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About whisperFFW06

  • Rank
    Gunnery Sergeant
  1. whisperFFW06

    Common Armour Values System

    FI, I just found the config.cpp I used for tests last year (or more? ). Like I said in the old thread, I didn't find anything usefull or reliable derived from these tests, just what seemed to be hints on the way damage system works. You can run the same tests by making a pbo with only this config.cpp and shooting at Bradleys under "Whis test" class. I used the EH "hit" to get the amount of damage done, EH "Dammaged" nearly never triggers. In case you find something wrong in the way it's made or anything, plz point it out <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// some basic defines #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 // type scope #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 #define CanSeeRadar 1 #define CanSeeEye 2 #define CanSeeOptics 4 #define CanSeeEar 8 #define CanSeeCompass 16 #define CanSeeRadarC CanSeeRadar+CanSeeCompass #define CanSeeAll 31 class CfgPatches { class WhisTestArmor { units[]={"testM2Struct2", "testM2Struct1", "testM2BaseS2", "testM2Struct2H5", "testM2BaseS1"}; requiredVersion=1.40; requiredAddons[]={Bradley}; }; }; class CfgAmmo { class Default{}; class BulletSingle : Default {}; class ExplosiveBullet: BulletSingle {}; class Cannon25HE: ExplosiveBullet {}; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Explosive ammos. Slight directHit put to force EH hit to be triggered // HEXX means XX indirectHit, 20 directHits always done class WhisTestHE50: Cannon25HE { scopeWeapon=private scopeMagazine=public airLock=1; hit=20; cost=500; indirectHit=50; indirectHitRange=0.1; }; class WhisTestHE100: WhisTestHE50 { indirectHit=100; }; class WhisTestHE150: WhisTestHE50 { indirectHit=150; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AP ammos. No indirectHit set. Various values class WhisTestAP45: BulletSingle { hit=45; indirectHit=0; indirectHitRange=0; }; class WhisTestAP35: BulletSingle { hit=35; indirectHit=0; indirectHitRange=0; }; class WhisTestAP40: BulletSingle { hit=40; indirectHit=0; indirectHitRange=0; }; class WhisTestAP50: BulletSingle { hit=50; indirectHit=0; indirectHitRange=0; }; class WhisTestAP150: BulletSingle { hit=150; indirectHit=0; indirectHitRange=0; }; class WhisTestAP120: BulletSingle { hit=90; indirectHit=0; indirectHitRange=0; }; class WhisTestAP100: BulletSingle { hit=100; indirectHit=0; indirectHitRange=0; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class Default{}; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AP Canon used on Test M2. Fitted with all AP ammo listed above class WhisCanonTest: Default { scopeWeapon = public; scopeMagazine = private; shotFromTurret = true; reloadSound[]={"",0,0}; backgroundReload = true; magazines[] = {WhisTestAP35, WhisTestAP40, WhisTestAP45, WhisTestAP50, WhisTestAP100, WhisTestAP120, WhisTestAP150}; }; class Cannon25HE: Default{}; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AP magazines listing. (some HE slipped through! To be sorted.) class WhisTestHE10: Cannon25HE { ammo=WhisTestHE10; magazineReloadTime=10; displayName="HE 10"; displayNameMagazine="HE 10"; shortNameMagazine="HE 10"; initSpeed=1100; multiplier=1; }; class WhisTestAP40: Cannon25HE { reloadTime=0.26666; ammo=WhisTestAP40; magazineReloadTime=10; displayName="AP 40"; displayNameMagazine="AP 40"; shortNameMagazine="AP 40"; initSpeed=1345; multiplier=1; }; class WhisTestAP45: Cannon25HE { reloadTime=0.26666; ammo=WhisTestAP45; magazineReloadTime=10; displayName="AP 45"; displayNameMagazine="AP 45"; shortNameMagazine="AP 45"; initSpeed=1345; multiplier=1; }; class WhisTestAP35: Cannon25HE { reloadTime=0.26666; ammo=WhisTestAP35; magazineReloadTime=10; displayName="AP 35"; displayNameMagazine="AP 35"; shortNameMagazine="AP 