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About maxon1001

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  1. Squad name:- The Victors Arms Timezone/location : Austrlaian Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Coop mainly, PvP on occasion Contact email: victorsarms@gmail.com Website address: N/A Short description: We play realistically in-game, but that's as far as it goes, no ranks, and you can swap roles if you want much more easily than in most other milsim units. Teamspeak IP: Language:
  2. The Victors Arms is a dedicated and experienced ARMA 3 group that doesn't take realism over fun. We strive to provide a realistic yet enjoyable experience unparalleled to anything else in the community. Although that might sound like a description which fits a whole lot of ARMA 3 groups and communities, there are some major differences in our structure and organization that separate us from most others. If you are looking for a tight nit group of dedicated members to play realistic ARMA deployments with, or you just want to hop on for a game every so often we have you covered. **No dedicated roles** We strive to create the most enjoyable experience for every member, which includes making sure they are playing a role they want, which we know can change throughout time. So we plan to implement a system where people can jump roles more easily and frequently so they can be playing how they want to play. Of course there are limits and we will make it fair, but the bigger we grow the easier it will be to implement this. **No Traditional Rank system** Upon joining the group, you are not assigned a certain rank like private, of corporal, but a number that is a part of a 3 part levelling system that will give you more options to become a team leader/squad leader/operator etc... It also works as a sign to see who the dedicated players are, and who are just there for a bit of fun. **Mods** We have a rather slim mod list that doesn't require members to download tons of but still manages to improve the overall experience. (roughly 2.5 gig) **Server** Our server is based in Australia, but all are welcome. And we have public missions running some nights. **Requirements:** - Have a working legitimate copy of ARMA 3. - Have a working Microphone. - Have Teamspeak 3. - Able to download and use our Mod Pack. - Be 16 or older. - Respectful Attitude. - There to have fun. **Contact Information:** - TeamSpeak ip: - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/VICARMS - Website coming soon
  3. AUSTRALIAN SAS-REGIMENT NOW RECRUITING There are some Pre-requisites you need before joining the Australian SAS-R. ​ -You must have teamspeak -You must have a microphone ​-You must live in Australia/New Zealand -You must be at least 15+ years of age, Also a mature human being​ -Have at least a general understanding of the ARMA series​ -Have respect for your superiors​ -You must own (and working, though if you are having trouble we may be able to help) ARMA 2, and ARMA 2: OA If you meet all these requirements and still interested in joining please come to our website (http://australiansasr.wix.com/sas-r-clan#!recruitment/c3kh) and fill out the recruitment form. We should respond to your application form within a day or two. If we for some reason dont reply, or you just want to come and say hello (which we encourage) before accepted, you can join our teamspeak (Scroll down the bottom to find the SAS-R server group. ts3 IP: Thanks for your time, and i hope to see you on the battlefield. Lt.Col Murray
  4. Hey, i have been playing ARMA for a while now, and i love it, the editor is the craziest, most detailed editor i have ever seen in a game, and this lets the ARMA community create some truly astounding things. I am also part of a realism unit, and sometimes i create simple missions like capture and hold objectives and such. Learning how to do this took AGES! I kind of wish there was an easier way to just create simple missions and stuff. I'm not saying get rid of what is already there, just add a simpler version for simpler tasks. I am of course open to suggestions of why i am stupid for suggesting this. but to me (at the moment) just makes so much sense.