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Eden Feature Requests

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I know it's a bit early seeing it only got released today, but I figured it would be better to give some feedback early. After messing around a bit there's already some things that I notice that would be a welcome addition. 


  • One way connections. Love the fact that this is in and messed around with the commands a bit, but it doesn't seem like it supports one way connections. With this I mean it should be possible to add 2 connections of the same type between objects be able to tell which connection goes from one to the other. A setting in the connection config would be preferred for this. I imagine you can add 2 connection configs like this already and differentiate like that.
  • Area Marker resizing by dragging. Hold shift and drag left/right to change X size and up/down to change Y size.
  • Subfolders and ability to add extra locations for mission saving and loading
  • Ceiling and floor for triggers yes please!
  • 3D marker view. I did see it for triggers, but not for (shaped) markers yet. 
  • Support for vehicle randomization and adjusting (Like in Arsenal)
  • Making groups in entities list (Select multiple objects and putting them under a shared folder independent of which type they are) 

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Feature requests:

  • Waypoint attributes like waypoint placement radius are not copied from last waypoint.
  • Add an option for BIS_fnc_ambientAnim & BIS_fnc_ambientCombatAnim to the attributes of units
  • Add an option to change volume of music and sounds to triggers (sliders)
  • Taks modules should display the task title if one hovers over them.
  • Add a window for the init.sqf: In SP scenarios I like to define global variables via the init.sqf, to do so I always need to alt+tab out of the game -> annoying
  • Video settings should be seperated for the video settings of the overall game (In the editor view distance is less important to me than in a scenario)
  • Add an attribute to units which allows the player to enable and configurate BIS_fnc_taskPatrol quickly
  • Add a modifier key for slow scrolling and moving in the 3d view
  • All animals should be available in the objects categorie for precise placement
  • Add a better integration of BIS_fnc_endMission, I know it's supposed to be a more advanced option for endings, however, IMHO it should be default, since otherwise scenarios won't be marked as played in the scenario menu, which can be quite irritating if you have hundreds of scenarios



  • Moving an objects resets rotation around axis x,y

Last Update: 20. 08. 2015 (removed solved issues and feature request of features which were implemented :yay:)

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I would like to edit unit loadout easily thats mayby only thing I am missing.

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Ability to re-map all the control keys please :-) WASD doesn't work for me, so I'm stuck "Zooming in" everywhere to move

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how to set all vehicles as unlocked by default?


get in waypoint placed on vehicles doesnt work?


how to set posture on unit?


be nice if unit selection stayed on same place rather than returnign ot the top of the unit list again (try selecting RHS soldiers and it keeps moving back to cast each time)

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Add an option to hide objects of a specific categorie, for example a tick box to hide marker, triggers, units, waypoints (to reduce clutter in missions with alot of objects)

The right-click context menu should have an option to copy coordinates of clicked position (for use in scripts)

Add an option for BIS_fnc_ambientAnim & BIS_fnc_ambientCombatAnim to the attributes of units

Task modules should display the task title if one hovers over them.

+ 11 on these..



- add a particle/lightsource creation/editing tool...

- add the object class name in the object attribute window header like in the 2D editor (and this time do it for markers as well..)

- add possibility for editing unit loadouts, seems pretty convoluted to have virtual arsenal as separate entity now..

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I would like to edit unit loadout easily thats mayby only thing I am missing.


This is the most important thing, but I think they mentioned plans to add Arsenal to the editor. If that's true, then great!


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Allow us to edit a unit's inventory. I didn't hear them mention anything about the Arsenal but if they integrate that it'd be fantastic. I also want the ability to set the position that a soldier occupies in a vehicle, and let us hide icons in the 3d view.

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Visualization of waypoints could be better when elevated - maybe a small spheres created when it's being dragged? Buildings with pretty limited area like minarets are frustrating to put waypoints in right now.


For features though:


- Visualization of building positions in the 3d space


- Toggable snap for waypoints when placed near building positions in the 3d space

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A music (and sound) viewer which, a bit like the config viewer, gives us the possibility to browse through CfgMusic and play / fast forward songs. It should display the length, music class (if set), display name, and classname which could easily be copied to clipboard.