35"; initSpeed=1345; multiplier=1; }; class WhisTestAP50: Cannon25HE { reloadTime=0.26666; ammo=WhisTestAP50; magazineReloadTime=10; displayName="AP 50"; displayNameMagazine="AP 50"; shortNameMagazine="AP 50"; initSpeed=1345; multiplier=1; }; class WhisTestAP150: Cannon25HE { reloadTime=0.26666; ammo=WhisTestAP150; magazineReloadTime=10; displayName="AP 150"; displayNameMagazine="AP 150"; shortNameMagazine="AP 150"; initSpeed=1345; multiplier=1; }; class WhisTestAP120: Cannon25HE { reloadTime=0.26666; ammo=WhisTestAP120; magazineReloadTime=10; displayName="AP 120"; displayNameMagazine="AP 120"; shortNameMagazine="AP 120"; initSpeed=1345; multiplier=1; }; class WhisTestAP100: Cannon25HE { reloadTime=0.26666; ammo=WhisTestAP100; magazineReloadTime=10; displayName="AP 100"; displayNameMagazine="AP 100"; shortNameMagazine="AP 100"; initSpeed=1345; multiplier=1; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HE (indirectHit) Canon used on test M2. class WhisCanonTestHE: Default { scopeWeapon = public; scopeMagazine = private; shotFromTurret = true; reloadSound[]={"",0,0}; backgroundReload = true; magazines[] = {WhisTestHE50, WhisTestHE100, WhisTestHE150}; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HE mags listing. class WhisTestHE50: Cannon25HE { reloadTime=0.26666; ammo=WhisTestHE50; magazineReloadTime=10; displayName="HE 50"; displayNameMagazine="HE 50"; shortNameMagazine="HE 50"; initSpeed=1345; multiplier=1; }; class WhisTestHE100: Cannon25HE { reloadTime=0.26666; ammo=WhisTestHE100; magazineReloadTime=10; displayName="HE 100"; displayNameMagazine="HE 100"; shortNameMagazine="HE 100"; initSpeed=1345; multiplier=1; }; class WhisTestHE150: Cannon25HE { reloadTime=0.26666; ammo=WhisTestHE150; magazineReloadTime=10; displayName="HE 150"; displayNameMagazine="HE 150"; shortNameMagazine="HE 150"; initSpeed=1345; multiplier=1; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class All{}; class AllVehicles: All{}; class Land: AllVehicles{}; class LandVehicle: Land{}; class Tank: LandVehicle{}; class APC: Tank{}; class M113: APC{}; class Bradley: M113{}; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base test M2 : armor 100, armorStruct 2.0 class testM2Struct2:Bradley { displayName="Test Bradley S2"; gunnerCanSee = CanSeeAll; vehicleClass="Whis test"; armor=100; armorStructural=2.0; class HitEngine {armor=0.5;material=60;name=engine;passThrough=1;} class HitHull {armor=0.7;material=50;name=hull;passThrough=1;}; class HitTurret {armor=0.9;material=51;name=turet;passThrough=1;}; class HitGun {armor=1;material=52;name=gun;passThrough=1;}; class HitLTrack {armor=0.2;material=53;name=pasL;passThrough=1;}; class HitRTrack {armor=0.2;material=54;name=pasP;passThrough=1;}; armorHull=0.7; armorTurret=0.9; armorGun=1; armorEngine=0.5; armorLights=0.2; armorTracks=0.2; weapons[]={"WhisCanonTest", "WhisCanonTestHE"}; magazines[]={"WhisTestAP35","WhisTestAP40","WhisTestAP45","WhisTestAP50","WhisTestAP100","WhisTestAP120","WhisTestAP150", "WhisTestHE50", "WhisTestHE100", "WhisTestHE150"}; //threat[] VSoft, VArmor, VAir threat[]={0.75,0.75, 0.5}; irScanRange=3500; irScanGround=3500; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // base test M2 but with armorStruct = 1.0 class testM2Struct1: testM2Struct2 { displayName="Test Bradley S1"; armorStructural=1.0; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // base test M2 with lowered HitHull value (testing of HitHull effect) class testM2Struct2H5: testM2Struct2 { displayName="Test Bradley S2H5"; class HitHull {armor=0.4;material=50;name=hull;passThrough=1;}; armorHull=0.4; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Garbage tests. class testM2BaseS2: testM2Struct2 { displayName="M2S2 armor 50"; vehicleClass="Whis test"; armor=50; }; class testM2BaseS1: testM2Struct1 { displayName="M2S1 armor 50"; vehicleClass="Whis test"; armor=50; }; };
  2. whisperFFW06

