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11 minutes ago, Tankbuster said:

I've been fiddling with calculatePath.

It takes me a number of minutes to generate results using ATVs and drivers that this command returns in milliseconds.

I do hope we'll get this command in the next stable.


Sure but one question:
What is it intended for? I mean, the engine calculates path as well, so the command is just a kind of visual "debug"? In what manner this could be useful in a script?

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you can deduce from that information of AI movement paths, and maybe even built a something like costmap (terrain elevation per cell)

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15 hours ago, pierremgi said:

What is it intended for

Sometimes commands are requested by internal BI designers for quite specific purpose 

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I want to use it for getting a nice straight stretch of road that I want to spawn a 'man a road block' mission.

Currently I have to spawn an atv and send it to a distant destination and get an appropriate stretch of road as they drive and that takes time. This command can get me the data in a fraction of the time.

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22 hours ago, pierremgi said:


Sure but one question:
What is it intended for? I mean, the engine calculates path as well, so the command is just a kind of visual "debug"? In what manner this could be useful in a script?


You can check each path node for restricted area and recalculate if necessary, for example.


It potentially gives you a very good estimate where exactly a unit will move, much more reliable than rough waypoints. Could even use `setDriveOnPath` to disable any external impact on AI when they move.

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1 hour ago, nomisum said:


You can check each path node for restricted area and recalculate if necessary, for example.


It potentially gives you a very good estimate where exactly a unit will move, much more reliable than rough waypoints. Could even use `setDriveOnPath` to disable any external impact on AI when they move.


I can imagine all these features... thanks. After that, I'll be not surprised to see differences between these calculations and the in-game movement. First of all, the calculation hard fixes the behavior of the mobile (safe or aware or... for the whole path). In-game...

One of the main AI problem is to see a unit making a large detour around fences (test in North Tanoa main airport) for proceeding north,  unable to pass through destroyed fences (holes). Any player goes straight but no AI.  So, now, at least we have a tool for drawing the wrong path...

  • Haha 2

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Build 145798, setMagazineTurretAmmo command no longer lets you set magazine ammo above magazine capacity. This was very useful for cases where you need larger magazines as you obviously can't have custom magazines without addons. Please revert this change, we're actively using it.

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Currently, vehicles loaded inside other vehicles cannot use/move their guns and turrets, including FFV positions. Sometimes, it might be desirable to allow such behaviour, such as firing from the flatbed HEMMT.


Could we get a script command that overrides the default turret lock while the vehicle is loaded into another vehicle/rack/ViV container?


something like

transportVehicle enableViVTurrets true; //enables turrets for all loaded vehicles
transportVehicle enableViVTurrets [true, loadedVehicle]; //enables turrets for particular cargo vehicle (optional)
transportVehicle enableViVTurrets loadedVehicle; //enables turrets for particular cargo vehicle
transportVehicle disableViVTurrets loadedVehicle; //disables turrets for particular cargo vehicle

and of course appropriate getters (e.g. isViVTurretsEnabled).


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Is there any specific reason that synchronizedObjects can't handle regular objects? I think it's odd behaviour since we can synchronize objects in Eden Editor very easily.

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Unsure when it occured, but the MP implimentation of the holdactions seems to not be working at the moment, old scripts that did work seem to no longer work in MP, usually doubling the actions up for other players now.

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@reyhardBIN_fnc_findTargetWeight only looks for soldiers on foot, is that intended?

private _entities = getposatl _object nearentities [["CAManBase"],_scanRange];

That prevents aliens from engaging vehicles when in "Combat" mode (?).


The doc seems to indicate that the targeting system should work with vehicles :


[bis_car,0] call bin_fnc_setTargetWeight - Vehicle and its crew will be ignored by the targeting system


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6 hours ago, haleks said:

BIN_fnc_findTargetWeight only looks for soldiers on foot, is that intended?

Semi intended - it was changed in one optimization run to detect characters only but plan was to add vehicle detection toggle via some variable (disabled in campaign in 90% cases) . Such change will probably arrive in 1.96

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Sorry that this test isn't on Development Branch neither vanilla, but is this intended behaviour that animationState will return "" (empty string) if the unit isn't a man but an animal?


EDIT: Also setAnimSpeedCoef doesn't work for animals too. Is this too?

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Confirmed. I'm an idiot. Running 194.xxxxxx.  For reasons of personal idiocy I only checked the six last digits when looking at the version number. 



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On 12/18/2018 at 6:01 AM, haleks said:

Right now it's just that single change :

class CfgSurfaces {
	class Default {
		AIAvoidStance = 2;


I'll apply it to Ravage and add it as an optional PBO for Discipline (I reckon people who still use it will enjoy another little immersion tweak).


Hey @haleks, Can this be implemented on missions without making it a PBO or @?


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1 hour ago, LSValmont said:


Hey @haleks, Can this be implemented on missions without making it a PBO or @?



Nope, only a mod can change that kind of config.

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2 minutes ago, haleks said:


Nope, only a mod can change that kind of config.

Thank you! You never got to add this to Discipline as an optional addon right? 

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Not yet, I had forgotten about it to be honest... ^^

I'll see if I can push a tiny update this week-end with the parameters I use for Ravage.

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Small suggestion for future updates :

It would be super nice if the saveGame command could return 'true' once the engine is actually done saving... Right now there's no easy way to detect that, and the OnSaveGame EH is pretty much useless in that regard.


EDIT : a practical example :

I have a scenario that spawns enough simpleObjects to crash the save system, so I'm using a script to destroy said objects before saving :

fnc_save_and_reboot_systems = {
	_targetcount = (count (allSimpleObjects []) - count (aradus_ex_spawnedobjs + aradus_var_r_hndld + aradus_var_veg_hndld));
	call fnc_save_eh;//a function that destroys thousands of simpleObjects and variables
	waitUntil {count (allSimpleObjects []) isEqualTo _targetcount};//it takes some time to actually delete objs, so this makes sure objs are actually deleted before saving
	waitUntil {isNull findDisplay 13};//wait for the "saving..." display to disappear
	call fnc_sys_init;//save is supposed to be done, so we can start repopulating the map

2 problems with this :

  • - I found that deleting objects takes some time, resulting in the fnc_save_eh function returning 'true' before objects are actually deleted (therefore said objects end up being saved and cluttering the save file)... This is solved with the waitUntil _targetCount stuff.
  • - Even if I wait for the "saving..." display to disappear before repopulating the map with the fnc_sys_init function, newly spawned objects end up being saved, indicating that saving wasn't actually finished, and the save file is cluttered with the objects and variables I was trying to exclude... It's a pain in the ass to deal with...
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6 hours ago, .kju said:


I have, but it comes with its own problems...

When using it to reboot the population systems, I end up with double the expected amount of simpleObjects... I spent hours debugging this, and here's the weird thing : I've removed the "rebooting" part from the save function, and I have 0 simple objects when loading a save - as expected. As soon as I add a Loaded EH, I have twice as many objects (even if I use a variable check to prevent executing the reboot function twice), which doesn't occur when rebooting from the save function.

That's driving me crazy... >_<'


EDIT : I think I just found a workaround... by exploiting the issue I mentioned.  Since the reboot process ends up being saved, I use it instead of a Loaded EH : deleting objs & variables gives enough time for the engine to save without crashing, and the reboot is resumed upon loading. Probably not ideal, but it'll have to do...

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@haleks what type objects that you set for deletion are saved anyway? As far as I can see the game takes care of the objects mapped for deletion first before saving but it is possible not all objects are considered

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