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Would it be "legal" to post the results of Michael Jacksons trial?

My post of a dog gotten raped (which is on many news sites all over the world) got deleted. That was simply news... trying to start a discussion of where the world coming to.

Although i think its sick and weird that some1 would try and rape a dog, i find it a whole lot worse to ruin a childs life, which Michael Jackson is being judged for... So would a post explaining the outcome of Jacksons trial be deleted as well?

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The thread was deleted because it is not relevant in any way to OFP or military issues in general, and is also in quite poor taste.

I would suggest that discussing the details of Jackson's alleged crimes or trial details would be similarly deleted.

We like to give you guys some freedom of what you can discuss in Offtopic, but bestiality and paedophilia are not suitable subjects for this forum.

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Lol, that dog thing was a bit too much...

Btw, good to hear that you'r Isp problems are solved fubar!  smile_o.gif

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Terrorism is (indirectly) related to military matters.

We make a judgement call on a case by case basis.

Take a scroll through the many pages of Offtopic - if you look at what has been locked and what hasn't, you should get a fair idea of what is acceptable.

[edit]Thanks Speedy wink_o.gif [/edit]

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I have a question.

If somebody had been banned from this forum before, is this data stored somewhere?

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So i have next question.

Is it technically possible to set filters in topics? For instance - "if someone has been banned in past 3 months = cannot post in this topic" - set by mod or topic "starter" with all flashes and whistles that this filter is set.

Why am i asking. I have noticed that mods r very carefull about topics (as former oper of litlle IRC net i know how is it) - spam, flames ect.

For instance - topic about "modern russian MBT" showing movie with model. For me it was joke, i was wondering if somebody would find something like that, but western, but oper closed it beeing afraid of spam.

So i think setting filter would stop notorious spammers, and force to think before post something really hard, but allows "serious" talkers to talk without beeing afraid that topic would be closed because of one's stupidity.

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If there is it would be great to know smile_o.gif

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Is there a way to search inside a spesific thread?

I think OFPEC has that future on.

It's kinda annoying when you search for something and it results in one thread... which has 300 pages. Such a feature would be useful.

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Talk to the Ikonboard developers. AFAIK, there isn't a way to search for a specific reply within a topic.

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Can someone pls explain me why my postcounts gets reduced by 50 every time I go over 2000 posts ? That´s really odd as it happens for over 6 months now.

My actual postcount should be something over 3000 right now.

Edit: I´d understand it if I was M21 man or Avon with a tendency to spam but I neither got a spam warning nor anything else that would clear that for me.

Pls fix it and tell me why and who did it. PM me if necessarry.

I somehow feel like Bill Murray


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Quote[/b] ]Edit: I´d understand it if I was M21 man or Avon with a tendency to spam but I neither got a spam warning nor anything else that would clear that for me.

For the last time, it's "m21man". Not "M21man", and certainly not "M21 man". I'm also doing a lot of work for Nightstalker, spam isn't all that I do. Oops, more spam tounge_o.gif ...

Edit - You put me before Avon! How could you?!?

Quote[/b] ]So i have next question.

Is it technically possible to set filters in topics? For instance - "if someone has been banned in past 3 months = cannot post in this topic" - set by mod or topic "starter" with all flashes and whistles that this filter is set.

Why am i asking. I have noticed that mods r very carefull about topics (as former oper of litlle IRC net i know how is it) - spam, flames ect.

For instance - topic about "modern russian MBT" showing movie with model. For me it was joke, i was wondering if somebody would find something like that, but western, but oper closed it beeing afraid  of spam.

So i think setting filter would stop notorious spammers, and force to think before post something really hard, but allows "serious" talkers to talk without beeing afraid that topic would be closed because of one's stupidity.

When you are a true spammer, filters cannot stop you. Not even bans can prevent you from weasling back into the forums. The problem is having too much time to waste on the forums biggrin_o.gif  wink_o.gif .

I also dislike this idea of filtering someone out of a thread because they got banned for a completely different reason. If I get temporarily banned for posting a picture of 200 Peter Pans marching towards Ixtlan (Think of the Ents marching towards Isengard), I don't think that should be a cause for preventing me from commenting on somebody's addon when it is released 3 months later.

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Quote[/b] ]And I do not spam!  It's just that I sometimes post amusing material.

And Spammers Postcounts Are Maximized tounge_o.gif !

Quote[/b] ]I somehow feel like Bill Murray


I understand your position, but you shouldn't spam in a post complaining about spam rock.gif  tounge_o.gif .

Quote[/b] ]Can someone pls explain me why my postcounts gets reduced by 50 every time I go over 2000 posts ? That´s really odd as it happens for over 6 months now.

My actual postcount should be something over 3000 right now.

It sounds like you had at least 1000 posts taken off your count. I've had 300 taken off my count. Who's been more naughty?

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So, how are those VIP awards comming along? any outcome on Phase one? any planning for Phase two? wink_o.gif

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So, how are those VIP awards comming along? any outcome on Phase one? any planning for Phase two? wink_o.gif

And is there a plan B? biggrin_o.gif

"how dare he spams this therad" wink_o.gif

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Ralph is stealing them and tacking them onto his post count biggrin_o.gif

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That's a weird one, Balschoiw. AFAIk, if you were having your post count reduced, someone would tell you (i.e. I don't think a mod would reduce it without telling you why).

I will try to keep an eye on your count and see if I can figure anything out. If you happen to notice it again, PM me. wink_o.gif

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Well it happened last night. I left the forums with 2005 posts and when I signed in again today it was on 1950 again. It´s not that this happened for the first time. It´s ongoing over 6 months now if not more as I don´t watch my postcount that much, but if you always see 1955 again someday you start to worry.

I have no problem if my postcount was limited someday but I´d only liked to know why and who did it. I don´t think it is a forum bug. Maybe it was done over a year ago, who knows but someone has to remember. In fact the one who limited it should remember. And if my postcount should magically count on over 2000 without any explanation to me I think that´s not ok. As I said send me a PM. We don´t have to discuss this public if the according mod doesn´t want to but as a long member I somehow expect an explanation.  biggrin_o.gif

Edit : Is there an option for the mods to have this as an automated feature? It happened that often that I don´t think any of the mods reduced it manually whenever I got over 2000. Is there such a feature to reduce 50 posts when you go over 2000 let´s say? What is funny that I can post over 2000 , sometimes 2004, 2005 but when I leave forum and sign in back the next day it´s 1950 again crazy_o.gif

So tell me is there a feature like that ?

Placebo ?

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No feature like that that I know of. Maybe Ikonboard just doesn't like you. crazy_o.gif PM me if you want, and I'll up your post count to see what happens.

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