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Well I haven't counted any votes yet or anything just moved them to a folder on their own, so I think it'll be ok if you wish to resubmit and have me delete your original PM, as long as you can assure me you have not in any way been coerced by anyone to change your vote smile_o.gif

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Surerly bribes don't count as coercion, right? ;)

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Depends how good the bribe is wink_o.gif

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Well I've forgot which one screwed up now

Just forget about it smile_o.gif

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For those who haven't noticed I've extended voting a further week, only received 43 votes so far.

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It might be a little late, but why not just create a poll? You'll get three times more votes than that in a week. Use the votes so far as a basis for nominees, that way everyone can get a better idea for who to vote for?

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IIRC, apparently they (the mods) don't want poeple to be influenced by votes (although you can only see votes once you have voted yourself). And they want more than just the more popular board members to be able to get a VIP award.

Ain't that right? smile_o.gif (said to no mod in particular)

[Gareth Gates must die]

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My explanation as to why the PM not poll method can be found a page or two back smile_o.gif

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In light of the fact that there have been under 50 votes, that's why I asked. Even if there some some "influence", atleast that will make some more bribes across the table wink_o.gif. And your opinion of it being more exciting, it might be exciting to have zero knowledge and then find the winner, but it's just as exciting to see if there's a side by side close race for a certain category.

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Hmm i havent noticed this , now that i have i might vote.

*Looks under the table for some sorta package*


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Placebo, the link in your sig to the award thread isn't working, maybe outdated or something wink_o.gif

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Thanks smile_o.gif

I was messing about at lunchtime moving the thread and leaving copies to advertise it a bit more, guess that made the thread number different smile_o.gif

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Ken Adams got a couple  wink_o.gif

he he

There are some friendly experts on the community wink_o.gif

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I was trying to post around 23 pics in the OFP:CP thread in one hit, but the board would not post my reply, i also tried PM'ing the 23 pics to myself with no luck, the board would not go past the screen where you type in your stuff on both occasions.

Is there a limt on the number of [/img] tags you can use within a post/message?

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the post with images is probably bigger than the maximum size of the page ie it would filll up the page and then continue on to another one, well thats my best guess anyway

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Look under the "Add Reply" button anywhere, you see your Posting Abilities

Quote[/b] ]Posting Abilities

iB Code is on

Posting HTML is NOT allowed

tag: Enabled

Maximum images per post: 40

Maximum emoticons per post: 500

Flash Movie posting: Enabled

Maximum Flash movie width: 200

Maximum Flash movie height: 400

Dynamic image posting: Enabled

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Thanks SpongeBob that explains there is a limit of 40, last time i checked 23 was less than 40 so does anyone know why it would not work for either a post or PM? Anyone else had this problem?

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We haven't set a forum rule (other than that board setting), because we haven't felt the need, but 23 in one post is too many, generally people average around 4-6 per post, not saying you must limit yourself to 6 per post but if you stagger them it helps make the thread more viewable smile_o.gif

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I only see two different ones?

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There must be a way to do it. Both kegety and Avon have these random avantars. Edit.. so php works in avantars, but not in sig's?

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