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FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

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I was a bit alarmed when I installed v 3.5 and it looks like it replaced some of the default ofp files. As a mod that is not what I expected (expect to have all files placed in the flashfxur directory). A bad side effect is that when I run the uninstall for flashfxur it removes the replaced files and I am left with a broken ofp installation. A list of replaced files would be usefull (and a warning about which ones will be replaced before its done).

I think that it copies some default files into the FFxUR folder and alters those copies, but I don't know.

Quote[/b] ]On the subject of missions are there any missions avialable that makes use of all the great work done here? I didn't see any missions included in the mod.

Well you can load any mission that's using regular BIS units and they will be replaced if you're running this mod. smile_o.gif

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In the next edition you could put some of the new sea textures, maybe even artilery support pack for the editor... tounge_o.gif

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seminara - the drivers don't do the same thing as overclocking. They push the software side to the limit, not the hardware. You only have a real risk of damage when you overclock as well as use extreme config drivers.

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Prepare for the 6th of April guys,

then the Patch 4.12 comes out with new features and hopefully with the dead of the bugs tounge_o.gif



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Probably a typo, but I think you meant patch 4.2, Tom ;)

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I find a bug,the drop weapons script must have something wrong with it,thunderbird you need do it like what I do.

first when he handdhit he knows pick up it again

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I noticed that sometimes if you fire a tank shell at an infantry unit there will meerly be a little puff of smoke next to him (like a normal rifle round). That only happens with the Sabot rounds though (or whatever they are now called)

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Buggish - when you use any AT/AA sights and while you're looking through them, you press "B" for binoculars, you just being throwen out of the sights view to normal view, still holding the AT/AA weapon, but the weapon is described as "Binoculars", and to switch back to anything else you have to do it through the action menu...

And thats it tounge_o.gif

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How is it all going? Maybe a list of things to come? (i'm checking this forum twice a day, waiting for news, just wanted to post something biggrin_o.gif )

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Nice.. new patch, but I sincelery want new textures for the M16 sad_o.gif

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Have you guys gotten rid of that add-on cleaner deal where you can only use the addons that directly replace and originals and others don't even appear?

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@ ThePara - i'm sure they are all there but with different names. I myself have had no problems as far as that is concerned.

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this is a great mod, and many thanks for putting all the effort in, one thing though that is REALLY REALLY WRONG, and thats the re-positioning of the editor buttons, and gui buttons in general.

Rule 1 of interface design = dont mess with users preconceptions of buttons. If for 4 years people have been used to having 'preview' in a certain place, NEVER move it somewhere else and put 'exit' min its place, people remember positions much more than names.

I design and make front-end interfaces for a living in the games industry, so i feel kinda rightous about this issue ;)

Please please please move the buttons back to their orginal layout, or at least the order in which they have been for so many years.

As I said this is the only bad thing in this mod, everything else is truely brilliant. i hope you and all the others keep ofp alive and kicking for the next couple of years.



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sorry guys, but i am sure the GUI will stay the way it is now, maybe some minor changes, but i don't think TB will change the order of the buttons.

also will the clean editor thing stay as you all would have to dl another time 750 mb of addons again what would be unacceptable i guess

but thanks for all the compliments guys

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When the next patch release? Clean editor is absolutely fine, there is nothing wrong with it.

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OK, first off this is a great mod: i'm actually replaying CWC campaign and all i can say is that this is like playing a different and much better game.

But, i'm experiencing a strange and frustrating happening for every mission that need the use of the M60 tank.

At one point the screen becomes black and even if the crew still continue to receive and obey my orders i can't see nothing!

Sometimes i can get out of the tank and every time the discover is always the same: my tank looses it's turret!!!

Yesyesyes, probably it's a bug caused by the addon, but i think i'm doing the right thing to notify this weird happening to you all, just to know if someone else experienced the same thing....that prevent me to complete the mission!!! sad_o.gif


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Does this mod replaces original files now? I thought it doesnt. I like this thing very much but i will not be able to play in multiplayer, and thats shit.

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it doesn't. its a new folder in your flashpoint dir (ffxur)

if you want play original game just delete the -mod=ffxur in the shortcut of OFP ;)

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Quote[/b] ]Does this mod replaces original files now? I thought it doesnt. I like this thing very much but i will not be able to play in multiplayer, and thats shit.

Yes, it does.

I reallized when I uninstalled FFUR 3.5 with uninstaller.

My original Abel, Eden, Cain pbos inside OFP/DTA folder was erased from my PC completely.

Intaller replaces original files with hi-res ones and simply removed it when you were unintall with uninstaller.exe.

Be careful mate. Should be better to back up those files before Install or Uninstall FFUR.

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My original Abel, Eden, Cain pbos inside OFP/DTA folder was erased from my PC completely.

Intaller replaces original files with hi-res ones and simply removed it  when you were unintall with uninstaller.exe.

Be careful mate. Should be better to back up those files before Install or Uninstall FFUR.

I've experienced a similar problem. FFUR was uninstalled but explosion effects are now different in the game and several islands have been altered. This has destroyed several MP missions for me (because placement of buildings and terrain is now different on different computers).

Now, for my question:

Can I simply replace the "damaged" island files/folders with folders from the original CD? If yes, what folder(s) needs to be replaced?

Can I replace the "damaged" eplosion files/folders with folders from the original CD? If yes, what folder(s) needs to be replaced?

Please tell me I don't have to reinstall OFP completely to get my original Everon/Kolgujev/Explosions/etc back. If that's the only solution a warning label seems to be adequate for this mod: PLEASE DO NOT INSTALL - WILL ALTER YOUR ORIGINAL FILES BEYOND REPAIR

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