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any news on weapon resting?

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Didnt play ArmA3 since a while because since a patch a few month ago, it got unplayable FPS for me.

Anyway: are there any news on Weapon rest actually?

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Cmon guys! Its only one year since the feature is requested! You need to be patient. I bet if we stay calm for...mh like 3 years we might even eventually get it!

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Cmon guys! Its only one year since the feature is requested! You need to be patient. I bet if we stay calm for...mh like 3 years we might even eventually get it!

We're requesting it since OFP my bad.

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I guess it's one of those things that always will be requested, but left for the modders to add (I myself use VTS_weaponresting for that, others use Tao_Senai's TMR-mod). With the next iteration of ACE we'll surely have some sort of weapon resting functionality that'll be available for use at least on more supporting servers.

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Yea so we´ll have 300 different weapon resting mods with 300 servers all running their own favorite. Just relying on mods is what the BiS developers LOVES. Because they can just drop shit they forgot to add in the first place.

You´ll see pigs fly before you see BIS adding weapon resting.

Just imagine for a second if mods wasn´t possible in Arma 2 or 3. A complete total disaster.

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Well after the Zeus dlc , we might finally get the status of this - if they plan to do it or not

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There was a rumor that BI woudn't implement bipods because AIs can't use them.

It wasn't officially confirmed though.

That's a topic started by the same TS. Could've just bumped the old one.

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The stubbornes with with BIS resists to add this long anticipated Feature to the series is incredible. A few years ago you could have argued that other games don´t have it either, but times have changed. This feature is an absolute must if you want to label the game as infantry focused!

Along with proper suppression effects for the AI, (other games have this)

better and longer animations for throwing frags, (other games have this)

a better wounding system, (The current one would perfectly fit into one of those other games but it is unfit for Arma)

armored vests that actually work like armored vests would (e.g. not protecting your whole torso), (currently seriously broken)

better reactions to beeing hit (especially for the AI), (a slight twitch is not realistic and very un-immersive)

Inertia influenced movement depending on the Weapon you have (just a little bit. This would make people use SMGs)

and weapons having a collision model so that players prefer to clean houses with their pistol instead of their heavy MG. (This would make people use pistols)


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At this point, I don't even care how well it's implemented. If I can go prone and push a button and have better stability, I'll be happy. I don't even need an animation or anything yet. I just want to be able to shoot straight without having to use a mod that prevents me from playing on 99% of the servers.

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and weapons having a collision model so that players prefer to clean houses with their pistol instead of their heavy MG. (This would make people use pistols)

If they were going to do this, it would have to be implemented way better than it was in previous games, because it made movement in buildings feel so bad that several people made mods to remove weapon collision. Some sort of automatic weapon lowering or something, maybe?

Also, no one uses a pistol in combat if they can help it.

At this point, I don't even care how well it's implemented. If I can go prone and push a button and have better stability, I'll be happy. I don't even need an animation or anything yet. I just want to be able to shoot straight without having to use a mod that prevents me from playing on 99% of the servers.

Ideally you wouldn't even need an animation. Just make it so that any time your weapon is naturally in contact with a surface it is stabilized.

Edited by roshnak

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Was just talkin to a friend about this, why they would'nt implimeant this is beyond me. it is however a Infantry Sim/sandbox. Hopefully sooner than later...a must have if u ask me. Engaging infantry at rang with an mg is alwmost pointless if u ask me.

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The stubbornes with with BIS resists to add this long anticipated Feature to the series is incredible. A few years ago you could have argued that other games don´t have it either, but times have changed. This feature is an absolute must if you want to label the game as infantry focused!

Along with proper suppression effects for the AI, (other games have this)

better and longer animations for throwing frags, (other games have this)

a better wounding system, (The current one would perfectly fit into one of those other games but it is unfit for Arma)

armored vests that actually work like armored vests would (e.g. not protecting your whole torso), (currently seriously broken)

better reactions to beeing hit (especially for the AI), (a slight twitch is not realistic and very un-immersive)

Inertia influenced movement depending on the Weapon you have (just a little bit. This would make people use SMGs)

and weapons having a collision model so that players prefer to clean houses with their pistol instead of their heavy MG. (This would make people use pistols)

you've summed up 80% of what is needed. if BIS can get these right well then ARMA3 will ultimate.

