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There's a difficulty setting that enhances the protection of infantry, don't remember what it's called (unable to check it now). Check your difficulty settings and make sure that the enhanced protection is disabled.

I think it's called Extended Armor, but it only affects people on the same squad as the player. So if Bouben spawned multiple squads, they probably weren't all in the same squad.

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Guys, have you tested it in the latest DEV branch?

I will try it again just to be sure.

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things like this shouldnt ever be automatic. neither SP nor MP

Even the slightest value of notifying you that one of your AI is lagging behind is not worth the annoyance this feature is causing. It's also highly unrealistic... Is it hard to remove that?

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i'm all for enterable buildings in this day and age BUT am i the only one who thinks that at this performance places like Kavala are overkill? considering that AI are only crippled by enterable houses and that for all PvP stuff i played there are too many houses anyways (imagine this with planetside 2 player counts...THAT would make sense) why not thin out the towns a little bit. there are these dense areas of only houses that could be replaced with more little parks or town squares to give the hardware some room to breath and also allow AI to navigate better. and i bet we would see more house to house combat in PvP rather than getting lost in hide and seek.

i just think that the density has more cost than benefit. otherwise i wouldn't mind. so enterable houses? of course. too many houses overall? please no.

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Guys, have you tested it in the latest DEV branch?

I will try it again just to be sure.

Oh I'm sorry, I thought I was on DEV but was not. Forget everything I said (unless it's the same in DEV).

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OK, guys the thread can be closed. I am unable to reproduce it. I probably must have used some mods that caused it.

Sorry all.

Merged instead. ~~~MDX

Edited by MadDogX

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Guys, should minigun destroy an MRAP?

I think it should yeah, with enough hits, as in the real world a volley of 7.62 bullets should at least disable a vehicle of that sort. Maybe not blow it up but at least disable it.

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I had a mission located around Oreocastro with just around 100 AI, no scripts or anything, that caused horrendous performance problems. Why? Because most of the AI was in the town. That shouldn't do anything, since it was multiplayer and the bad performance was on the client, but there you have it.

Any mission with large-scale engagement needs a supercomputer from space in order to work. Denying that doesn't help.

If it's the one I'm thinking of, it's an epic mission but yeah it seemingly has terrible performance for absolutely no reason.

---------- Post added at 13:44 ---------- Previous post was at 13:43 ----------

How about getting rid of the automatic "Return to formation" message for units that are far from the leader? It was introduced in Arma 2 and It's really annoying, especially in coop. You send a player to do something away from you and you need to hear "yourself" telling it to get back. it's pretty senseless. As a workaround, we just give the unit a WP or tell it to stop, but that can cause players to unintentionally disembark from vehicles. Can we find a single player that thinks that this feature has any value at all?

this x1000, quite annoying after awhile.

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i'm all for enterable buildings in this day and age BUT am i the only one who thinks that at this performance places like Kavala are overkill? considering that AI are only crippled by enterable houses and that for all PvP stuff i played there are too many houses anyways (imagine this with planetside 2 player counts...THAT would make sense) why not thin out the towns a little bit. there are these dense areas of only houses that could be replaced with more little parks or town squares to give the hardware some room to breath and also allow AI to navigate better. and i bet we would see more house to house combat in PvP rather than getting lost in hide and seek.

i just think that the density has more cost than benefit. otherwise i wouldn't mind. so enterable houses? of course. too many houses overall? please no.

BIS was kind enough to make one of the best maps in exsistance, based on literally the real thing. Don't like the Captiol City? Take the fight elsewhere. There are roughly 200+ more square miles of land to fight on in Altis. Get creative. ;)

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I think it should yeah, with enough hits, as in the real world a volley of 7.62 bullets should at least disable a vehicle of that sort. Maybe not blow it up but at least disable it.

OK, because AI is now completely refusing to use miniguns against unarmed Ifrits. For some reason, they are able to use it against HMG version but shooting only single shots with it.

Has anyone noticed this? Try it with AI Blackhawks against unarmed and armed Ifrits.

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Latest (or quite recent) DEV-version broke AI chopper pilot landing skills. I have used move command to make AI chopper (captive, careless) fly to right location then waitUntil he is ready (unitReady), and (vehiclename) land "GET IN" is given. The method have been working stable from early ArmA2 days. But now after the land "GET IN" is given, AI pilot goes crazy and flyies around the LZ with strange chopper angle. Happened at least with ghotshawk and littlebird. Can be seen in my WLA SP mission.

Here is the simple code I use:


Edited by SaOk

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Latest (or quite recent) DEV-version broke AI chopper pilot landing skills. I have used move command to make AI chopper (captive, careless) fly to right location then waitUntil he is ready (unitReady), and (vehiclename) land "GET IN" is given. The method have been working stable from early ArmA2 days. But now after the land "GET IN" is given, AI pilot goes crazy and flyies around the LZ with strange chopper angle. Happened at least with ghotshawk and littlebird. Can be seen in my WLA SP mission.

I can confirm this also, AI pilot refuse to land when given land order in Zeus, they spin around the Invisible H i have set as the LZ, units seem to not be able to complete certain move waypoints, leaving them stuck on that waypoint and sometimes units refuse to accept a waypoint at all, it just auto-deletes the waypoint after i've created it.

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i'm all for enterable buildings in this day and age BUT am i the only one who thinks that at this performance places like Kavala are overkill?

