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Quote[/b] ]Just add more viewdistance, more units, bigger Mission Editor, etc. to the picture and your are (nearly) there.

You will find out oneday that you can´t type with your controller.

No scripting, no real OFP. Period. Call me old fashioned but I prefer to fly with joystick and if Arma comes out OFP Elite users can eat their socks nener.gif

Mods are another issue I won´t miss with OFP. Not downloadable official content, but user made mods. I can´t see that right now for Elite.

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I dont know what people are crying about really, i see so much improvement over OPFR in these pics confused_o.gif .

The water is not Far Cry's, well this is Arma! Its even bigger than OPFR and on a game that does so much the developer has to be carefull where to apply features that consume limited HW resources. The water looks good and we should consider its importance on a game of this magnitude and the work involved in it, did any of you bother to read the Arma press release???

Quote[/b] ]

* New huge sized battlefield (landmass exceeds that of all islands from Flashpoint & Resistance combined)

* New densely populated battlefield (approximately twice the number of objects on all previous islands combined).

One landmass that surpasses Everon, Malden, Kogujev and Nogova together, ofcourse they wont make it look like Far Cry, Arma is 50 times bigger and much more powerfull/capable and i dont even remember seeing highly detailed vehical and weapon models in Far Cry tbh, if you ask me BIS got their priorities right.

Quote[/b] ]

* Large, persistent battles.

* 60+ player multiplayer (plus additional AI), players can join at any time.

Again a reminder that Arma might not look like HL2, are you really that surprised? Do you remember what Flashpoint was/is all about confused_o.gif ?

Moving on... what do i see in these WIP pictures that someone thought we were mature enough to analize..

-Better looking water (yes, much better).

-Very impressive ground textures (really).

-Improved lighting (HDR?).

-Impressive looking vehical models (high polycount).

-Very detailed soldier models.

and more...

After reading so many comunity wish lists, ideas, requests for new features and functionality, jip, large scale MP combat, dynamic gameplay elements, etc i am somehow surprised to see people complaining about the water or the graphics on low resolution WIP pics, really confused_o.gif .

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two things to note about the shot:

human shadows are very very low res and secondly which to me is most dissapointing is WHY oh WHY release screenshot with obvious transparacy problems (brake lights)??

Other than that all still looks great and i'll def buy it in any case.

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two things to note about the shot:

human shadows are very very low res and secondly which to me is most dissapointing is WHY oh WHY release screenshot with obvious transparacy problems (brake lights)??

Other than that all still looks great and i'll def buy it in any case.

probably to show u that its still WIP and they dont edit theyre pics atall, so you know theyre not photoshopped etc maybe smile_o.gif

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Balschoiw, I think you miss the point.

Scripting is old! The less scripting the better the game. Of course you have to define a start of a mission and the rest is up to the AI. That is the future:) ... see Game2.

You don't need triggers or synchronise (if you fight a persistent battle of a few hours, hahaha, no syncs and triggers will solve THAT problem:), but you DO need communication possibilites between units (which partly IS lacking in OFPE:)

The guard waypoint in OFPE is an good example of it. It has its issues but in general it is a extremely powerful waypoint.

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Scripting is old! The less scripting the better the game.

I dont quite understand that statement, looking from a mission designer's perspective.

Take away the scripting and you take away the artistic freedom of the mission designer.

Less scripting - less posibilities

Try something simple like making a 13th unit follow a 12-man team, then after x amount of seconds make him follow a different team. Unless the game support larger groups than 12 I dont see this possible without scripting.

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Guys those additional screens are old, very old, looks like from OFP:E (only the tanks models are newer). The soldiers still use the old anims on those screens and just compare them to the ones released on the arma website, the town in those pics has pavement, more detail and the effects look a bit different too. So don't consider those pics, it' like observing how the butcher prepares your meat.

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Shadow ... Are you being scripted or do you just go on doing your business depending on the situation? There is your answer.

Scripting is very good to 'direct' movie-like sequences. Scripting has nothing to do with AI acting naturaly depending on the situation.

OFP:E feels fab just because of that. Mind you, i don't say OFP:E is perfect, but it does point in a certain direction

Scripting means: I set up a meeting point to get transport (trigger/sync, the sh*t)

Communication & AI means: I just ask for transport at a position (and after 10 minutes go 'What the heck happened to the transport?:)

Communication & AI is the way to go. And it seems like OFP:E, ArmA and certainly Game2 go in that direction.

