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No I will go over 2000 the regular way again , take a screenshot as noone would be believe me otherwise and sign in the next day as usual. After that I will pm you.

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Quote[/b] ]Ralph is stealing them and tacking them onto his post count

That would help explain his astronomical post count tounge_o.gifwow_o.gif . Really, over 9000 posts to his credit.

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Quote[/b] ]Ralph is stealing them and tacking them onto his post count

That would help explain his astronomical post count tounge_o.gif  wow_o.gif . Really, over 9000 posts to his credit.

Those are mine. mad_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Those are mine.

I assume that the moderators are very generous with your posts and distribute them equally among themselves tounge_o.gif .

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Quote[/b] ]Ralph is stealing them and tacking them onto his post count

That would help explain his astronomical post count tounge_o.gif  wow_o.gif . Really, over 9000 posts to his credit.

Those are mine. mad_o.gif

Well if you quite spamming maybe we'll give'em back to ya wink_o.gif

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Well if you quite spamming maybe we'll give'em back to ya  wink_o.gif

/avon torments and anticipates sleepless night

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So tell me is there a feature like that ?

Placebo ?

No feature like that, I can only hope it's a bug.

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Bug? Are we still talking about the missiing post count? Cos' i have a feeling that mine is reduced every time i get too close to 1000 wow_o.gif


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Quote[/b] ]Bug? Are we still talking about the missiing post count? Cos' i have a feeling that mine is reduced every time i get too close to 1000

Or you get so happy when you reach 1000 posts that you spam, which costs you posts tounge_o.gif .

BTW - Instead of being called "Advanced Member", can I be called "Incorrigable Spammer" smile_o.gif ? Please? Or is that setting a bad example tounge_o.gif ?

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BTW - Instead of being called "Advanced Member", can I be called "Incorrigable Spammer" smile_o.gif ? Please? Or is that setting a bad example tounge_o.gif ?

No but we have plenty of spare "Banned Member" member titles, please watch your behaviour on the forums to ensure you're not fitted out for one.

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BTW - Instead of being called "Advanced Member", can I be called "Incorrigable Spammer" smile_o.gif ? Please? Or is that setting a bad example tounge_o.gif ?

No but we have plenty of spare "Banned Member" member titles, please watch your behaviour on the forums to ensure you're not fitted out for one.

You could always give him a title of "Avon Wannabe". tounge_o.gif

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I´m not sure if BIS staff actually reads what is suggested for OFP2 as they never react to it. Would it be possible that mod´s extract usfull suggestions let´s say once a month and send it to BIS contact ? I don´t know if you have a direct line either but this way it could be made sure that contributing suggestions have a chance of getting through to BIS. Another good point of this would be that BIS could possibly give us some feedback or a simple "Yes" or " NO" regarding some suggestions. Even a "maybe" would be better than having no feedback at all.

Right now we are only shouting into a black forest with no echo. Know what I mean ?

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I think they read it. I mean they clearly stated (on the ofp2 webpage) that animals will be included. And as we all know, that was a popular request..

But you'r right, it would be interesting to get a confirmation.


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Quote[/b] ]But you'r right, it would be interesting to get a confirmation.

It´s unlikely they give confirmation for product-under- developement reasons, but "we´ve read it" would be enough for me sometimes.

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Actually I noticed them (Sith and Suma in particular) several time this week in the OFP2 Suggestion Forum.

How? In the active user list you can use 'View Complete List' to see where they are roaming around while they are active  blues.gif [/stalking mode off]

Edit: Unfortunatly, today the list shows just the forum they are browsing. In the past it even showed the thread...

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Quote[/b] ]No but we have plenty of spare "Banned Member" member titles, please watch your behaviour on the forums to ensure you're not fitted out for one.

Don't worry, I'm going to stop using this account soon and switch to only using my other account(s) smile_o.gif . They're much better behaved, you'll never spot 'em wink_o.gif .

Quote[/b] ]You could always give him a title of "Avon Wannabe".

Nah, I don't do hosting, I just model, texture, mission-make, CPP code, script, island edit, etc... tounge_o.gif .

Edit - m21man is no more (Just switched accounts).

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they read the suggestion section - they porposed(or supported) the idea IIRC.

BIS tends to work quietly, so usually no news is good news. wink_o.gif

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ok Ralph


Quote[/b] ]Don't worry, I'm going to stop using this account soon and switch to only using my other account(s) . They're much better behaved, you'll never spot 'em .
Quote[/b] ]§4)No duplicate accounts

Having several accounts is strictly forbidden. If you want to get a new account contact a moderator. If you wish to change your name for any reason we will be happy to transfer your account status over.

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ok Ralph


Quote[/b] ]Don't worry, I'm going to stop using this account soon and switch to only using my other account(s)  . They're much better behaved, you'll never spot 'em  .
Quote[/b] ]§4)No duplicate accounts

Having several accounts is strictly forbidden. If you want to get a new account contact a moderator. If you wish to change your name for any reason we will be happy to transfer your account status over.

Yeah yeah, on it smile_o.gif

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Don´t wanted to pressure mod´s but pressure M21´s whatever soul biggrin_o.gif

I just found it lousy to voice such thing in front of the community. wink_o.gif

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Yeah !

It´s the same that happens when you take your car to garage because it runs not smooth and makes weird sounds.

When you want to demonstrate it to mechanic all is fine again wow_o.gif

Murphy´s law...

Or has some mod fixed some srews unnoticed ? wink_o.gif

Anyway it would be nice if you could take the postcount to an actual level.

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OK, I'm about to move out of home to be closer to uni, and me and three other mates are gonna share a broadband connection through a router: chances are it will have a static IP, and chances also are, seeing as that their 'closet' OFP players, that they'll probably join up to these forums with their own accounts. (They've been scabbing off of me for about a year and a half for OFP addons and mods)

Basically, are we (and most impotantly I) going to be able to do this, cause nothing would s**t me more than being accused of having multiple identities. And I don't really want to 'share' MY one account amongst three others.

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PM myself or another mod with the details of yourself and your friends so that we're aware of the situation. Problem would be if one of them does something extreme resulting in the banning of their IP, but I'm sure it wouldn't come to that, as long as you explain that this forum holds certain standards compared to other forums I'm sure everything will be fine smile_o.gif

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