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Posibility of life jacket increasing your chances of surviving in the water would be a good addition (Operation Frenchpoint already have a life raft implemented in OFP).

Treading water for a long time will no doubt tire you out; that would also be a great feature (we don't know if that is possible or not yet) will provide another element of gameplay.

Get a life jacket and you can survive in the water longer.

Will transitioning from Water to land mean that you run slower due to your clothes and boots becoming water logged? We can only speculate... whistle.gif

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...Will transitioning from Water to land mean that you run slower due to your clothes and boots becoming water logged? We can only speculate... whistle.gif

Thats the kind of realism BIS will leave out for us to implement...But then again maybe not!

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Looking good. Swimming is a nice surprise. Building collapse is an ok compromise. With sound (hopefully a big loud crashing sound) during gameplay it should appear better. Could probably mod the dust to hang in the air far longer.

Thumbs up Bis.

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i want this game now now now not 07 biggrin_o.gif

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...its also really good to see the publishers starting to do their job and getting the word out about the game. good one morphicon

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...i want this game now now now not 07 biggrin_o.gif



(For all of those who don't understand the meaning of the image, see this)

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I had this problem too, i got only 1 kb per file downloaded.

After a while I retried and it could download the videos without problems.Best try it again later, Morphicons server could be busy because of all ArmA freaks downloading the videos right now wink_o.gif

edit: damn, too late whistle.gif

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Is the flight-modell in Armed Assault the same as in OFP and will it be possible to walk inside moving aircraft like it was shown in those VBS1 trailers?

sorry haven't been following all the recent news. and please don't refer me to read to find the answer in the 279 pages of this thread myself icon_rolleyes.gif

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Good show BIS!!!!

Swimming is really a very nice addition.

Collapsing buildings is also good.

Rolling is fun

(It so much fun to reply to friends 'Yeah you can do that in ArmA' if they ask about the game ... i have the impression they become sick and tired to hear this sentence over and over again:)

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Youtube anyone?

I hope its realistic in that if your going so fast when you hit the water you die.. perhaps a fastrope or something and kill any people who eject out of a harrier into the water..

Think of the SEAL missions we can do now biggrin_o.gif And the stealth, and the Ahhh!!!! *Gargles* rofl.gif

I think its a bad move to have the US be the last to get the game.. everyones just going to get it from a torrent site.. torrent or not, im buying this thing one way or another **eBay!!**

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The rolling and the swimming look great. So does that heli flight. The dust from the tank firing looks cool, but the muzzle flash isn't convincing. It doesn't expand fast and violent enough, and the sprite is ugly. Needs an overbright flash, too. smile_o.gif

I do hope that house falling is just a placeholder, too. It totaly defies gravity. crazy_o.gif

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Yup, its faster than WTCs going down smile_o.gif hopefully they'll have the time to slow it down 1/2 and add more smoke & rubble animation.

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...i want this game now now now not 07 biggrin_o.gif


(For all of those who don't understand the meaning of the image, see this)

Whats the Image after GO PLAY tounge2.gif comon cant end it there biggrin_o.gif

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I wonder if we will be able to prevent weapons loosing while swimming. I won't imagine addon/mission makers being forced to script such an anti-feature to represent SEAL type units ingame.

About the tank/house video, I'm sure the smoke, debrise, flash effects given by firing tanks will be modded in no time the moment the game will be out. Same for the destoyed buildings model and effects. Anyone notice that the tracks of the tank sinks in the sidewalk?


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I have seen no evidence of any of this in any of the screenshots or videos thus far.

Never said there was,I was saying how it would be a nice feature to make things more realistic,instead of infantry having an animation for a certain vehicle type for every vehicle type that falls into that category,each vehicle/weapon could have its own animation so to speak.

Did you take what I said to mean that I was disagreeing with you? All I was saying is that I haven't seen any evidence to affirm what you were hoping. Apparently there might be something in an interview. It would be great if someone could recall which interview and link us to it. But I must say, that this is the first I've heard of this possible system you're suggesting.

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Nah I thought you thought that it was in the game and were explaining that you have not seen it in the game so I was pointing out that it isn't in the game,I don't think the system will be in AA,Game2 perhaps or hopefully so, I don't think it is currently possible to make custom animations for vehicles and weapons.

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I love new features from the short vids ! Rolling and swimming looks great ! Destroyable buildings is a big step forward in realistics/tactical shoters, it doesnt look to good on this vid but it is great to have this feature in AA. If the collapsing could be a bit slower and the dust could stay for about 30 s I would be absolutely happy ! smile_o.gif Great job BIS ! I just cant wait to buy this game inlove.gif

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love the new vids, just didn't get what was so special about the blackhawk movie. But it could just been the blonde in me that came out there tounge2.gif

Nah seriously, great work with the swimming, i just wonder can i be shot while swimming? biggrin_o.gif or overrun and killed, dammaged by boats? rofl.gif get the new tractor kill to zodiac or patrol boat go seal hunting.

hehe anyways also great to see they are working on the destreuctible buildings. Bi you really do better and more ambitious work than other game developers. smile_o.gif

Just the timing it fells apart is a bit fast maybe, just slwoing it down a few seconds and increasing the smoke cloud a bit or make it random maybe? biggrin_o.gif

Also the rolling manevour totally made me forget that my left foot is hurting a bit thumbs-up.gif

sweet stuff there! inlove.gif

i know this could drive people crazy but what about making a sea mod where you have different fish and stuff. then you can have sharks that could be scripted like sheep or something, but when humans or other eatable stuff comes nere them they don't run away but they circle around and go eating it. tounge2.gif

Im thinking a sort of zombie mod for the sea, maybe even turn players into sharks then making it very hard for the remaining players.

i mean arma will feature customizable a.i and animals so i think its not impossible smile_o.gif maybe make the sharks for missions have special scripts that make them show up at certain areas or so at certain times of the day to eat or something. Maybe if you are a diver or navy seal you want to take it very easy to cross those shark rich areas at special times. whistle.gif

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As I recall they said you'd lose all weapons upon entering the water and swimming except for your hand gun if you had one.

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I am very disappointed that the tank round (first two fired) did not blow a hole in the side of the buildung.

Thats what I had expected from destructable buildings ! i.e. blowing a whole with an RPG or satchel into the wall instead of having the whole building collapse ... thats uncool.

And also that the barrel designation is used. Instead the round (APFSDS, HEAT or HE-F) should be displayed but what for the name of the Cannon ? External Link

I hope that at least the latter problem will be solved.

btw. the dust blown into the air by the the tank firing settles very fast.. one second it is widespread... the other second it has disappeard confused_o.gif

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