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Quote[/b] ]Just add more viewdistance, more units, bigger Mission Editor, etc. to the picture and your are (nearly) there.

You will find out oneday that you can´t type with your controller.

No scripting, no real OFP. Period.

As someone who types 60wpm, it is quite amazing that I never noticed that. icon_rolleyes.gif

Yes, we who play OFP:E (and I never stopped playing OFP:CWC/R, altogether, it's just that OFP:E is far more satisfying) are aware of the missing scripting capabilities, but we are also well-acquainted with the fact that the more we play OFP:E the less we miss them. Mission editors are slowly learning that what they wanted the A.I. to do was there all along, they just didn't know how to make it happen with what was offered.

As Marek pointed out in an interview, it is far better to have a simplistic editor + dynamic A.I. = finished missions than complex editor + less-dynamic A.I. = unfinished missions. Sorry, but I was of that camp that would work 40 hours on a mission with a grandiose vision of what it should be, trying to incorporate every cool and fitting script and appropriate addon that I could find at OFPEC or OFP.Info, only to have the drive-wiping bug destroy my work in minutes.

Anyway, OFP:E's graphics are breath-taking. A mere screenshot cannot capture them, because they are fluid and ever-changing. I hope that ArmA's are just like them, only higher-res. (I'd still like to see the yellow-blob explosions become a thing of the past, though.)

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Can we all at least agree that progress is being made, and that the engine is dynamic enough to fulfill the most simple AND most complex of our desires?  OFP and hopefully ArmA was -never- black and white in it's capacity, rarely did it railroad anybody into a corner with no options.  So in these pictures, showing different stages of development and different features, with people wanting this and that... Don't you think you can STILL have it all?

Keep on truckin, BIS  notworthy.gif  yay.gif

Edit: Sorry CsonkaPityu, just read your post.. good point

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Yep, progress has been made. The sequence being OFP, OFPE, ArmA (, Game2)

(And not OFPE, OFP, ArmA ...:)

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Mister, you're talking to someone that underwent "Water Indoctrination" in the United States Army, so don't presume to lecture ME about it, okay?

Did I SAY what would submerge?

And how do you expect to have quality UDT-type operations with what we've got now?


Quote[/b] ]http://games.tiscali.cz/previews/armedassault/img14.jpg

Did anyone post that one yet?

all i want to know is. why do they all look so malnutritioned?

i mean, lord knows, russia's economy isn't exactly envied by the world, but please! biggrin_o.gif

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omg whats that for stoneage screen.

but i wonder if there will be reworked cold war playermodels and for the new campaign some actual soldiers ?

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Maybe they implemented some food/health/fitness system lol rofl.gif like in GTA: San Andreas. You'll get a well muscled soldier if you sucesssfully finished the boot camp tounge2.gif

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Maybe they implemented some food/health/fitness system lol rofl.gif like in GTA: San Andreas. You'll get a well muscled soldier if you sucesssfully finished the boot camp tounge2.gif

YEa right and gain muscle mass in 10sec :/ But I do hope you can get promoted or something and if you don't do well you can't command a squad, something for game2

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If anyone wants to see good water, look at Joint Ops.  The only (slightly negative) thing I sometimes notice about the water in that game is how the oceans simply bob, rather than having proper waves.  But that doesn't really bother me.  I like it how map-makers can choose the colour of the water, so if you are making a map in dense jungle with murky rivers, you can make them like that.  However, if you want tropical looking blueish water, you can colour it so that it fits into place.  Some guys even go so far as to make maps that are 'evil' and so have red tinted water.  Whatever colour it is though, it is always nice to know that you can dive in it, swim in it, and really interact with it, which is a huge part of the realism of that game...

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Here's a deal: instead of a "breathe" bar, you simly get a "time to float" bar, when that's over, you're over.

wait, no more suggestions, was it...? confused_o.gif

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Shadow ... Are you being scripted or do you just go on doing your business depending on the situation? There is your answer.

Scripting is very good to 'direct' movie-like sequences. Scripting has nothing to do with AI acting naturaly depending on the situation.

You are thinking of scripted set-pieces like in classic FPS'

The scripting available in OFP and its descendants is far FAR more extensive than that.

Scripting allows for all manner of events, features and functions that simply would not be possible otherwise.

For example, I was play-testing a mission last night where you control several AI squads to Attack/Defend a town, all I could do was move the squads around via "Assault" or "Advance" orders, the AI played out the rest of the battle. This "communication" with my squads would not be possible without scripting.

You have to think of OFP scripting outside of the regular FPS Set-Piece box, because without it OFP would not be half the game it is today.

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I'm sure maxqubit knows the difference between scripts in OFP and your typical FPS, but I'm also sure that most of the PC players of OFP:R don't know how powerful the new waypoints in OFP:E are.

And I agree about the water in Joint Ops. It was tactically useful, thanks to the murkiness. You could come up for air, have an opponent race towards you in his boat, you'd dive back down, he would shoot into the water where you WERE, then you'd come back up for air in an unexpected place, rinse, repeat. I was able to play cat and mouse with a guy in a zodiac for so long that I managed to get to the beach from way out in the water. There was something about the look of the water from high up that made it look too uniform, though.

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Quote[/b] ]Scripting is old! The less scripting the better the game
This just shows how much some people talking about what they want to see in ArmA know about OFP.... Zero.Same with people suggesting CQB and l33t no-freeaim americas army style urban combat.I hope OFP:Elite better sold well ,so at least someone profits from it.Im a true minority group,i know,but just so multiple opinions are presented in this thread.. Im happy nothing in OFP looks like FarCry(Comical Farcry i might add imo).Im happy that those screens showing the rest of what was probably left converting OFP from the Xbox to the PC are gone in the newer screens.Call me an armchair idiot ,but I cant see how Soldiers,Vehicles,Rpgs wrapped into plastic,smeared with grease are any graphical improvement.I cant see how that strange looking thing you call sea is an improvement. Great someone showed IL2.. Now thats a good example of how to get a Sim more or less right (especially in the money-marking department).

Ravings of a disillusioned wargamer who realizes that there will only be people craving for FPS after FPS without real change huh.gif

P.S: Just so you know what i have been doing in the last year OFP wise,unlike other people i didnt drool over every new addon,but i was in the editor and SCRIPTING.Sounds Terrible Sad,doesnt it

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On water debate:


Now THAT's some water. (wait for second part of video)

right click save as

If we could get anything remotely similar to this in Arma (instead of white lines) I would be very impressed.

The picture looks fantastic. But can you upload an AVI version of the movie? My Quick time player won't play this one for some reason  confused_o.gif . I love Far Cry's water but not seen waves on it like that before  wow_o.gif .

Failing AVI make it a Windows Media Player file, most of us should be able to play it then   whistle.gif

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remeber i heard somewhere theres a hell of a lot of water in ofp now making it all look like that would make you lagg.. thats why its basic.. now i knw the old water probs looked better but remember if we can get something like kegetys refeltive water back into arma im sure it will be fun again tounge2.gif

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You can view it with VLC (minimalistic player that supports almost every format)

The dark blue water of the last shot would fit OFP but it's not that realistic looking, especially the movement and poor view distance of waves. If I had to choose I'd take IL2's water instead.

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lwlooz, play OFPE, than come back again.

The attitude of some OFP die-hards to think of OFPE as a 'lesser' game is just mind boggling (just because it is on console)

OFPE was developed AFTER OFP, that should be enough argument to treat OFPE with the respect it deserves! And just, try out that damned GUARD waypoint, and it will be clear what i (and Uzi) am talking about.

Why the hell would i spent weeks on a mission when i use just one template (i need more BIS:) and throw in some GUARD waypoints, and in 30 minutes have a hell of a mission which is fun and demanding both solo and coop EVERY SINGLE RUN i play it thru.

Check out the vid, watch the beach fight. All the action you see is just some GUARD waypoints. The first BMP which arrives is just one lousy GUARD waypoint in a base at 2 kms away. The HIND, and the soldiers, everything, all on GUARD ... Only the passing mixed armor platoon is on a route, but also has an GUARD as end waypoint.

GUARD could be improved (check the OFPE threads, and read about our testing and trying:), but the idea and excecution is already brilliant!

And think of what i said before. How would you 'script' a mission which could go on for hours with hundreds of units in which you are only a lone soldier? You can't. You will depend on the AI, not on the scripting ... this is the promise of Game2:)

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