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[IceBreakr/IBIS] Isla Abramia for A3

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  On 1/14/2016 at 12:06 AM, icebreakr said:





Isla Abramia has been a WIP project for three+ years and due to alpha state of A3 it has been changed numerous times and put on hold even more times ;) it's a map suited for a 3-sided war or a nice coop (as usually). Size? Classic IceBreakr's 10x10km but distances are much more realistic now, spotting choppers can be a pixel hunt ;) It has been created from a scratch, with numerous sketches and then put into various 3D map making apps. Most of the satellite textures were hand painted.



Snowy hilltops, few bases, few villages and only a handful of towns. Main town is situated in the main valley with civilian airport. There is one off-shore island with military base, that island is taken from my old Fapovo A2 project. It can be used as a staging area.


Island won't have its own units but units will come separately in form of FAP Units (Foes & Allies Pack) that will be a tool for all my island army sides in the future (Molatia, Afrene, Cecania, Pantheran Territorial Guard, Police Factions, Venator PMC, GAL, ARL, African Rebels, etc.).



When it's done basically. I'm beta testing the island with my team this week or next one, release will follow shortly.


I hope you'll enjoy the island same as the first testers did ;)

It's nice to see another awesome island! Good work ;)

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  On 1/14/2016 at 12:06 AM, icebreakr said:

When it's done

I would like to say that "When its done" is already under our Trademark.

No just kidding, great work as usual, love the snowy stuff, thats something arma lacks! Keep it up!!

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Stunning, just like all of your other maps, now we need the uniform modelling kings to make some good PCU models :D

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I normally wouldn't get so excited of just one screen, because many island got one nice screen... but seeing its icebreaker (and IBIS) behind it changes that.


Can't wait to test it :)

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are all your A3 Islands, Panthera, Lingor, Duala,now compatible with CUP's sir?

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It's interesting to see so many new made-from-scratch terrains pop up. Looking forward to shooting bad guys on this  :)

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Final test will be held this Thursday. Then follows the public release of 1.0, depends on how many bugs are to be squashed ;)

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Icebreakr.... no matter what mod... A2 overpoch, A3 epoch, or A3 exile, your maps have ALWAYS been my favorite... and just as I finalize panthera to my liking for Exile youll be releasing this... kooks like I'll have 2 servers.

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jw custom: hope you've checked Panthera v3.36 in A3, it has substantian new land added ;)


I'll throw together a trailer in a day or two, m'kay?

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  On 1/16/2016 at 11:59 PM, icebreakr said:

jw custom: hope you've checked Panthera v3.36 in A3, it has substantian new land added ;)


I'll throw together a trailer in a day or two, m'kay?


Dear god please!

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Some major bugs were found and were resolved today... we even moved the test from last Thursday to this Wednesday because of it. No worries, island is coming!

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  On 1/24/2016 at 6:41 PM, icebreakr said:

Some major bugs were found and were resolved today... we even moved the test from last Thursday to this Wednesday because of it. No worries, island is coming!


Still looking forward to seeing this map. Still no more teaser pics or video?!

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