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Csla 2

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Is there any way to make this mod compatible with ECP? Since going back to the stoneage OFP explosions just makes me feel really odd.

From what I see, CSLA's smoke and explosions are not OFP's standard ones. Am I mistaken? rock.gif

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They definetly don't look like the standard OFP explosions, not quite as good as RHS's, but definetly an improvement over the standard one.

The textures on the vehicles are top notch as always, and I'm having a blast, or at least being blasted a way in a few, with the missions.

My only gripe is that with all of these total conversion mods coming out, that you can't use things from mod A with mod B and so on. I'd love to be able to use say the UAV from FDF mod with the UK troops in MLV along with some of the armor and Hinds from CSLA.

Also just for info, is there any difference between the Para versions of the armor and the standard versions besides the logo on the sides?

It'd be nice if mod makers would give a short lil blurb on the difference between various models in the readme be it just cosmetic, armor, ammo, or troop capacity and such.

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Quote[/b] ]My only gripe is that with all of these total conversion mods coming out

Well so far we've got only 2 total conversion mods out in these 2Ë years since OFP was released. I wouldn' call this a rush...

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My only gripe is that with all of these total conversion mods coming out, that you can't use things from mod A with mod B and so on. I'd love to be able to use say the UAV from FDF mod with the UK troops in MLV along with some of the armor and Hinds from CSLA.

Since when could you mix mods with each other in other games? wink_o.gif

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Burn and smoke effects are new.

Titles for campaign are made ONLY for english and czech language settings. So if you have german, french language try set your language to english.

Is anybody there, who has english subtitles showed correctly?

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Is anybody there, who has english subtitles showed correctly?

Not sure what you're asking.

The text dialog displayed correctly for me in English during the campaign's introductory cutscenes.

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Since when could you mix mods with each other in other games? wink_o.gif

I'm not a mod or addon maker but I assume it would be possible if addons referenced files in the BIN and DTA folders that used some globally accepted reference naming conventions.

Each mod would have separate files in those folders for all sorts of effects and behaviors.

A mod would then have to be divided into two OFP mod folders, e.g., CSLA_Addons and CSLA_Mod.

If FDF could do the same, you could start up OFP with something like -mod=CSLA_Mod;CLSA_Addons;FDF_Addons.

I don't know if it can actually be done but it sounds great on paper - er - post. smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Since when could you mix mods with each other in other games?

'Hmm that Day of Defeat Colt M1911 looks nice, why can't I use it in CS'

Mod teams naturally can share their stuff with each other eg.integrating them into their creations with different skins but the whole idea of total conversion mods is to get rid of piles of individual addons and concetrate on concepts.

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Great work Csla team ,i love the mod.And i loved the intro to ,even if it was somehat on the long side.

The weapon spread is very cool ,finnaly it pays of to use an Mg ,theyre very deadly now.

The quality of the vehicle's and their textures is superb!

Only thing ,and thats a peronal oppinion ,the campaign is hard ,very hard. wow_o.gif

I'm sure the minor bugs will be ironed out soon.i must say ,for a full mod with so many feature's there really aint that much bug's really.

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Concerning BVP and PT-76 "inpenetrability".

Mod is set such a way, that strenght of some weapons has been reduced. Here is number of hits you need to take out BVP or PT-76:

RPG-75 2-3 hits, depending where you hit the vehicle

RPG-7V 1 hit

All it depends where you hit the vehicle. e.g. in case of side shot, part of energy is absorbed by track&wheels, so it doesn't damage hull very much. So aim carefully. You need not to destroy vehicle completely, in case of high damage crew bail out and that's it.

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Sorry, for bugs... sad_o.gif

All bugs will be fixed in update in several days, when we will have complete list of found bugs. There were not found any bugs which would affect playability, so be patient. All bugs will be certainly fixed ASAP.

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Quote[/b] ]Sorry, for bugs...

Bah ,no need to apolligize for that ,i would have found it weird if their weren't any bugs at all.These days games usually are released with several bug's ,it's quite comman and definatly on resleases of 200mb size like youre mod.

Like i said ,for it's size i'm pretty surprized there are only so few bug and such minor ones.

Just make sure that these bugs are fixed ,i have no doubt that you guys will.Afterall ,you havn't spend 2 years work on this fantastic mod to not perfect it when it's ready.

Wonderfull work ,can't say it enough. wink_o.gif

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On the 3rd mission now, so far it has been great. I love the Warsaw Pact-era setting.

