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Game physics

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The very most irritating thing about Arma 2 is, that you cant overroll Trees with your Tank. You could even do that in C&C Generals and it gave the game an OUTSTANDING flair.

i cant think of anything else to be as urgent to fix (in terms of physic) as this for the game flair and fun!

What game are you playing? I can plow through the forest without any problems.

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arma 2 rocks yea but why are the cars so slow off road this is some thing that buged me alot in arma 1 come on bis i will even give you the lines of code that is needed to make cars fasr off road


acceleration = 150;

terrainCoef = .0

come on bis i can run faster than the cars that are off road????????

pls fix this allmost make driving pointless in this game and because you find your selff driving alot in this game i think you shuld be able to go faster off road.

dont let bugs from arma 1 in to arma 2.

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arma 2 rocks yea but why are the cars so slow off road this is some thing that buged me alot in arma 1 come on bis i will even give you the lines of code that is needed to make cars fasr off road


acceleration = 150;

terrainCoef = .0

come on bis i can run faster than the cars that are off road????????

pls fix this allmost make driving pointless in this game and because you find your selff driving alot in this game i think you shuld be able to go faster off road.

dont let bugs from arma 1 in to arma 2.

Screw that, this is supposed to be a realistic game!:mad_o:

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Screw that, this is supposed to be a realistic game!:mad_o:

I drive a toyota hilux of road in my job, it go's like the clappers, but if i drive into a fence (i dont really) the fence dont just fall over sideways, I would puncture my tires and ruin the bodywork.

---------- Post added at 12:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:14 PM ----------

I realize that implimenting the physics likethose you get in Crysis and similar games would cause arma2 to chug, but it could be implimented in death match mode. I had a blast of death match, and its really quite good, stealthy, kinda reminded me of Mohaa from years ago, atmosphere and stealth.

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I would like to see some better damage modeling physics in armor combat. Things like angle of impact and deflection along with slope of armor make a major impact on the damage of a impact on a tank. Please fix the armor combat with improved ballistics on the vehicles.

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Like OK this HAS been going on since OFP Tanks Bouncing flipping spinning and just generally saying HEY look at me i HAVE no weight. Come on BIS claim its as realistic as it can get? Yet you continue to release each version with the same problem. Getting tired of it really

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Screw that, this is supposed to be a realistic game!:mad_o:

Umm, I don't think it's realistic how slow the cars are on the field. Sure on some rough offroad terrain they can go pretty slow but not on a long and smooth field?

Also, for me it's almost impossible to drive on the road for more than 30 seconds .. the next corner I always come off the road and get slowed down to infantry speed.

I'd simply like to request a normal steering like in every other game where you can drive cars (or most of them). In ArmA 2 the wheels move so slow back to the initial position that you can barely steer quickly at all. That way the steering would be much better and you wouldn't have such a big struggle to stay on the road at medium speed and those who want infantry speeds on smooth fields can have them ..

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Umm, I don't think it's realistic how slow the cars are on the field. Sure on some rough offroad terrain they can go pretty slow but not on a long and smooth field?

I don't think it's too bad. The HMMV and the MTVR truck both do about 90 kph top speed on the road, and about 50 kph off-road. That doesn't seem too far-fetched to me. Maybe the HMMV should be a bit quicker.

The main problem I notice is that when you go slightly off the road, your speed drops very rapidly, compounding the problem. Maybe they could get progressively slower? If you could go off road for a few seconds without much penalty, coming off the road for a moment wouldn't be such a pain, and would also somewhat simulate the relatively smooth surface that exists beside the paved area of most roadways.

Also, for me it's almost impossible to drive on the road for more than 30 seconds .. the next corner I always come off the road and get slowed down to infantry speed.

I find I can stay on the curvy bits at pretty much full speed, but for any kind of corner I need to slow down a bit. That seems realistic to me, I wouldn't take a corner at 80-90 kph in real life either. To me I tackle it like flying the in-game helicopters: they're a facsimile of the real thing, simple enough to get the hang of, but with enough complexities to allow for some feeling of pride once you've mastered it. It takes to learn to do it properly.

Maybe driving the vehicles seems like an unspecialised, unglamorous job for the lowest ranking team member to be lumbered with: any old fool can drive a truck, right? But just like when you're playing MP and you can notice the difference between the OK pilots and the good pilots, you should be able to tell the difference between players who know how to drive a particular vehicle well and those who are just OK at it.

In ArmA 2 the wheels move so slow back to the initial position that you can barely steer quickly at all.

To straighten the wheels just move it back in the other direction, no need to wait for the game to do it. I'd actually prefer if the wheels didn't auto-center unless they're close to straight already so you could easily maintain turns. Do you use the mouse or keyboard? I find the keyboard is way too sensitive so I only use it for getting a full lock for turning 90 degrees at T-junctions, and sometimes to try to re-center the wheel quicker.

My suggestion to improve vehicle control would be: no auto-center, and instead use another keybind (possibly C?) to center the wheel quickly. The main problem I find with vehicle control is exiting from tight turns without overshooting the center and steering the wrong way. Having a button to hold that will result in the wheel being centered quickly would be excellent.

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I don't know why B.I. can't create its own ragdoll physics. Can't the animation get killed upon death, allowing a ragdoll model to take over?

I want to see a UAZ gunner slump in the vehicle and fall over the edge.

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Why we cant jump?

I can sprint, but cant jump over a knee high Wall. I have to stop and press V!

Very realistic :rolleyes:

And why can i shoot with a 9mm through armored Glas (Mi24/AH1z)?

And why can the Mi24 be penetrated with simple Handguns? The hole Copter is bulletproofed till 20mm!

The physics in Arma2 are not very relastic!

Edited by Hermes

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Why we cant jump?

I can sprint, but cant jump over a knee high Wall. I have to stop and press V!

Very realistic :rolleyes:

You try jumping over a wall with a minimum of 60lbs of combat gear. The "step over" action is great, a hell of a long time coming, but still very good. I hope I never see a soldier jump in a BIS war game. Like white men, soldiers cant jump :D

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What bugs me is the reload animation. Bis has all this time into the command animations, which is really ausome but I cannot believe we are still playing with the same shit animation from Arma!

or am i blind?

reload animation for the sniper rifles is like WTF are you doing, just put the clip in, instead your hand is dancing all over the dam thing, like your cocking the gun and wiping it off, and doing the ritual with your hand like your asking the lord for his blessing before you go off, for crap sake just reload the thing.

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Personally I couldn't care less about the reload animation as it's just a visual thing. Now I get to reload while walking and that's much more important from a tactical point of view. BIS got their priorities right I would say, for this one, if they had to drop one over the other.

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Personally I couldn't care less about the reload animation as it's just a visual thing. Now I get to reload while walking and that's much more important from a tactical point of view. BIS got their priorities right I would say, for this one, if they had to drop one over the other.

I second that!! It's been a long time coming. And love the fact you can shoot while carrying a wounded team mate.

My only problem with the latter is that although you can shoot you can't really aim as gun too low. You have to literraly get so close to shoot someone. Then again, you would just go take cover as soon as possible and treat the wounded.

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I agree with the earlier post ... kind of ... jumping in kit isn't realistic at all.

I would like to see the choppers/tanks more realistic. Armoured glass for sure, and angle hits for the tanks including penetration. I play Men of War and it's great. A tank should take hardly any damage at all unless it's hull has been penetrated, not an expert but that's my opinion.

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Does ArmA 2 consider "closing speed" on the weapons of the aircraft (where, because of their high speeds, it has the greatest effect)?

I've noticed that in previous iterations of the franchise, a launched missile will seem to arrive at the target at about the same time the player overflies it. This suggests to me that the speed of the missile is calculated as if it is launched from a fixed, stationary position on the map.

In WWII combat flight-sims "closing speed" of an aircraft on its target is an important consideration, because it can mean the difference between penetration and deflection when firing from behind.

Is the current speed of the aircraft being added to the speed of the projectile when launched from a fixed position? If not, it should.