    Common Armour Values System

    * jaws dropped * awe-some ! This opens many perspectives! I take from your config that your "packsr" selection in "hit" LOD is covering other selections. It is made of the same material than Hull selection, so I'd say it has the same behaviour. Does the tank explode when "packsr" hit reaches 0 (you can know this with "dammaged" EHs, but they are dodggy to trigger)?
  3. whisperFFW06


    Sry if I seem insistant :blush: but I don't think you've seen my first reply. My Asnieres is 4 km of Paris , and Wikipedia article is here : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asni%E8res-sur-Seine Not sure you've seen it, so I repost Thks alot for the correction
  4. whisperFFW06


    Oh, btw, could you put Whisper instead of WhisperFFW06 (unless forum handles are to be used), the FFW06 part was only added cause the BIS forum refused me the simple "Whisper" name
  5. whisperFFW06

    Common Armour Values System

    1) I've hard time really understanding what you're trying to achieve . Is it some formula/system to use for being CAVS compatible? Or something else? Cause I don't see any link with JAM/MAAM. The goal is for me not the same. JAM/MAAM was to ensure all M-16, M-4, etc... used the same ammo and mags. 2) About armorStructural : you have different parts on an OFP tank, described in the hitHull, hitEngine, etc... part of the config.cpp. Each has its own "hitpoints". The tank also has a global "health point" value, set in the "armor" parameter in the config. Each localized hitPoints are calculated from the global armor, by multiplying it by the number found in the hitHull section under armorHull, armorEngine, etc...500 armor, 0.7 armorEngine means the "engine" selection in the hit LOD of the P3D model will have 500*0.7=250 hitpoints. When hit, a tank will give damage to every part hit. If hit for 300 in Hull and Engine, hitHull and hitEngine will be reduced by 300 each. In addition, the global armor will be decreased by the sum of damages done to localized parts, divided by the armorStructural parameter. In my example,300 + 300 = 600, divided by 2 armorStructural = 300 hit to global armor. When global armor reaches zero, the tank explodes. When HitTracks reaches zero, the tank can't move. When HitEngines reaches zero, the tank can't move. When HitTurret reaches zero, tank can't fire, if I remember well, or bad things happen to the crew. When HitGun reaches zero, gun is inoperative (blackened and aiming at ground) When HitHull reaches zero, tank explodes after a few seconds Taken from testings done a long time ago, described here : http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....7;st=15 Perhaps not accurate as description, feel free to correct. How did you do this? did you use an existing "material" number? As you can see in the thread I linked, Sigma-6 tried to do it, but it was not working AFAIK. IMHO, better than getting strict calculation and formulas enforced on addon makers, it would be better to simply have mutual agreement than "new addon X" is CAVS compatible. Being CAVS compatible would mean : - it remains compatible, ie produce a realistic engagement, when facing BIS units. - it remains compatible with already existing CAVS addons from the same period, producing realistic engagement. - it takes data from a aknowledged source like McKenzie or J Collins www sites. The real issue is the one pointed by SPQR, ie the break we have in damage continuity when checking with portable ATGM/RPG and APCs. Guidelines to translates real RHAe figures into config.cpp, yes. Strict formulas, plz no.
  6. whisperFFW06

    M1A2 SEP

    Too bad AI can't love their vehicle more. This system of "high armor / weak localized parts" was brilliant in depicting damaged tanks. Did you keep this or did you revert on a system with lower overall armor and tougher localized parts?
  7. whisperFFW06

    M1A2 SEP

    which makes it 90x more fun Not sure we get the same fun out of OFP Anyway, M1A2 SEP seems unbalanced when compared to BIS T-80 and M1A1 for the simple reason these tanks are 1985 area, and outdated by the today M1A2 SEP. 20 years of difference.
  8. whisperFFW06

    M1A2 SEP

    seems like you didn´t play as commander, try it.. everything your talking of is there, you can generate smoke until you get a ctd from it And IAs driven tanks use it if they are too heavily hit, preventing nme fire. You only have to make them retreat and boom, you've got a superb engagement sequence. EDIT : did some testings yesterday. I set up various engagement, against BIS units (considered old as they are 1985 units), they are destroyed easily. Against old Sigma-6 russian tanks pack, they still are superior to everything except last generation, ie T-80UE and T-90, where things are even again, even a slight advantage to Russians, but the smoke script preserve 25 to 50% of the US units (heavily damaged, but alive). Perhaps the M829E3 is slightly, slightly underpowered.
  9. whisperFFW06


    Unfortunately it is not the good Asnieres, the one I'm talking about is really like 4km away NW from Paris. Wikipedia article here : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asni%E8res-sur-Seine
  10. whisperFFW06

    M1A2 SEP

    Well, unfortunately BIS values made for quite strange engagment, where tanks have to fire multiple times at each other before achieveing anything. Leading to a more "head on" full speed ahead type of tank fighting...
  11. whisperFFW06

    M1A2 SEP

    I'd be very interested in knowing how this armor value system work, it would permit us to make our next release compatible (Leclerc), or as compatible as possible (cause AFAIK, there's always some guessing in the numbers you put in a cpp, one can't know everything about tank material IRL )
  12. whisperFFW06


    I've missed this great initiative. Excellent, nice job You can add me (Whisper) in Asnieres, right over Paris, France.
  13. whisperFFW06

    M1A2 SEP

    I'd use Sig6 T Series pack, instead of BIS tanks, to compare. Gotta have to try this this evening, it looks great!
  14. whisperFFW06

    The Iraq thread 4

    Then I don't see what you're trying to prove (or simply, say?)
  15. whisperFFW06

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Your point being, Avon?