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FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

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I have installed the 4.3 Patch, but if i get wounded or die(Grouprespawn-Mission), then i lost the sounds. I can hear only the radio, but no other sounds like from a Tank or weapon shots. crouched-lean anims also not included in 4.3??

sorry for bad English

Regards Intruder

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I have installed the 4.3 Patch, but if i get wounded or die(Grouprespawn-Mission), then i lost the sounds. I can hear only the radio, but no other sounds like from a Tank or weapon shots.

This happened to me once during multi-player, before 4.3 (4.2 I guess), but I hadn't respawned, but ejected out of a plane.

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Bloody good work! Btw, what is body explosion??? Would be great if it was possible to have detatchable limbs tounge_o.gif

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Patch 4.5 should be finished by Tonight (that's GMT tonight) and will contain the best animations yet for OFP!

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IS taht me or FFUR has standart BIS animations??? even when i download animations manually< or replace then in RES folder and OFP data folder... OFP still has standart animations

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oh this one?! i saw it in y2k3smile_o.gif i was just standing next to the russian tank, when it was destroyed by abrams and i saw how my meat, bones ane blood exploded :DD that was realy cool... and is!

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IS taht me or FFUR has standart BIS animations??? even when i download animations manually< or replace then in RES folder and OFP data folder... OFP still has standart animations

nope, sactuarys anims are used and locke's first ones

@ all:

Patch 4.5 could be ready tomorrow if you're lucky guys, depends on how far we get the translations we need smile_o.gif

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IS taht me or FFUR has standart BIS animations??? even when i download animations manually< or replace then in RES folder and OFP data folder... OFP still has standart animations

nope, sactuarys anims are used and locke's first ones

@ all:

Patch 4.5 could be ready tomorrow if you're lucky guys, depends on how far we get the translations we need  smile_o.gif

hmm strange why they are not working.. even when replaced in OFP data folder.

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hmm strange, maybe try a reinstall of ffur or maybe the incoming patch fixes it, but they should be there, and are there, sorry that i cannot help any further, maybe you could specify what animations you mean, cause if you're talking about the new ones by locke you'll have to wait until the next patch, but if even sanctuarys anims don't work, then i don't know why

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Is there something i need to set to make body explosions?rock.gif How do i do that please?

How do i setup the configs to work at powerful pc??

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was a little mistake in the body explosion config, but in a few days there should be Patch 4.5 and this will fix it

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But how do i use these "config" files anyway?? Have i got to place one of the folders somewhere. I want to use the high power pc one. Explain how i would do this please  sad_o.gif

Btw, fireing smoke shield on the M1A1 Abrams will cause a sound bug to occur. Check that out.

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Can I manage which effects and scripts are enabled through the editable configs? For example, If I just wanted the replaced units, skies, night vision, tracers, and sound - would it be possible to disable the other effects? Also have you considered making an options menu rather than swappable configs? Thanks for all your hard work; the pack is a lot of fun.

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Yeah, making an options menu would be great ! TB84, I love your work : just amazing. wink_o.gif

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@masternetxp: source seem to be the tracers, wait for the incoming patch

@others: that would need a lot of work, if it is possible anyway, so it is not planned atm

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Hey i got a problem here. Whenever i press the M key to bring up my map, OFP sometimes crashes to the desktop. Any1 else had the same problem? Cause i need help.

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Has anyone mentioned the blood effect where it goes like 40 feet in the air?

I knew I blew the guy apart but that's quite high. wink_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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Would it be possible in the next patch to introduce a very low cpu config? I'm thinking along the lines of unit replacement, tracer script, nvg, sky, sound, editor adjustments and animation, but no explosive effects, blood, or other scripts?

I love the immersion that this pack offers, but my computer just can't handle all the fancy stuff and number crunching of the >1300 MgHz configs. Thanks for putting out this pack and keep up the good work!

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