f2k sel 164 Posted May 16, 2014 Hi mate,This is just a guess but is it a class defined somewhere else (description.ext/modfile etc)? So you make your subMenu like: class mySubMenu { // stuff }; Then you put it in the string: submenu = "mySubMenu"; Just a wild stab in the dark though... I got a little further but not much, I tried what you suggested but I just get something like cannot find config entry. I did find something else but it still doesn't go far enough. class CfgCommunicationMenu { class myclass { text = "My Tools"; // Text displayed in the menu and in a notification submenu = "#USER:myclass"; // Submenu opened upon activation (expression is ignored when submenu is not empty.) expression = true; // Code executed upon activation icon = ""; // Icon displayed permanently next to the command menu cursor = ""; // Custom cursor displayed when the item is selected enable = "1"; // Simple expression condition for enabling the item removeAfterExpressionCall = 0; // 1 to remove the item after calling }; }; I believe it opens a blank sub menu, I just can't see how to populate it with new options. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Igitur 43 Posted May 17, 2014 findCover, getHideFrom, setHideBehind. Are there plans to fix those commands or have they been removed on purpose? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gossamersolid 155 Posted May 17, 2014 addItemToVest is either broken or I'm somehow misunderstand the usage of it. I've added a vest to my player object, I then try to add items to the vest via _playerObj addItemToVest "30Rnd_65x59_caseless_mag" I get this error: Inventory item with given name: [30Rnd_65x59_caseless_mag] not found Not sure why as that's a valid magazine classname. The BIKI page says weapons and magazines should work with that command. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AgentRev 22 Posted May 17, 2014 Inventory item with given name: [30Rnd_65x59_caseless_mag] not found 30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gossamersolid 155 Posted May 18, 2014 30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag I'm a fucking melon... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AgentRev 22 Posted May 19, 2014 Could somebody at BIS get knowledgable devs to take a real look at scripting-related feature requests on the tracker? Half of the requests gets marked as reviewed and die off forever, and the other half doesn't even get updated, with little to nothing being resolved/implemented at all (maybe 1% of everything). Even the simplest ones that would only require a dozen lines of code in the engine. You guys actively promote modding, and even make a huge contest to further increase it, yet it feels like nearly nobody cares about giving content creators the little things they ask for. We need you, BIS! Where are you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
das attorney 858 Posted May 19, 2014 I'm getting a lot of this in the .rpt recently. As far as I can tell the classnames are valid so I'm not really sure what it's referring to. Thought I'd post this here rather than the tracker as it is most likely something I'm doing so I don't want to bother the devs with it right now. I've tried googling the message but no hits. Inventory item with given name: [H_Booniehat_ocamo] not found Inventory item with given name: [itemRadio] not found Inventory item with given name: [itemRadio] not found Inventory item with given name: [itemRadio] not found Inventory item with given name: [itemRadio] not found Inventory item with given name: [H_Booniehat_ocamo] not found Inventory item with given name: [itemRadio] not found Inventory item with given name: [itemRadio] not found Inventory item with given name: [itemRadio] not found Inventory item with given name: [H_ShemagOpen_olive] not found Inventory item with given name: [H_ShemagOpen_olive] not found Inventory item with given name: [itemRadio] not found Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
f2k sel 164 Posted May 19, 2014 Have BIS updated the actionkeys list? In A2/OA I could use "Prone","Crouch" ect to obtain the mapped button number using hint str (actionKeys "Crouch"); now it returns [] Some of the actionkeys are still working but not the ones I want. still working hint str (actionKeys "ReloadMagazine"); Returns [19]; Is it a bug? Is there a new list any where? Cheers Sel. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted May 20, 2014 there is also toggleCrouch etc Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkDruid 96 Posted May 20, 2014 Have BIS updated the actionkeys list?In A2/OA I could use "Prone","Crouch" ect to obtain the mapped button number using hint str (actionKeys "Crouch"); now it returns [] Actions "Prone", "Crouch" and "Stand" are undefined by default, you can check that and define them in the Controls. You are probably looking for actions "MoveDown" and "MoveUp", these are now used for changing of stances by default. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