Additionally, if the target is moving TOWARDS the firing aircraft, its speed adds to the "closing speed", increasing the weapon projectile's speed at impact that much more.

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What bugs me is the reload animation. Bis has all this time into the command animations, which is really ausome but I cannot believe we are still playing with the same shit animation from Arma!

or am i blind?

reload animation for the sniper rifles is like WTF are you doing, just put the clip in, instead your hand is dancing all over the dam thing, like your cocking the gun and wiping it off, and doing the ritual with your hand like your asking the lord for his blessing before you go off, for crap sake just reload the thing.

more importantly we are still subjected to the same low-performance game engine of A1 let alone toon animations. i wish the former be improved.

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Bridge physics is still (i think so) unfinished. Fix it!


It is simply "no physics". Many objects got this odd animation applied. Sometimes they rise, sometimes the object turns around 90 degrees.

In the case of that video they should simply remove any kind of action.

Ignoring the next point that you can not destroy some 10.000 tons of concrete with a few hundred 23mm HE rounds.

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This video is of the only game I know that uses a true balistics to armor and internal components. It is the MMO Battleground europe. The video is old with out dated graphics but the mechanics are the same.

If ARMA could move away from the gamey "hit point" system and implement something like this, it would go a long way in cornering the market for being a true war sim.

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This video is of the only game I know that uses a true balistics to armor and internal components. It is the MMO Battleground europe. The video is old with out dated graphics but the mechanics are the same.

If ARMA could move away from the gamey "hit point" system and implement something like this, it would go a long way in cornering the market for being a true war sim.

100% agree! It's not just the ballistic model that makes BGE a great sim. The vehicle physics, feel of weight and the steering (separated brakes, manual gearing, ...) is much much better than in A1 or A2.

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100% agree! It's not just the ballistic model that makes BGE a great sim. The vehicle physics, feel of weight and the steering (separated brakes, manual gearing, ...) is much much better than in A1 or A2.

And its graphics are basicaly the same as the original OFP on low :D

You want shiney new graphics and sexy explosions or realistic penetration?

Id personaly take the middleground.

Avrage graphics and avrage penetrations.

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Hello All Have a Idea with Physics

Ever Scence I've been playing Arma, I knew that it will be a good game. And it is still now that Arma 2 have came out. The game for me has every thing. Bug flyng around you and Day and night Rotation. Having 3DS Max (3D Studio Max 2009) Loads of editing 3D and CE software, I was hoping that I can add some Physics to the game to have the URWE. (Unlimited Real World Experience) Now knowing that the software I have will have to go to Extreme or beond There limits just to make crash dents. AKA, I will not take the time to do that.

What Im say is, Just to add some Physics in the game, Im worryed that we will have to go into the Arma engine and Modify it big time. Somthing I dont want to do, Because of the Copyright Rule in the world. If Possible we can as a Huge modding community, We can make a Connect PBO to tell the Arma Engine to Use a PhysicsX PBO. Then code that magic in the PhysicsX PBO. What Im Also worryed about is that if we do make that Work, BIS can include that into a Patch. I know to much to ask for.


(Arma Engine) ---> Connect PBO (If Needed) ---> PhysicsX PBO = Physics In arma

P.S: to make it Better, It doesn't have to be a PBO file. And also, Nvidia Has made an PhysicsX Engine for BFG Tech Or Nvidia Card Users. Is it Possible to also use that for help?

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Nah, PhysX is proprietary it uses the also proprietary CUDA framework.

I reckon something like a homemade physics engine or Havok physics on DirectX Compute Shaders (which still is proprietary, but free for hardware vendors to work with) would be the better choice.

You don't want to narrow down the game audience to just nVidia users, which have a hard time in this game which performs better on ATI hardware.

Maybe in ArmA 3?

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You try jumping over a wall with a minimum of 60lbs of combat gear. The "step over" action is great, a hell of a long time coming, but still very good. I hope I never see a soldier jump in a BIS war game. Like white men, soldiers cant jump :D

Yea, but it shoud be automatic... Dont need to use a touch...

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