Yeah, I think Kavala may have been a little over-ambitious. If I stand in the middle of the town, my frames are decent. But If I select an AI unit to give it a command, performance is literally cut in half. I guess because of all the actions like "open door" or all the cover points you can order them to. It is quite telling that there are no campaign missions in Kavala.

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Latest or some recent version has chemlights and smoke grenades continuing to warp into the terrain sillily after they've hit the ground. Has this been reported yet?

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I am getting frequent CTDs with the latest DEV branch. Dunno what is causing it but it is frequent but random looking.

---------- Post added at 21:04 ---------- Previous post was at 20:10 ----------

OK, I have found out that most reliably you can CTD when alt-tabbing from the game and alt-tabbing back.

1) play the game

2) ESC to the menu

3) alt-tab

4) alt-tab back

5) press "continue" in the menu

6) it should freeze and crash after pressing ESC

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I have noticed that AAF planes are not able to land safely on the main Altis airport. They will descent too fast before the runway and crash. It is the same with the auto-pilot action while a player is controlling the plane.

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It is quite telling that there are no campaign missions in Kavala.

wait what? i quit the campaign after the first "don't leave the combat area"-message when i tried to flank the enemy. so i couldn't tell. are you serious? not one mission takes place there? FPDR

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Is it just me or did something changed with waypoint stuff in the dev branch update today? I place a unit and set a move-waypoint a bit further away- when I preview this, the vehicle either doesn't move at all or moves forward a meter, then backwards again, then forwards, etc. I tested this in some of my saved missions (which worked fine yesterday) and I created a new test mission with this.

/Edit: The vehicles that manage to start driving will go rampage as soon as they hit the first waypoint. It seems to me like they are unable to "get to it" and then start driving around, trying again and again and again.

Edited by Lexx

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Yeah, I think Kavala may have been a little over-ambitious. If I stand in the middle of the town, my frames are decent. But If I select an AI unit to give it a command, performance is literally cut in half. I guess because of all the actions like "open door" or all the cover points you can order them to. It is quite telling that there are no campaign missions in Kavala.

Yeah that is what I thought when I realized that there isn´t a single Mission in Kavala (The start of Adapt at least plays near the town). I guess they learned from the Arma 2 campaign and its Chernogorsk Mission that had absolutely horrendous performance at the release of the game.

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Is it just me or did something changed with waypoint stuff in the dev branch update today? I place a unit and set a move-waypoint a bit further away- when I preview this, the vehicle either doesn't move at all or moves forward a meter, then backwards again, then forwards, etc. I tested this in some of my saved missions (which worked fine yesterday) and I created a new test mission with this.

Your not the only one man, seems to be something really messed up with waypoints in the current DEV build, I'm experiencing waypoint relation issues in Zeus also

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@Performance One of the things that's most frustrating to me is that we're basically given a sandbox to play in, that we basically can't make use of. I don't buy the excuse of we are expecting too many AI or too much out of the engine. If that truly is the case then this engine is not suited for the purpose of this game anymore, even if it might be the only one out there that can do what the game needs. I don't mean that we need to switch engines, but rather the RV engine needs a serious overhaul if that truly is the case, and no excuses about things being too hard or needing tons of time to do things are going to change the fact that it needed to be done yesterday.

When I read what Pettka wrote, I sum it up as basically: "We give you nice things, but you cannot use them." because that's what it boils down to in the end. We have the ability to just about recreate any scenario we can dream up, but ultimately we can't do it unless you're fine with terrible performance. I'm sure some people can rationalize to themselves and try to rationalize with others about how they can play this game with 1 FPS and how we're all spoiled little children to expect the game to run at 2 FPS, which is generally what most of the arguments boil down to. The fact remains that there's still a pretty big standard of performance out there, and even though ArmA is a niche game, it will only become even more niche and even harder to fix on it's present heading or course.

While I welcome idea's and concepts like Zeus for instance, Concepts like that are what make Arma great, The foundation and the basics need to be completed and in place first. Right now we are on a seriously thin and rocky foundation. When I see something like Zeus being the focus, rather than fixing the rocky and unstable foundation, I begin to wonder about the teams priorities and leadership and honestly about the state of the game itself. I've been waiting since Alpha to basically enjoy this game, and frankly I'm still waiting. I've had a few good coop sessions with my normal group, but I've had plenty of headaches and issue's along the way that detract from the experience and frankly and bluntly put, wouldn't have happened or needed to happen given proper priorities and dare I say management. I'm sure people will bitch about me making the observation and how I'm unqualified to make such a statement. Tough shit, it's my opinion, deal with it.

We can speculate all we want about why X feature's aren't in and why we get terrible performance and if it's draw calls or AI or physX or any number of things, it really doesn't matter though. At the end of the day it boils down to project management, someone said focus on X instead of Y and here we are.

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So i grabbed a gun, reloaded, switched to fully automatic, hopped in a car and drove down the main highway. I got cut off by an enemy, we hopped out, i aimed, held the trigger and only one bullet came out, and that's when i got a face full of MK-200. The problem was that my rifle switched from full auto to semi after i got in and out of the vehicle, which was the cause of my death.

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So i grabbed a gun, reloaded, switched to fully automatic, hopped in a car and drove down the main highway. I got cut off by an enemy, we hopped out, i aimed, held the trigger and only one bullet came out, and that's when i got a face full of MK-200. The problem was that my rifle switched from full auto to semi after i got in and out of the vehicle, which was the cause of my death.

Yes, this sucks.

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