting downstairs

- You gonna get drunk again!

- Aaaah shut up and find me something brown!

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Spectacular guys. Tha partisans are a great idea.... can we ger one guy in a varsity jacket that says WOLVERINES

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