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Albert offered me $50 worth of Cuban cigars if I kept it open until he won quirkiest forum member  wink_o.gif

Well basically it's closed and as soon as I have time I'll counting up the votes, I think we ended up with something like 65 people voting, people are free to vote up until the point I have finished adding up, hopefully it will be before Sunday.

The voting time closed to day right?

And you will have the results in Sunday? wow_o.gif

Are you doing it alone or are more forum mods helping you ( if no: DO IT HELP PLACEBO ).

But i could remember that previous year more people voted so whats up sad_o.gif

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I think it's because there were polls last year, not PM votes

[Gareth Gates must die]

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I'll be counting them on my own, it's the only way I can rig the election, after all it is the mark of a good dictator to receive a 99.7% vote in every category wink_o.gif

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I'll be counting them on my own, it's the only way I can rig the election, after all it is the mark of a good dictator to receive a 99.7% vote in every category  wink_o.gif

[Traitor mode]

Dont you mind if I call your Boss now? wink_o.gifwink_o.gifwink_o.gif

[/traitor mode]

Now seriously:

The results will be posted sunday right?

Will be the new VIP's be posted to then?

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The operative word was hopefully wink_o.gif

Assuming there are no ties in any category the winners will be announced the moment I've counted the votes smile_o.gif

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Why not take the top ten nominations in each category and post it as a poll? It's very little work on your behalf and you would get far more people voting. I mean 65 answers is a joke, considering there are several thousand active members.

In last year's poll, several hundred people voted. It's far easier to get people to participate if they alread get a couple of choices and only have to press a button. smile_o.gif

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Several thousand active posters? If by that you're including the 90% of those registered who sign up, ask a question or make a comment never to be seen again then yes there are several thousand active posters.

On the other hand if you refer to the real number of active posters then I would say there are no more than a couple of hundred to a few hundred, those are the ones who supposedly care about the VIP awards and if they can't be bothered to vote then that's their perogative. I explained why the PM method, I believe it will give a true and accurate result, much more so than people randomly voting for names they've never heard of. It's been advertised enough, I left it open another week. How many forum members who supposedly care about the VIP awards put a link in their sig?

It takes maybe 5-10 seconds to vote with the PM method, definitely no more than viewing and voting in 6 different polls and in fact probably takes less time.

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Several thousand active posters? If by that you're including the 90% of those registered who sign up, ask a question or make a comment never to be seen again then yes there are several thousand active posters.

No, including the register-once-never-post would give us 20,000+ posters. Did we not make some statistics on that a year ago or so? How many different users were active at what time? I have a vague memory of something like that.

Anyway, I think a good estimate would be between 1,000 and 2,000 posters that posts something at least once a month.

Quote[/b] ]I explained why the PM method, I believe it will give a true and accurate result, much more so than people randomly voting for names they've never heard of. It's been advertised enough, I left it open another week. How many forum members who supposedly care about the VIP awards put a link in their sig?

Well, I personally realized only now that this was the final vote. I thought that you were looking for nominations. Anyway, I have not voted and I am not going to do so for several reasons, one of them being that it is not anonymous. I'm not going to PM a moderator to tell him who my favourite moderator is. Perhaps that's just me, but from the results so far I'd say its not.

Quote[/b] ]It takes maybe 5-10 seconds to vote with the PM method, definitely no more than viewing and voting in 6 different polls and in fact probably takes less time.

Polls are anonymous and give you multiple choices. If you miss somebody (remember when we missed to nominate brgnorway last year?) the chances are other people have thought of that person.

Anyway, the PM thing is not bad for collecting a bunch of names (instead of just the mods picking the names), I just think it would be even better if you took it one step further and allowed a real, anonymous poll with multiple choices. It's really not much more work for you and it can't be bad in any way - you already have your PM thingie in the base. Plus its a lot more fun when you can check out the polls every day and see how the candidates are doing.

But, never mind, I don't care all that much. It was just a friendly suggestion on how to get more people interested smile_o.gif

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I'm not going to PM a moderator to tell him who my favourite moderator is.

LOL yes because I've kept the list of those who didn't vote for me and I'll be getting rid of them first opportunity.....I'm that unprofessional rock.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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I think that it's just the principal of the matter, nothing personally against you.

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Even if I have nothing to hide, I put mail in sealed envelopes and I would not be too happy with the postman reading it.

As I said, I think the PM nomination method is great - people who think somebody has done something exceptional nominate them. It is great as a first step, but if you want people to vote, you have to make it more public, less personal and anonymous.

But, I'm sure it will be good either way. Never mind.


Quote[/b] ]I think that it's just the principal of the matter, nothing personally against you.

In placebo's case it's both  biggrin_o.gif

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I think that it's just the principal of the matter, nothing personally against you.

You're on my shit list anyway pal wink_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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Meh, nothing new  wink_o.gif

But back to the topic of Asking a Mod, I've noticed that for some time Shadow's name hasn't been on the list of moderators for the S&F forum.  Nothing big, but could it be fixed?

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Your wish is my command smile_o.gif

...Reeeaallllyyy....? wink_o.gif Hmmm....

biggrin_o.gif  tounge_o.gif

[Gareth Gates must die]

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Yeah everyone who votes for me gets one wish granted wink_o.gif

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Your wish is my command smile_o.gif

While you're at it then..  wink_o.gif

Fubar's name is missing from Flashnews, News Discussion, and Troubleshooting FAQ.  smile_o.gif

And the MP forum lost it's description.

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Quote[/b] ]LOL yes because I've kept the list of those who didn't vote for me and I'll be getting rid of them first opportunity

I've got a bad feeling about this...

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In my opinion, if someone like or care about this annual funny forum event , he will vote, PM method or any other.

As , for the most lazy people placebo made the work for them (you just had to copy paste his template on a PM and to send it) we cant really say that it was complicated or long in that process smile_o.gif

Of course after the copy/paste then send PM phase , there is a great chance that Regina Philange or placebo will be the winner in every category biggrin_o.gif

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Fubar's name is missing from Flashnews, News Discussion, and Troubleshooting FAQ.  smile_o.gif

Maybe I don't wanna mod those sections!  mad_o.gif  tounge_o.gif ..

j/k I'll fix that by the end of the day...

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Hate to beat a dead horse, but just 65 votes? That's pretty lame. I just checked the active users bar, and there have been 50 members active on the boards in the 15 minutes before I wrote this. You can add to this the fact that it's 1:00 AM CST, not exactly a peak traffic hour.

And of course there's this little tidbit:

Quote[/b] ]Most users ever online was 193 on Feb. 22 2004,21:08

193 people on at once just a month ago. Surely a simple adjustment of voting procedures could greatly increase the turnout. C'mon Placebo, it's no skin off your back use the PM votes as nomination and then do some polls- where's the harm?

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I'll think about it but there's not much chance I'll change it this time.

If people are really interested in a VIP awards they would surely have voted in them, I've given them the quickest, simplest way to do it.

It shouldn't be necessary to help them decide who to vote for by reducing it to a list of a few people, they should know who is deserving of a VIP award, otherwise why are they voting for someone? Because they like the sound of their name?

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Problem with so few votes is, that

a) winning with a total of 5 or 6 votes is barely a representative result

b) interrest groups (e.g. a squad with 10+ members) can take too much influence

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We can collect votes untill the winner has atleast 5000 votes,

but then again I think we'll have to change the title "VIP-2003" to "VIP-when it's done" smile_o.gif (pun intended at 3drealms)

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