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Orange DLC (wild) SPECULATIONS !!!

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Arma 3 roadmap 2016-2017 sounds good.

somebody can explain whats means 'ORANGE' DLC 


This year, we opened a new studio in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. With the goal of gradually building up experience, work has started on a small project, codenamed 'Orange'. While the exact direction isn't final, we're very much interested in exploring an interesting and unique perspective on the battlefield. It’s shaping up to be a valuable, innovative addition to the platform!


what is that? 


Edited by Maio
Because I can ;)

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I'm guessing they are using "Orange" as a code name because it looks like their new studio in The Netherlands is developing it and orange is the color of the Dutch Royal Family, House of Orange-Nassau.  Fun fact, that is also why orange carrots exist.

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I doubt it will be a Netherlands faction, since theoretically that should all be covered under NATO in Arma 3 standards. Agent Orange was the first thing I thought of? So maybe more air burst style munitions? Fuel air bombs etc? Chemicals? haha I dunno 

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The link between Netherlands and orange make me think that this codename is only related to the Amsterdam Studio, and doesn't give any information about the actual content of this DLC. I don't think it will be about agent Orange/chemicals...


--EDIT : do the devs even know what it will be?

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Yeah they do.


My wild guess : naval stuff. With Malden (yet another island, and a small one) coming to Arma3, it would make a nice combo...

Although that bit : "interesting and unique perspective on the battlefield" makes me think I'm probably wrong.

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"interesting and unique perspective on the battlefield"




Frankly this sounds potentially promising to me. But too vague and mysterious to be hyped about. 

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The link between Netherlands and orange make me think that this codename is only related to the Amsterdam Studio, and doesn't give any information about the actual content of this DLC. I don't think it will be about agent Orange/chemicals...


--EDIT : do the devs even know what it will be?


A force fighting in Tanoa would be interested in deforestation or defoliation. Agent Orange would do that.

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Maybe VR support for A3? http://orangecountyvr.com/ 


I hope not... I'd rather it add some actual content to the game such as naval assets... Landing craft etc. we've been given Tanoa and Malden is in coming it would make sense for them to add equipment to move heavy vehicles around these islands and to use in amphibious assaults.

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VR would more likely to be a task for Enfusion developers, not content/features developers.


--EDIT :

What if... What if they actually didn't planed anything, and they're just looking at our reactions after the roadmap release in order to assign what we're asking to this Amsterdam team? I mean.. I'm just asking.

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 "While the exact direction isn't finalwe're very much interested in exploring an interesting and unique perspective on the battlefield"


They aren't dead set on a direction, so we might be able to influence their decision.

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My wild guess: VR


  We Dads need a conference on how in the hell we're gonna sneak this new tech into our families unnoticed. Im thinking "nightvision to catch intruders honey" to start...

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Does this have anything to do with this?




Maybe some new phones and internet boxes :P :P :P

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I'm still hoping its going to be small boats and what not as part of a amphib dlc (marines, some small floating vehicles, landing craft, cb90 etc)

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I hope it's Naval assets. Jet and Tank DLC's are cool, meaning we have everything from Helicopters, Infantry, Planes, Tanks, Dirt Grinders, and... well, a rubber duck. Not many threats on the water, and all those detailed ports. I would absolutely love for this to be a Naval DLC, as there's a handful of things and new tech they could use with it. 

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Maybe how ACE is know for its Bananas, maybe BI is adding in Oranges as their little fruit? 



VR would more likely to be a task for Enfusion developers, not content/features developers.


--EDIT :

What if... What if they actually didn't planed anything, and they're just looking at our reactions after the roadmap release in order to assign what we're asking to this Amsterdam team? I mean.. I'm just asking.


If thats the case, quickly everyone jump on the band wagon and say we want naval assets and then they'll make them! haha 

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Based on the usual topics that pop up on here for discussion, and 'interesting and unique perspective on the battlefield' I think it'll either be;

  1. Greater Medic/ revive functionality
  2. Naval Assets (The Netherlands is a maritime country remember ;) )
  3. Women
  4. Another new MP gameplay mode
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Why a lot of people seem to think it will be naval assets?

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