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Does anyone else want an easier editor?

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I would like to see more modules with editable parameters.

A well thought out editor should not need scripting.

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Been thinking about it, 3D would be nice, I have the RTE mod, didn't really do it for me, in-fact I think it stopped working.

Still yes, 3D would be nice..

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Editor is easy but not fully flushed out. Interiors need alot of love as placing a unit in various building positions a nightmare and objects such as a laptop should be somewhat scaled and picture-icon'ed as opposed to a giant question mark block that is a headache to place. On a sidenote objects should have the option to be 'gravity induced' so that if your laptop is 6 inches above the desk -gravity will set it upon mission start so no moar floaties!

Visual portrayal of windows and doors should be itemized and shown clearly as should all housing positions -as well as floors. Housing positions should also be waypoint attainable to easier allow a soldier to patrol a certain route inside ie..North facing door to South facing window etc...

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Yes indeed. Is it that hard making 3D editor module just for placing objects? Not full editing or even multiplayer-real-time 3D editor of VBS2. Just object placement in 3D will save people a lot of time and allow for making mission areas a lot more detailed.

It's not normal when you spend minutes trying to place two sandbags together without them clipping through each other. Something that would take seconds in 3D.

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I know that with an "easy" editor I would know a lot less about programming than I do now. I remember being enraged by how complex the scripting looks (and occasionally still am) but I am now much better off because of it. I think the editor allows new mission makers to make things by point and click and when they are ready can ease into scripting by way of the autocomplete features, etc. In short, I prefer the current editor.

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I don't think it's that easy just to make magic buttons that can do everything, and anyway they made Microsoft word very easy but the masses still produce shit documents with large pink headings and purple borders on everthing. But some mission templates in the same vein as DAC would be awesome.

Edited by Katipo66

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I'm starting to think that most people here think that it's a no-go to ask for new, "hard-to-make" features in a new game.

A 3d editor was in Arma 2, uncomplete, but the beginning was there. As they did for more things, they can now make the 3d editor complete by improving what they allready had and add it to Arma 3.

Don't forget people will be paying full price for the game when it gets out. It's not wrong to ask for new features in a game.

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Unfortunately that's more or less explicitly what the previous project lead shot down as not happening in Arma 3, and the current project lead to my knowledge hasn't said anything about that.

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Editor is perfect as it is, more accessibility with code would be great, for init/on act. area's. Something like a auto correct/completion feature.

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Unfortunately that's more or less explicitly what the previous project lead shot down as not happening in Arma 3, and the current project lead to my knowledge hasn't said anything about that.


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For me the Editor is an essential part of the game.

By now, placing units in interiors is too difficult , not to mention that you can't customise the loadout without scripting...it should be simplified

a 3D editor would be great also

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I'd like to see more gui for things that currently require scripting, like loadouts, or the new fog

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The editor is a little clunky until you get to love it.

Of course now that I have found VTS and/or MCC I never really use the editor.

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The editor is a little clunky until you get to love it.
But when is it love and when is it just Stockholm Syndrome? ;)

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+1 @ OP.

Ive been hoping for a 3D editor since A2. I adapted to RTE and build some lovely set pieces (fortified airfield & intricate starting FOB with a lot of attention to aesthetic detail). Unfortunately in RTE, once i placed an over-adunbance of units; some objects would not transfer out. So... I had to do each thing seperately. Fortifications and added building or scenery came first, then export save. Then specific placement of gear (crates) and vehicles, export, save, merge. Then place NPC's, on rooftops/second floor windows... or in specific areas of interest. Export, save, merge.

This isnt without its own problems and niggles and who knows whether RTE will work with A3. Imho it just barely worked with Arma 2, as it was quite possible to screw up all the work you had done (eg. make a fob(place objects), then occupy with NPC's, give them a custom gear loadout).

Object placement in the 2D editor is atrocious. Theres no two ways about it.

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Hi, you should have made a poll with this question. I would want an easyer editor, i would say more...! i want a 3D editor; BIS announced some time ago that they were workin' on a strategy game, something like an X-COM but with military thematic and ArmA models, that could be a really good 3D editor. Let's C ya

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That's Arma Tactics, but that's a turn-based tactics game with Action Points and such, no idea how much editing capability will be in that.

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Real Time Editor for Arma2 was the best. It was 3d but it was way easier than bi's 3d editor. There was no "create center" or "create group". It did it all itself. It was basically the same controls and editor functions that the 2d editor has but with an added up and down dimention. It stored everything in the init of each unit and you didn't have to adjust height and add code afterward. Even an interface to edit each units weapons. And the 3d movement was really fluid. I'm getting used to the 3d in bis editor but it really isn't as user friendly as it SHOULD be. And the worst part is that BI 3d and 2d editors aren't compatible. I mean, you have to exit the game in order to get into the different editors.

I've been trying to get it to work in Arma3 but haven't had success. I don't know if it's even possible. I hope the creator continues it but for OA it was mostly the community helping each other to get it to work. Maybe someone smart will pick up where he left off.

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3D Editor just to place stuff around.

Loadout editor\unit view.

Tooltips for scripting things (already ingame) \ built in wiki (or at least all commands, and keep it updated)

The idea of saving custom groups is also nice, dunno how it would work with mods.

Easier way to preview locality things and MP behaviour (?, I'm not into hardcore\complex mission design)

Not all the things can be just "simple" otherwise you will lose some depth\functions. There are some new modules for Tasks, populating areas (really nice!) and other things that are WIP, nice improvements there BIS.

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As long as 3D editor and 2D editor are compatible without having to use a program or function to change them Arma 3 will be a lot easier to edit.

Hopefully we get the 3D editor.

In regards to making it easier I think making systems more simple to understand and maybe having some way of fast tracking a mission would always help those who just want to get in and go, I see no reason why not to, maybe even like Teamspeak 3 whereby you can select how complicated you want it to be in the options menu (permissions btw).

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Unless a dev affirmatively says "we're turning around from last year's statement and working on 3D editor", don't get your hopes up. :(

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Currently using RTE with Take On Helicopters, makes a massive difference for building up assets like airports. Tempted to try it with A3 alpha actually.

Now if a modder (albiet a talented one) can do it, why not BIS?

I think intigrating the 3D editor in properly would be an excellent upgrade to the series, especially for those wanting to create larger assets for their missions.

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Guys you know that there is a hidden, very basic 3D Editor in A3, right? I would love if BIS could expand it and make it "official"

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Guys you know that there is a hidden, very basic 3D Editor in A3, right? I would love if BIS could expand it and make it "official"

That is all we are after, plus making it easier to switch from one to the other on the fly would be very appreciated.

Currently RTE tears the backside out of using the BIS one in how much easier it is to import your creation back into your mission file, deosnt require you to exit the game either. Just reload the mission and all your creation is there in its glory.

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Don't know if it has been mentioned here or elsewhere or whether everybody knows or whether it's a useless hint:

Copy & Paste (ctrl + c/v) works in the editor, for everything that is currently marked.

It also works cross-map. Speaking in Arma2-terms for example copying something from Utes then load Chernarus and paste.

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