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2035: Russian Armed Forces v5.3.0


Please if you like and want to support our mod, feel free to donate so that we can continue giving you quality work. 🙂

(Most of the money will go towards the mod improvement, as in better models etc.)



For more 2035 high quality content, we recommend to check out our sister project ArmA3 Aegis!

Please do check out and follow their BIS topic and Steam Workshop!



2035: Russian Armed Forces focuses on adding a fictional "future" version of the Russian Armed Forces to ArmA3.


Great effort has been put into an attempt to seamlessly integrate them into the 2035 era of the Armaverse, so that the faction could stand right next to the others in the base game (NATO, AAF, CSAT).


Featured are:

- Our own uniforms, vests, helmets and gear made completely from scratch (models and textures).

- New vehicles and armor, ranging from T-14 Armata, Pancir AA launcher to the Kamaz trucks, Tigr and more. Tanks DLC features fully compatible.

- Usable for any kind of enviroment. Various types of camo for both ground units (Flora, Partizan, Surpat, Desert, Winter... ) and vehicles/aircraft (Russian green, Desert, Nakikda, Winter, Arctic... ) and so on.

- Russian weapon pack featuring new guns such as the AK12 (and its variants), AEK, Pecheneg, PP2000 etc. Marksman DLC features fully compatible.


We plan on expanding the roster, gear and armament with further versions. Same goes for some of the ArmA3 assets/placeholders that will be replaced in the future

Mod is is currently compatible with Zeus, ASDG and ALiVE.

ALiVE users: Faction name is "min_rf" (without quotation marks).


- ArmA 3



Extract the folder @Min_RF into your ArmA3 game directory and enable the mod in the launcher. Also put the Mindas.bikey into the core Keys folder.


- If using CBA/ASDG, you *MUST* use the "min_rf_wp_c.pbo" and the bisign from the ASDG folder, replacing the one in Addons - otherwise you will have no scopes. You also must do it after every update.


For uninstallation, disable the mod in the launcher and delete the respective folder.



Mindas - Everything. Models, textures, config.. yes, he's that busy!
Deathstruck - Betatest, screenshots, permissions.

AveryTheKitty & Aegis team - Asset sharing from Aegis and vice versa.
Toadie2K - AK animations.
TheEvanCat - Black Titan launcher.
VanSchmoozin (VSM) - Balaclava model.

Sabre One - Armata models.
PetrTlach - Consultations.
BadHabitz - Help with solving some of the retexturing problems concering the Titan launcher.
Bohemia Interactive - The rest of the assets and ArmA3.


- Retextures are okay. Any manner of them. Feel free releasing those without asking .

(for those who are interested: HiddenSelections are enabled for both uniforms and weapons)

- Same goes for using the mod as a requirement for another.

- Please ask our permission before releasing mods that heavily alter or are based on the assets of this mod (models etc.)


You can usually contact us on the respective forums.


BIS Forums: https://forums.bohemia.net/profile/747965-mindas/
Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/users.php?m=details&id=62241&u=Mindas

BIS Forums: https://forums.bistudio.com/user/751402-deathstruck/
Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/users.php?m=details&id=9573&u=Slashback


By downloading and using this modification, you agree that the author of the modification cannot be held responsible for any damage to software or hardware directly or indirectly caused by the aforementioned modification. Use at your own risk, yaddy yadda.


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Ouuh yes !!!!!  


I feel i can put the sudden ones in pause ;)


Thank you very much for sharing !

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WOW thats cool! Downloading ASAP!


just wish you would have:

  -the gen3 AK-12 not gen1

  -grey air force paint instead of black


But anyway - keep up the great effort! RHS is all good and stuff, but this is "canon" 2035ish stuff and is more then welcome!  ^_^

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Normally I'm not a fan of futuristic factions but this looks very believable and I love the new custom gear! Great job

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New mod v0.9 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


Hey Deathstruck , you can upload updates or new mods to withSIX yourself now!

