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Csla 2

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Thanks "Spojar" is the right way to make the support work.

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I've just been able to try the mod for the first time. I must say the intro is incredible! The amount of work that must have been poured into it doesn't bear thinking about. Some people here have said it could be shorter, and although I can see where they're coming from, I didn't find it boring in the least. I'm just stunned by the length and quality of it. Unfortunately it crashed for me at the point just after the big infantry battle after the Soviets land on Nogova and the scene then switches to the CSLA base. I got a CTD with error message 'bad p3d file'. This may be due to the fact that I was running v1.96, or more likely due to one of my many data3d changes. I will have to try it again later.

I haven't actually played any of the missions yet but I must agree with everyone else here who has complained about the very high armour values of the various armoured vehicles added in the mod. This is in my opinion a real mistake as it renders all these superb looking units almost unuseable. I don't expect everything to be balanced with the BIS stuff as I realise it is a total conversion, but I also don't expect all the armoured vehicles to be balanced with nothing! As it stands now these fairly soft targets are more like main battle tanks.

But that's the only real gripe I have about this excellent mod. There's so much great stuff to play with. I especially like the new UAZ, Ural and Mi-8/17, which look so crisp compared to the BIS ones. The fact that you went to the effort of creating new versions of these existing units just adds to the kudos you deserve. And of course the Hinds, which I could place on a runway in the editor and just look at for hours.

Well done guys. smile_o.gifunclesam.gif

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hey.. this is a great mod..

i like all of the new units, and the campaign is great.

heres my two cents:

like others have said, the pt-76 and bmps are way over armoured.

the intro and cut scenes are great, but after spending 15 hours downloading the mod at 56k, i could have used about 40 minutes less of russian soldiers marching and getting into helocopters.

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YEA HEY, whatever happened to that kick ass MIG 15rock.gif


would it be possible for inquisitor to share his standalone config? maybe this will be the only way we can have a war between finns and the czechs wink_o.gif

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Truley outstanding. FFJ guys. Loved the intro ontill my comp crash cose the power went out and had to watch the intro gain sad_o.gif Love the units only thing wrong is the Sa 58 sounds kinda weak dosnt it. never mind. FFJ biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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I know the campaign cheat. All I had to do was watch 67 mins again.

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info from Bobby:

RPG-75 in CSLA mod is counted as the weakest AT wepon. Why? In reality RPG-75 is tube launched disposable weapon (as LAW) with relatively small caliber. In game is is possible to reload it and those two facts (small caliber = low penetration and reload prob) we decide to solve by setting such a way as you can see in a game. In CSLA mod it is very light weapon which should be used only against soft skinned targets (car, trucks, bunkers). So facts you have mentioned don't show "thick skin" of BVP, but weakness of RPG-75. In case of AT fight go for RPG-7, preferably RPG-7V with precise heat jet. RPG 7V is real tank killer in CSLA mod. Solving of the RPG-75 disposability is planned for update. One hint don't shoot AT weapon from side, because of reduction of AT - power by track selection (power is not strong enough to K/O the hull then) of the fire geoimetry model. Try to hit turret or hull - only one component of the fire geometry lod.

I am writing CSLA mod handbook at the moment. All will be decribed there.

Americans in Vietnam destroyed NVA PT-76's with one 66mm LAW, with only 14mm of armour it is very vulnerable to practically everything including anti tank rifles. The BMP series of tanks carries its fuel in the back doors, and its ammunition near the sides of the APC. I have heard of 50 caliber shells defeating the armour and causing fatal explosions. You say that the RPG-7 is a tank killer but it still takes me 2 shots to disable a tank, and by then it has turned around and shot me. The RPG-75 can defeat over 200mm of homogenous steel armour at 30 degree slope, I don't think any APC in this pack can survive a hit to the main compartment from any of these RPGs. If you don't want one hit kills, perhaps you should make the RPGs capable of disabling a tread or the turret in on hit.

From what I read in Bobby post, they are perfectly aware that LAW and RPG-75 can indeed defeat BMP and other APCs.

The fact is that LAW and RPG-75 are disposable, you can't reload them, you shoot, you throw it. OFP LAW/RPG-75 aren't disposable.

Reducing damage is CSLA's workaround.

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Very Good MOD biggrin_o.gif I like it, the intro is very good, it must be a hard work for make this scene with bullet time tounge_o.gif It's a wonderful mod.

But i'm ok with some guys a RPG shoot a BMP or PT76 with one shot or made critical damage but here we must shot 3 RPG it's good for a T80 or M1A1 today with the charge on his armour but not for a PT76 wink_o.gif But I love this new mod and the bullet who not kill you in head at 500m crazy_o.gif It's hard to shoot and kill at 150m but it's more fun and realistic blues.gif

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From what I read in Bobby post, they are perfectly aware that LAW and RPG-75 can indeed defeat BMP and other APCs.

