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About kolji

  • Rank
    BI Developer


  • Interests
    Fixing what is not broken. Breaking what works.
  • Occupation
    Code Monkey

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    Notorious programmer with experience from multiple AAA projects
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  1. "unable to turn while moving with binoculars in hand" <- this should only be reproducible in aiming deadzone. Unfortunately, fix for 1 issue has uncovered some incorrect parameters in animation config, which should be fixed in the next dev update. One possible but annoying override until that happens is to lower aiming deadzone under cca 2/3 of the maximum setting (~0.3).
  2. Should be fixed in 130204.
  3. kolji

    Recoil Overhaul Feedback

    Edit 2015-May-4th: muzzleInner removed (not needed.
  4. BlackPixxel: I am not able to reproduce the recoil bug. Maybe it happens with some specific weapons only (report details to FT) ?
  5. It has come to our attention that scripters need to use complicated expressions for basic operations on 3D vectors, so we've decided to expose some basic arithmetic operations on them to modders. These will be available on DEV branch as of 124787 (probably next Monday): vector: Array of 3 numbers ( hardcoded to 3D vectors, I suppose people don't need a whole MATLAB simulator in Arma ). vectorAdd [ vector1, vector2] : vector1 + vector2 vectorSub [ vector1, vector2 ] : vector1 - vector2 vectorCrossProduct [ vector1, vector2 ] : http://mathworld.wolfram.com/CrossProduct.html vectorDotProduct [ vector1, vector2 ] : http://mathworld.wolfram.com/DotProduct.html vectorCos [ vector1, vector2 ] : http://reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/ref/CosineDistance.html vectorSize vector : Size of a vector vectorSizeSqr vector : Squared size of a vector ( a tiny little bit better for performance ) vectorMult [ vector, scalar ] : vector*scalar vectorDistance [ vector1, vector2 ] : euclidean distance between two vectors vectorDistanceSqr [ vector1, vector2 ] : squared eluciledan distance between two vectors Documentation by the awesome DarkDruid will be available soon on the community wiki.
  6. As of revision 116365 in DEV branch, we will be introducing a fix to the bug that happens when you switch to a new weapon during reloading. Currently, the reloading animation for most states (except for launcher) is a gesture played on top of the primary animation channel, so the "switching" animation starts during the reload. The current solution is that the new weapon is still logically selected, however, the switching animation is postponed until the reloading animation is finished. The problem is that the new solution might create feeling of delay and, for example, if you spot an enemy during reload and want to kill them quickly using the current weapon, you will have to wait until the new logically selected weapon is also selected animation-wise. Players can still counter this by switching back to the current weapon during reload, in this case no switching animation will happen. We would appreciate your feedback on whether this is too much of an issue for you, so we can possibly introduce alternative solution.
  7. We have made some changes to game logic behind weapon switching recently. Could you please provide any decent repro and report it via FT? It would be awesome! :bounce3:
  8. More than a few days, unfortunately :b: Mod looks awesome, btw. Loving the hollywood-ish punch :D . Anyway, I don't know what issues you have with playMove, but maybe try using playMoveNow instead?
  9. kolji


    The problem with mocapping death anims is that you actually have to kill a person in order to get the result as realistic as possible.
  10. Unwanted running after aiming down while in combat pace ( http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=8606 ) should be fixed in DEV 105695. Turns out I don't know how to parentheses :x
  11. kolji

    ARMA 3 OPFOR Discussion Thread

    This will hardly happen, since it could destroy our hard-established fan base in North Korea.
  12. kolji

    Things you wish NOT to have in the game!

    > "Im pretty sure BIS is watching this thread and going to troll us." > "*DO ALL THESE THINGS!!* :p"
  13. Yes, we had the game completely rewritten but then someone turned the kettle on and we lost it all.
  14. ...that awkward moment when I do it every time someone uses the electric kettle and causes a blackout in our building.
  15. Don't worry. A few days in the industry will cure those schoolboys from their fanboyism :x