f2k sel 164 Posted May 20, 2014 ;2693714']there is also toggleCrouch etc Not quite the one I was after. ---------- Post added at 10:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 PM ---------- Actions "Prone"' date=' "Crouch" and "Stand" are undefined by default, you can check that and define them in the Controls. You are probably looking for actions "MoveDown" and "MoveUp", these are now used for changing of stances by default.[/quote']Yes it was "moveup" = crouch I wouldn't have thought about that. Chhers Sel. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zapat 56 Posted May 21, 2014 Script command weaponsItems now works also for ammoCrates Seems nice!! Does it work for groundweaponholders? Does this mean we can get the ammo count of a weapon on the ground without giving it to a dummy unit? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maddogx 13 Posted May 26, 2014 Fixed: addUniform commands do not check uniform allowance Added: New script command isUniformAllowed Added: New script command forceAddUniform I expect some people may need to adjust their mission scripts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dna_uk 30 Posted May 26, 2014 Fixed: addUniform commands do not check uniform allowance Added: New script command isUniformAllowed Added: New script command forceAddUniform Great fixes and additions here. I've added documentation to the wiki and updated pages where needed. addUniform forceAddUniform isUniformAllowed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AgentRev 22 Posted May 26, 2014 I expect some people may need to adjust their mission scripts. It's been common knowledge that uniforms given to wrong sides make the target player appear in underwear, if people haven't taken that into account after so long then I don't know what to say, lol I think that a question of interest is, why are uniforms restricted in the first place? It'd be great to be able to steal uniforms to blend in with the enemy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
k0rd 3 Posted May 27, 2014 I think that a question of interest is, why are uniforms restricted in the first place? It'd be great to be able to steal uniforms to blend in with the enemy. it would be great to have a description.ext option: restrictUniforms=0 or something. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gossamersolid 155 Posted May 27, 2014 It's been common knowledge that uniforms given to wrong sides make the target player appear in underwear, if people haven't taken that into account after so long then I don't know what to say, lolI think that a question of interest is, why are uniforms restricted in the first place? It'd be great to be able to steal uniforms to blend in with the enemy. I thought it was something about the AI. I swear there was something mentioned about it. Probably how you could steal uniforms and the AI would still shoot you as they knew you were enemy. All I remember is that back in their old videos way before Alpha, they definitely could do it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tonic-_- 53 Posted May 29, 2014 So uhh... Anyone else notice that the following command do not exist in 1.20 like they're suppose too? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/isUniformAllowed https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/forceAddUniform Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SilentSpike 84 Posted May 29, 2014 Can anyone confirm that unassignCurator is not working? I used the syntax below and it has no effect. {unassignCurator _x;} forEach allCurators; ---------- Post added at 21:45 ---------- Previous post was at 21:44 ---------- So uhh... Anyone else notice that the following command do not exist in 1.20 like they're suppose too?https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/isUniformAllowed https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/forceAddUniform Here's an issue tracker entry for the matter, vote it up if it affects you :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kolji 10 Posted May 30, 2014 (edited) It has come to our attention that scripters need to use complicated expressions for basic operations on 3D vectors, so we've decided to expose some basic arithmetic operations on them to modders. These will be available on DEV branch as of 124787 (probably next Monday): vector: Array of 3 numbers ( hardcoded to 3D vectors, I suppose people don't need a whole MATLAB simulator in Arma ). vectorAdd [ vector1, vector2] : vector1 + vector2 vectorSub [ vector1, vector2 ] : vector1 - vector2 vectorCrossProduct [ vector1, vector2 ] : http://mathworld.wolfram.com/CrossProduct.html vectorDotProduct [ vector1, vector2 ] : http://mathworld.wolfram.com/DotProduct.html vectorCos [ vector1, vector2 ] : http://reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/ref/CosineDistance.html vectorSize vector : Size of a vector vectorSizeSqr vector : Squared size of a vector ( a tiny little bit better for performance ) vectorMult [ vector, scalar ] : vector*scalar vectorDistance [ vector1, vector2 ] : euclidean distance between two vectors vectorDistanceSqr [ vector1, vector2 ] : squared eluciledan distance between two vectors Documentation by the awesome DarkDruid will be available soon on the community wiki. Edited June 3, 2014 by DnA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lappihuan 178 Posted May 30, 2014 @Kolji Clould you overview these for a possible