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BIS time frame reminds me of something I used to tell my girlfriend, "I said I will get it done, you don't have to remind me every 6 months."

I doubt we will see this anytime soon. I wonder, if they put as much time into something like this as they do their April Fool's jokes would they maybe get something done? I don't see Arma 3 getting much better than the current state to be honest.

Many thanks to the modders otherwise this would be a very bland game.

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Use this till BIS gets something implemented:

BI is never going to implement w/ resting but I wonder what would a skilled modder pick from the most requested features list in resemblance of make war not peace contest :bounce3:

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BI is never going to implement w/ resting but I wonder what would a skilled modder pick from the most requested features list in resemblance of make war not peace contest :bounce3:

SSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Don't give them any ideas. Then we'd have to buy a new game created by a MANW modder that has weapon resting.

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The stubbornes with with BIS resists to add this long anticipated Feature to the series is incredible. A few years ago you could have argued that other games don´t have it either, but times have changed. This feature is an absolute must if you want to label the game as infantry focused!

Along with proper suppression effects for the AI, (other games have this)

better and longer animations for throwing frags, (other games have this)

a better wounding system, (The current one would perfectly fit into one of those other games but it is unfit for Arma)

armored vests that actually work like armored vests would (e.g. not protecting your whole torso), (currently seriously broken)

better reactions to beeing hit (especially for the AI), (a slight twitch is not realistic and very un-immersive)

Inertia influenced movement depending on the Weapon you have (just a little bit. This would make people use SMGs)

and weapons having a collision model so that players prefer to clean houses with their pistol instead of their heavy MG. (This would make people use pistol


Put this in a dlc and charge me 10 bucks already

I know people getting kicks from zeus and the campaign. But I would rather this list was done than all the Zeus and campaign.

And yeah I do wanna use a pistol clearing a room. I want a 45 that impacts like a 45.

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The stubbornes with with BIS resists to add this long anticipated Feature to the series is incredible. A few years ago you could have argued that other games don´t have it either, but times have changed. This feature is an absolute must if you want to label the game as infantry focused!

Along with proper suppression effects for the AI, (other games have this)

better and longer animations for throwing frags, (other games have this)

a better wounding system, (The current one would perfectly fit into one of those other games but it is unfit for Arma)

armored vests that actually work like armored vests would (e.g. not protecting your whole torso), (currently seriously broken)

better reactions to beeing hit (especially for the AI), (a slight twitch is not realistic and very un-immersive)

Inertia influenced movement depending on the Weapon you have (just a little bit. This would make people use SMGs)

and weapons having a collision model so that players prefer to clean houses with their pistol instead of their heavy MG. (This would make people use pistols)

This pretty much sums up most A3 issues.

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It's hilarious that every bit on weapons is animated except for the bipods. You cannot unfold and fold them together neither is realistic weapon resting simulated in Arma 3 but at least we have bunnies and snakes roaming around the beautiful maps (unsyncend of course).

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Well originally the bipod were folded down until people started to complain that they can´t rest the weapon. BIS "fixed" that by introducing new models that had the bipods up.

BTW feel free to copy the text in my signature into yours. It seems we have to do some campaigning before BIS decides to actually do something, or even respond to some of those issues.

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BI's zero-information-policy on possible new features really is the wrong way to be handling things. I get that they want to avoid past mistakes, like posting screenshots of content that never arrives, making promises they can't keep etc., but saying nothing at all is just over-compensating. People get antsy when there is no information whatsoever, because it gives the impression that nothing at all is happening (and that no one wants to admit to it). In other words, silence drives people crazy.

Even the tiniest little tidbit of information would be welcome at this point.

Edited by MadDogX

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