The fact is that LAW and RPG-75 are disposable, you can't reload them, you shoot, you throw it. OFP LAW/RPG-75 aren't disposable.

Reducing damage is CSLA's workaround.

I could think about two options:

1. Assume that they do not reload but take another LAW/RPG-75 out of the Rucksack (maybe increasing the reload time or creating completely new anims...)

2. Make the LAW/RPG-75 ammo as big (with respect to ammo slots) as e.g. Carl Gustav or Strela rockets.

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Yes, I agree. IMHO decrasing RPG's dammage values was bad choice to simulate no reloading ability. I hope they'll fix it in that upcoming patch. wink_o.gif

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I would rather point to OFrP ABL ;)

Yeah, the OFrP disposable weapon script is a great thing.

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I love this Mod, most vehicles are quite nice...especially the right scaled BMPs and T72s..

I also like the way the plane steering is handeled now, with working rudder axis, separeted from aileron axis when airborne.

The only letdown is the old Mi-24 Cockpit, which blocks sight onto targets when unsing Gun oder Rockets...

In't it possible to remove the non funktioning Radar warner and Clock texture in an update...?

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I would rather point to OFrP ABL ;)

Maybe a work around would be to make the RPG round a (x3) pistol ammo item, so you could only ever carry one round. Or (x2) if it was reasonable for a man to carry two such disposable items.

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Noticed this, thought a picture would explain it best smile_o.gif I love the mod and the campaign! Great stuff guys!

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I found a solution to fix the bugs on the Mi-8MBT and the Mi-24P.

---> config errors

here two pics with right config

Mi-8MBT with moving turret


GSh-30K cannon shot from right place


here the turret config for Mi-24P

class TurretBase





gunBeg="usti hlavne";

gunEnd="konec hlavne";








class Turret: TurretBase{};

here the turret config for Mi-8MBT

class TurretBase





gunBeg="usti hlavne";

gunEnd="konec hlavne";








class Turret: TurretBase{};

solution to fix the moving commander turret:

class ComTurret





gunBeg="usti hlavne";

gunEnd="konec hlavne";








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Thanx Inquisitor. I found that way how to fix those bugs too smile_o.gif

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Is the 12.7mm nosegun on Mi-8M really vertically turnable in real life? I thought you could only move it horizontally rock.gif?

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Found a pretty major bug: The BMP sound does not loop correctly, it has almost a second in between the sounds. This happens all the time, it sounds like the BMP is driving a bit and the stopping, then starting again etc. even though it's driving at full speed. rock.gif

Also, PLEASE make a way to use the Russian vehicles without CSLA mod, since I can't use any nice effects with CSLA and it loads a lot of addons that I usually don't use, but I would need the Russian addons soo much all the time, they are so good! sad_o.gif

I beg of you!

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got some errors on campaign mission 15 where you get must kill the crew and take their thanks after that mission at intro it says cannot load mission missing addons prim tried to overloop the problem with campaign cheat but further on some other missions same error sad_o.gif

what is the prim or can it be fixed in next update rock.gif

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I have to agree with the OFrP ABL system being used instead of reduced RPG/LAW efficiency. The current way of making up for the RPG's/LAW's not being reloadable takes too much from the playability. Example, a group of eight paras face off with a Russian BMP one AI RPG-grenadier fires at the BMP and hits, as he is reloading the BMP eradicates the entire squad. Really makes tank busting on foot a chore. Otherwise I really love the mod and the campaign...

Oh, by the way. I read that people said the explosion effects were new... I have to disagree...

Explosion effect running regular OFP.

Explosion effect running OFP+FDF

Explosion effects running OFP+CSLA II for 1.96 BETA

They might be new... But to be honest I can't see the difference after playing with new explosions since I don't remember when. But still, only a minor gripe. As stated, great work CSLA team.

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Found a pretty major bug: The BMP sound does not loop correctly, it has almost a second in between the sounds. This happens all the time, it sounds like the BMP is driving a bit and the stopping, then starting again etc. even though it's driving at full speed. rock.gif

Also, PLEASE make a way to use the Russian vehicles without CSLA mod, since I can't use any nice effects with CSLA and it loads a lot of addons that I usually don't use, but I would need the Russian addons soo much all the time, they are so good! sad_o.gif

I beg of you!

I would love it if all the CSLA addons were made availible separatley from the mod. As I prefer the FDF and ECP editor and these units are too good to miss out on.

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@ExtracTioN :

Thanx for bug report. We look at this bug in mission 15 and we will fix it in first update.

Plz on which version of OFP are you running CSLA2?

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