implementation as commands along these new vector commands? BI Forums FB Tracker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sniperwolf572 759 Posted May 30, 2014 It has come to our attention that scripters need to use complicated expressions for basic operations on 3D vectors, so we've decided to expose some basic arithmetic operations on them to modders.These will be available on DEV branch as of 124787 (probably next Monday): vector: Array of 3 numbers ( hardcoded to 3D vectors, I suppose people don't need a whole MATLAB simulator in Arma ). vectorAdd [ vector1, vector2] : vector1 + vector2 vectorSub [ vector1, vector2 ] : vector1 - vector2 crossProduct [ vector1, vector2 ] : http://mathworld.wolfram.com/CrossProduct.html dotProduct [ vector1, vector2 ] : http://mathworld.wolfram.com/DotProduct.html vectorCos [ vector1, vector2 ] : http://reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/ref/CosineDistance.html vectorSize vector : Size of a vector vectorSizeSqr vector : Squared size of a vector ( a tiny little bit better for performance ) vectorMult [ vector, scalar ] : vector*scalar vectorDistance [ vector1, vector2 ] : euclidean distance between two vectors vectorDistanceSqr [ vector1, vector2 ] : squared eluciledan distance between two vectors Documentation by the awesome DarkDruid will be available soon on the community wiki. Awesome! Will the functions currently present in the game for some these things be adapted to be aliases of these commands or will they stay as they are? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kuIoodporny 45 Posted May 30, 2014 It has come to our attention that scripters need to use complicated expressions for basic operations on 3D vectors, so we've decided to expose some basic arithmetic operations on them to modders.These will be available on DEV branch as of 124787 (probably next Monday): vector: Array of 3 numbers ( hardcoded to 3D vectors, I suppose people don't need a whole MATLAB simulator in Arma ). vectorAdd [ vector1, vector2] : vector1 + vector2 vectorSub [ vector1, vector2 ] : vector1 - vector2 crossProduct [ vector1, vector2 ] : http://mathworld.wolfram.com/CrossProduct.html dotProduct [ vector1, vector2 ] : http://mathworld.wolfram.com/DotProduct.html vectorCos [ vector1, vector2 ] : http://reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/ref/CosineDistance.html vectorSize vector : Size of a vector vectorSizeSqr vector : Squared size of a vector ( a tiny little bit better for performance ) vectorMult [ vector, scalar ] : vector*scalar vectorDistance [ vector1, vector2 ] : euclidean distance between two vectors vectorDistanceSqr [ vector1, vector2 ] : squared eluciledan distance between two vectors Documentation by the awesome DarkDruid will be available soon on the community wiki. Awesome news, I can't describe how awesome these awesome commands are awesome. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
super-truite 54 Posted May 30, 2014 (edited) @kolji: I also often need to rotate the Oxyz basis to align one of the z axis along a vector. This is quite useful in order to make sub-munitions scripts: say _v0 is the speed of the initial projectile, then you need to rotate the basis so that you can make a uniform distribution of the sub-munitions easily. If _v is the speed of a sub-projectile in this Basis where the z axis is aligned to _v0, then it is nice to have a function doing the tedious matrix computations to go back to Oxyz: //Function transforming the coordinates of a vector _v in a basis with the axis Oz' oriented along a vector _v0 (B') to the game Oxyz Basis (B). private["_v","_v0","_vx","_vy","_vy","_vz","_v0x","_v0y","_v0z","_thetaz","_thetay","_cz","_sz","_cy","_sy","_vprimex","_vprimey","_vprimez"]; _v = _this select 0; _v0 = _this select 1; _vx = _v select 0; _vy = _v select 1; _vz = _v select 2; _v0x = _v0 select 0; _v0y = _v0 select 1; _v0z = _v0 select 2; //angles of the rotations along the B z axis (_thetaz) and the y' axis (_thetay). The last one corresponds to the y axis in the basis after the _thetaz rotation. _thetaz = if(_v0y<0) then {180+atan (_v0y/_v0x)} else {atan (_v0y/_v0x)}; _thetay = if(_v0z<0) then{180+atan (Sqrt(_v0x^2+_v0y^2)/_v0z)} else {atan (Sqrt(_v0x^2+_v0y^2)/_v0z)}; _cz = Cos _thetaz, _sz = Sin _thetaz; _cy = Cos _thetay, _sy = Sin _thetay; _vprimex = (_cy*_cz^2 + _sz^2) *_vx + (-_cz *_sz + _cy *_cz *_sz)* _vy + _cz *_sy *_vz; _vprimey = (-_cz* _sz + _cy *_cz* _sz)* _vx + (_cz^2 + _cy* _sz^2)* _vy + _sy *_sz* _vz; _vprimez = -_cz* _sy *_vx - _sy* _sz *_vy + _cy *_vz; [_vprimex ,_vprimey,_vprimez] Example of use: http://i.imgur.com/jcdyAcG.gif Moaaar Maths functions please ;). PS: Also, I know it's not at all a priority, but do you think that it is possible to have the setWaterLevel command in the future? http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=16156 I badly need this! Edited May 31, 2014 by super-truite Added function example Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
noubernou 77 Posted May 30, 2014 For the size/distance ones are you using non-accelerated square root function that returns accurately (verses whatever is used in the distance function)? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites