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Game physics

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I hate how the SMAW explodes upon contact with leaves ....

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My own personal preferance but i would like to see more specific damage areas on vehicles etc, eg shooting the tracks on a tank makes it immobile (think sticky bombs on Saving Private Ryan). Im aware we have this to an extent, but i would like to maybe see it devloped more (shooting tyres on cars reduces their speed etc) And no more cardboard vehicles please!! biggrin.gif

Yeah, the damage model of vehicles/aircraft in ArmA 2 is disappointing, but thats what we have. Hopefully the next release in this series (maybe patch?!) will have more realistic damage models/ballistic physics/materials penetration

Edited by novafluxx

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I suppose the best discription of land vehivle handling would be to say that, all land vehicles act like they are floating on water lol, i really dont want to be driving a vehicles that a like driving a boat on land lol :D

Its true me thinks :D

Gta 4 had the best vehicle system...

Why wasnt this fixed for arma 2 :(

Edited by Flarmapoint 2

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I really hope that the Op. Arrowhead expansion is going to feature an overhauled physics engine. Something I was hoping to get into ArmA2.

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I suppose the best discription of land vehivle handling would be to say that, all land vehicles act like they are floating on water lol, i really dont want to be driving a vehicles that a like driving a boat on land lol :D


Wow, ya that's a perfect analogy... driving the MTVR is just silly...

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i always thinks that i was driving a lunar rover in ARMA 1 and 2

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Its more funny to get the only available Tank in the game to drive with it down a street not notice the rock left from it, driving over it, jumping sky high and watch your tank tourning completely over. Thats the best thing. Very frustrating ... (though once it saved my live when I hit a T-72 with the M1 and the enemy tank jumped around like crazy so I had enough time to change to the guner position and take a carefull aim at him!)

It feels like Bohemia let tanks fight the incredible Hulk ...

Hulk beats up the tanks

Edited by Crni-Vuk

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Sound are important in FPS games...IT ADDS to the Atmosphere of battle..maybe even more important than graphics, therefore they should create Sound Physics..:bounce3:

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Would you stop spamming the forums with your sound stuff? That's the 3rd post now about it.

Otherwise we stop that spam real quick.

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I really hope that the Op. Arrowhead expansion is going to feature an overhauled physics engine. Something I was hoping to get into ArmA2.

Agreed, wouldn't mind to fork out money just to buy OA if the focus is solely on the physics.

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Agreed, wouldn't mind to fork out money just to buy OA if the focus is solely on the physics.

*Exactly* my thoughts. :)

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I am sure someone probably mentionned it already but: faster switch between handgun and main weapon would be nice. In real life it is faster to switch to your sidearm than to reload. In ArmA2 I just do not see much difference.

Perhaps this can be solved in a patch maybe?

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I know this isn't a flight simulator, but something like what you can see in this demo mission is ridiculess.

Download as pbo and save in your arma 2 installation folder under "missions", or download the sqm version and save it in my documents\arma 2\missions so you can change yourself to actually fly any of the aircrafts.

The things they do when they collide are simply retarded. There are no words to describe. Often planes get stopped in place taking no damage at all, and sometimes they'll get knocked back and fly 400km/h in reverse.

PBO version:


Editor version:


I thought about making a video but you can try so many funny stuff here that you should really just do it in game yourself and see it happening in real time.

EDIT: And of course there was a sticky I didn't notice (because the stickies are always the same I just don't look at them anymore...), moderator merge?

Edited by galzohar

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Amen, especially Fixed Wing aircraft and ground vehicles I hate how they're so sensitive to the A and D keys and they slide around and feel like they have no mass to them.

Yesterday I was in a F-35B and was doing cartwheels forever, watching that in third person is hilarious. :D

Yeah I really Hope BIS will make huge improvements to the whole entire engine but mainly the Physics section, seeing that ground vehicles can slide around like they were on ice with bald tires. :cool:

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Try the demo mission, it's not even about vehicle controls or anything, but simply 2 bodies colliding into eachother causing some very funny stuff to happen, as well as different things happening each time. TBH this is so bad you could tell me I should have posted it in bug report...

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Both versions have the bug your talking about, but my post above is in general the physics engine is something from a PS2.

Its needs an overhaul because realistic physics simulation in games adds alot of immersion, If BIS had physics down like they have graphics the game will be perfect immersion wise.

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Posted today about physics being a bit off? Who did you think havent noticed lol?

Works for me even though everything can always be better.

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This game is cruel enough to computers, we dont need a full physics engine also doing rude things to our processors as well...

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The physics are absolute crap inside this game. I mean comeon if you are in a tank and you crash into a car it shouldn't completly halt the tank to a stop and just have them pushing eachother. Even Battlefield 2 had way better physics than this shitty physics engine.

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The physics are absolute crap inside this game. I mean comeon if you are in a tank and you crash into a car it shouldn't completly halt the tank to a stop and just have them pushing eachother. Even Battlefield 2 had way better physics than this shitty physics engine.
Well, Battlefield 2 has the Havok physics engine which is far from shitty.

It's just the absurd mass values in Battlefield 2 that makes the physics crap with ragdolls flying a cross the entire map.

A lightweight homemade physics engine shouldn't tax your system much more than the current physics engine.

But I think that increasing the refresh rate of the collision detection should make a huge difference.

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It's much worse than that... As my demo mission shows, you can have planes collide with eachother face to face and yet no damage is taken. Sometimes both will halt and either fall, hover or merge with eachother. Sometimes 1 will halt and the other will fly at extreme speeds in reverse. They actually seem to never take any damage in my test (though collisions under certain conditions do cause damage, but why not on a face-to-face collision??).

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Yes this game truly does need a physics engine and then dedicate an entire core of a quad-core CPU to handle it. That would make my Fing... YEAR.

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