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temporary selection as an option would be nice, so you dont have to first explicitly click on a unit to do operations like rotate, group, etc. just hover and do.

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Unless I've overlooked something on my admittedly brief time spent enjoying EDEN, I think more immediate/visual access to classnames of objects would be nice.


In the 2D Editor the classname displays in the Insert/Edit Unit interface so it'd be good if it showed in the Attributes window of an entity in the 3D editor at least: To read the classname of an object in EDEN now it seems I have to right-click it and "find in the config browser" which is reasonably slow since it takes a moment to load the config browser.


Alernatively, the ability to simply right-click and copy an Entity's classname to the clipboard would be useful I think - perhaps also the option to copy its variable name from the right-click menu too. So that one could directly select an Entity (or maybe even a group) in the editor and paste its classname or variable name directly in to a scripting console.


Perhaps if we could search the Assets and Entities panels by classname as well as displaynames that would be cool too. :)

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I'd like to see manipulation of dead bodies, so you could drape them over stuff, set them up sitting against a wall and things like that. Basically some kind of ragdoll tool where you can pick them up by the head, move them around, then later on perhaps move around their arms, legs etc. once you've set them down.

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Surely we need to have the ability to set the respawn mode and associated settings from within the editor, without having to exit out and go hacking around with a text editor?  Surely??

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Alernatively, the ability to simply right-click and copy an Entity's classname to the clipboard would be useful I think - perhaps also the option to copy its variable name from the right-click menu too. So that one could directly select an Entity (or maybe even a group) in the editor and paste its classname or variable name directly in to a scripting console.


Does this look ok? Variable names are also copied when present.



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Some ideas for the Eden Editor:


- A virtual arsenal or 2D gear customizer when editing infantry.

- Custom Post Process Effect tool.

- Class for placing structures such as a hangar, onto the map.

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Does this look ok? Variable names are also copied when present.




Looks splendid, you also added a function to copy current position.  :yay: :yay: :yay:

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Does this look ok?


I agree with R3vo, and would call it splendid :)


Thank you for the effort

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Need to be able to customize the inventory of vehicles and containers. Seems basic, but it's a huge deal.

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What I personally would like to see.

Bring the camera in line with the splendid camera, instead of the way that Zeus does it. The sensitivity based on height above an object is unreliable, especially when zooming in on objects.

Involve classnames in searching somehow. Either by default or allowing a toggle between classnames and displaynames. If I specifically want to find something from RHS, I could add RHS to the search field to filter out most things that don't have RHS  in their name.

Also the ability to see classnames of stuff you're placing or editing, like in the 2D editor. Having it show up somewhere would be nice.

Other than that, basically what other people have said.

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Need to be able to customize the inventory of vehicles and containers. Seems basic, but it's a huge deal.

Quoted for truth

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And another thing I remember, being able to edit coordinates of multiple objects, but only one coordinate. The way it is now is that you have to tick the edit position button, but if you want to keep the objects' X and Y coordinate intact then there's nothing to really do.

But then again this is mostly because the rotation widget is not yet implemented, leading to their rotation resetting when you raise them up and down.

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Does this look ok? Variable names are also copied when present.




This is great when you need something exactly like this, but I wouldn't call this fully resolved.


Having to paste the copied value somewhere just to quickly glance at the classname of something is slightly tedious.

It's also tedious when you just need a classname but the that option exports at minimum 2 lines of text to clipboard with formatting. :(

The old way was very minimalistic and functional. It didn't require you to delete cruft or extract from a list just for the small thing you need before you can use a classname.


Additionally, is there any chance that we can get a setting in the menu that would enable us to toggle classnames in tooltips and lists? So that when you turn it on, those lines of text show "Engineer [b_engineer_F]" / "Engineer (varname) [b_engineer_F]" instead of just "Engineer" / "Engineer (varname)"?

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  • Arsenal Integration for Units (as mentioned x times before :P )
  • Editing inventory of boxes/vehicles etc
  • Add setCaptive to attributes
  • Some kind of organisation for missions (subfolders, tags, ...)


Last point bugged me for quite some time. I create template missions for some stuff, maybe whole campaigns or other stuff that somehow needs to be grouped together.

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