BTW. that Mahoney guy in the 3rd mission sounds like Captain Haddock who has ran out of whiskey tounge_o.gif

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i've tried it and so far i love it the campaing is great i can really see the amount of work put into it great job guys

i love these L-410 planes very muchand the armored vehicles are top notch.

Again great job i wasn't disapointed at all.

are you planning on adding fighter jets in a later update?

just asking? wink_o.gif

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BTW. that Mahoney guy in the 3rd mission sounds like Captain Haddock who has ran out of whiskey tounge_o.gif

I am sure it was just Bobby out of beer biggrin_o.gif

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If you liked fist 3 missions be aware that next 27 missions are awaiting on you smile_o.gif. Good luck.

BTW. Who is Captain Haddock?

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I'm enjoying CSLA very much, but there are some things which I'm a bit puzzled like the apc/tank durability. Shot from the side it takes 3 RPG-75s to knock out CSLA BMP-2. I think thats way too much for an armored vehicle with thin aluminium alloy armor which is packed with vulnerable and burnable equipment. I shot PT-76 which stood firm after 3 shots of RPG-75. Granted, it's bigger than BMP-2 but has similiar thin armor which can't possibly take that much punishment. OFP armor modelling is limited but still that kind of durability is way too high.

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info from Bobby:

RPG-75 in CSLA mod is counted as the weakest AT wepon. Why? In reality RPG-75 is tube launched disposable weapon (as LAW) with relatively small caliber. In game is is possible to reload it and those two facts (small caliber = low penetration and reload prob) we decide to solve by setting such a way as you can see in a game. In CSLA mod it is very light weapon which should be used only against soft skinned targets (car, trucks, bunkers). So facts you have mentioned don't show "thick skin" of BVP, but weakness of RPG-75. In case of AT fight go for RPG-7, preferably RPG-7V with precise heat jet. RPG 7V is real tank killer in CSLA mod. Solving of the RPG-75 disposability is planned for update. One hint don't shoot AT weapon from side, because of reduction of AT - power by track selection (power is not strong enough to K/O the hull then) of the fire geoimetry model. Try to hit turret or hull - only one component of the fire geometry lod.

I am writing CSLA mod handbook at the moment. All will be decribed there.

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i also have the subtitles in czech, i'll try to change the settings to english when i'll be back home. smile_o.gif

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Very good work, I especially like the choppers. Unfortunately, I only can use them when loading the whole mod - that's bad. Would it be possible to release the vehicles seperately?

*Hoping to soon have a new Hind for CTI*

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MAA....  with all due respect, the side armor of most APC's, IFV's, and tanks is much weaker then the frontal armor.  True on a few a rare ocassions, the tracks or wheels stop the rocket, but in most cases even light AT weapons can easily penetrate the side armor of the PT-76 or BVP.   If anything it would be the highly sloped frontal armor that a light anti-tank weapon would have trouble penetrating due not only to the sloped armor but also because the engine acts as another buffer to the rocket penetrating into the crew/cargo compartment.

Not only that but on the BMP family of vehicles (at least on the BMP-1 and BMP-2, fuel and ammunition is stored in a way that makes almost any penetration likely to set off secondary explosions.  The PT-76 I'm not sure about.  

I understand that you're trying to go for realism, but remember also that this is a game and the OFP engine can not precisely simulate real combat.  But I'll try out the RPG-7V and the standard BIS weapons (RPG-22, LAW, ect...) too see how they work against the PT-76 and BVP.

Anyways... I'm still downloading the mod right now.  

Oh also... for people experiencing a lack of English subtitles...this may be because I think there are two different versions available for download...English and Czech...I think I'm downloading the Czech subtitle version by accident cuz it was the only server I got to work.... the download is already almost finished so I guess I'm screwed unless I download the whole thing again from another website.  sad_o.gif   If this is the case, then they should be better marked on ofp.info as to what the difference is between the two downloads (if any).

Oh well I'll find out in a bit if this is true (95%...almost there.)


Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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There are only one installation pack. You can set Czech or English installation. Under Czech instalation is added possibility to install additional utilities. They are only in czech now, but next version of that utilities will be in english too.

If you want see english subtitles in campaign you must set your OFP language to english !

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I thought that Ruprt (leader of campaign) has made a script to change a setting of language. Please, if anyone has different ofp version than czech and has subtitles & briefings in english, tell us your language setting and version of ofp. Thanks.

Because I plan to remake burn-scripts, which are present in this version o CSLA MOD till next update, I will welcome all your comments to this stuff.

TIP: If you don't like the new anims for islands, simply delete Dta folder in your csla directory and all anims will be set as res default.

I apologize for my bad english, particularly spelling...:)

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