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Got a few bugs to report:

  • The Carrier Lite and Tactical Vest (except the Carrier Rig; that fits perfectly) have some clipping issues with some vanilla uniforms, like the NATO combat fatigues and the coveralls:



  • The display names for the uniforms should follow the same convention as the vanilla ones or at least have a unique suffix at the end of each one like this; Fatigues (Digital flora/Rolled-up) for the one with rolled-up sleeves, or Fatigues (Digital flora/Gloves) for the uniform with gloves. It's a bit difficult to differentiate uniforms from each other in the arsenal or when picking them up from a crate since they all share the same name and picture so you won't know what you're wearing until you actually equip the uniform.


  • Naming convention issue also extends to the SVD12's suppressor, although this one can sort of slide since it has a unique icon. 


  • Your weapons don't seem to support optics from the Marksmen DLC, so you can't mount any variants of the AMS or Khalia scopes even with CBA's Joint Rails enabled.


  • The AK-12's GP-30 can load the 3GL's 3Rnd grenade rounds.


  • Lack of a fire geo LOD on all of your weapons so dirt will spray when a bullet ricochets off them:




But otherwise this is excellent stuff. Always great to see more mods using the same context as the vanilla settings.  :D

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These look awesome!, are they compatible with zeus?, and are you planning to release these on steam workshop?

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what a great looking mod! Nice and simple, but great quality. Will it eventually be zeus-compatible in the next update?

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I´ve tested those  Ak-12s on virtual arsenal, and all 3 variants have misaligned iron sights... is it just me, or nobody played with those guns without an optic? (I´ve noticed cus the DMS upper red dot sight was misaligned too...)


A compactibility with ASDG JR would be nice too ;D


Besides this and those issues reported drebin052, it´s a fine idea of a complimentary unit for the 2035 storyline =) Many kudos, Deathstruck



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So I guess there is no reason to download since I don't own Marksmen DLC.. right?

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Thank you guys for the report and suggestions! We'll immediately look into them. ZEUS and Joint Rails compatibility will definitely come. :)


  On 10/28/2015 at 9:33 AM, nikiforos said:

So I guess there is no reason to download since I don't own Marksmen DLC.. right?


You know, come to think of it, the addon doesn't really use any of Marksmen guns or optics apart from features. But I was told it was required anyway and have no idea how to disable the DLC so couldn't test it myself.


Try to download them and tell me if they work without them. I'll fix the (misleading) description if they do. :)

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Guest HellGhost



Thanks, finally a mod to increase the presence of Russian Forces (out of the really good RHS : AFRF of course).


But just a thing, like you just write it :


Vilas - AK12 model and MLOD


I think that can be better by using the Toadie AK-12 models and textures instead.

Better rendering in all terms.

Just my opinion of course.


Nice mod, and thanks for your work !

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  On 10/28/2015 at 9:45 AM, Deathstruck said:

Thank you guys for the report and suggestions! We'll immediately look into them. :)





You know, come to think of it, the addon doesn't really use any of Marksmen guns or optics apart from features. But I was told it was required anyway and have no idea how to disable the DLC so couldn't test it myself.


Try to download them and tell me if they work without them. I'll fix the (misleading) description if they do. :)

Seems to work even without Marksman DLC , I will do some more testing later tonight!

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  On 10/28/2015 at 9:22 AM, corporal_lib[br] said:

I´ve tested those  Ak-12s on virtual arsenal, and all 3 variants have misaligned iron sights... is it just me, or nobody played with those guns without an optic? (I´ve noticed cus the DMS upper red dot sight was misaligned too...)


A compactibility with ASDG JR would be nice too ;D


Besides this and those issues reported drebin052, it´s a fine idea of a complimentary unit for the 2035 storyline =) Many kudos, Deathstruck




Can you be a bit more specific about the iron sights? Maybe even post pictures? I have just tried all 3 weapons ingame again and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the iron sights, at least on my end. :)


Also just figuring out how to properly set it up on Steam Workshop. :P

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Added a Steam Workshop link to the first post and updated the description.

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Very nice mod! One thing I wanted to ask is whether it is possible to make backpack empty. Because when I go to the arsenal, I get it filled with things like magazines, smokes and granades, might be usefull, but many people I play with and myself, like to fill in backpack with own load out.

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...it doesn't take much time to empty a backpack in the arsenal before exporting though...

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I have to ask... can they please be configured to work with Alive, how about a CSAT replacement option :D


Great work, thanks!!

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