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Thank you for your reply and for taking the time to explain the processes that are involved with the Bug tracker. But my point still remains, why if the DEVS have fixed it, tinkered with it, WIP, whatever... why isnt there any response as per other tickets that it is in hand or as now it seems apparently fixed?

Its not a dig at you or MadDogX or the team that monitor the BT, its a question of how can something that gets reported as an issue appear in an update yet remain on the tracker unresolved?

Surely this then causes you guys more work?? and makes the process of reporting bit of a waste of time??

If they can hire Dslyecxi to make community videos, can't they find a dedicated team of community members to deal with the tracker?

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Did you read the Agreement before clicking 'Accept'?

I did and I figured out that the orange warning stays there regardless of whether or not you've accepted the agreement or not.

Do you have to be on the dev build to view the workshop? Because the visibility is set to public and some of my friends can view it, and some can't.

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Thank you for your reply and for taking the time to explain the processes that are involved with the Bug tracker. But my point still remains, why if the DEVS have fixed it, tinkered with it, WIP, whatever... why isnt there any response as per other tickets that it is in hand or as now it seems apparently fixed?

Its not a dig at you or MadDogX or the team that monitor the BT, its a question of how can something that gets reported as an issue appear in an update yet remain on the tracker unresolved?

Surely this then causes you guys more work?? and makes the process of reporting bit of a waste of time??

It's quite possible for issues to be found internally by the devs and solved without having seen the related bugtracker report(s). The same thing has happened many times before, i.e. old reports for bugs that had already been fixed were still on the tracker. I'm sure some still are.

Once again, that's the whole point of the moderators being there, because BIS doesn't have the time to read thousands of reports.

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This thread and the time effectively wasted by both devs and reporters makes the FT almost useless.

The FT needs prio and full attention - not a chaos forum or even hellish all-in-one thread.

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Thank you for your reply and for taking the time to explain the processes that are involved with the Bug tracker. But my point still remains, why if the DEVS have fixed it, tinkered with it, WIP, whatever... why isnt there any response as per other tickets that it is in hand or as now it seems apparently fixed?

Its not a dig at you or MadDogX or the team that monitor the BT, its a question of how can something that gets reported as an issue appear in an update yet remain on the tracker unresolved?

Surely this then causes you guys more work?? and makes the process of reporting bit of a waste of time??

BI might have been fixing/fixed it internally either way and nobody was aware of the tickets existence on the public FT?

But that is just the moderator side of things, we're as privvy to as much information as you are, how BI deals with the FT internally and whatnot is a question for them.

Speaking as a community member, I can only see the end result. I'll be honest and say that feedback on the forums seemingly produces more developer response and results than the FT itself.

EDIT: Basically, what .kju says above.

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Do you have to be on the dev build to view the workshop? Because the visibility is set to public and some of my friends can view it, and some can't.

Yes, you and your friends need to be on the Development branch. Workshop is currently enabled only for Dev branch.

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Yes, you and your friends need to be on the Development branch. Workshop is currently enabled only for Dev branch.

Thanks for the clarification.

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BI might have been fixing/fixed it internally either way and nobody was aware of the tickets existence on the public FT?

But that is just the moderator side of things, we're as privvy to as much information as you are, how BI deals with the FT internally and whatnot is a question for them.

Speaking as a community member, I can only see the end result. I'll be honest and say that feedback on the forums seemingly produces more developer response and results than the FT itself.

EDIT: Basically, what .kju says above.

+1 on both yours and .kju comments,

just a shame no one from BIS has commented as well as you have as to explaining what the process is and should be, thus validating the whole process and restoring faith.

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Speaking as a community member, I can only see the end result. I'll be honest and say that feedback on the forums seemingly produces more developer response and results than the FT itself.

EDIT: Basically, what .kju says above.

Exactly right.

FT is ineffective because of the nature of the forums and the time the development team/moderators can spend on FT without neglecting their other duties.

This is part of the reason why I raised the point that if the objectives of an FT are not being met then from a customer point of view to be effective a rethink about a public tracker is needed, if not for arma 3 but surely for arma 4.

Edited by Bigpickle

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I appreciate that this is the process and thanks for your valid input :) Whilst i gather that the whole process is a lengthy one, my worry is the lack of contact that appears to be happening now that the time constraints are beginning to show. For the Binocular issue to be fixed yet the tracker still remains open isn't really playing ball. If we are to use it correctly then the processes however time consuming that have been put into place should be adhered to, otherwise whats the point? http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=12185, this guy has taken the time to report this in the correct manner, and at no point during any of this has it been flagged that the Dev team are looking at it? yet today its fixed? oh and despite it being fixed it still remains open !!!!!! (13:16 gmt)

This also relates to the post by Tankbuster during the Breaklog week of the Port over. How can BIS be releasing Exes, which to me seem despite having a team of testers employed to check this stuff, release such game breaking exes? I appreciate there will be things that wont become apparent till they reach us and yes thats whats we are here for. But some of the errors that appear sometimes leave me thinking are you lot really paying attention when you release these exes?? Such as the Binos issue. Which then leads on to more serious issues and possibly extreme in some cases, but never the less still possible if no one is actually monitoring this correctly.

imagine we download tomorrows exe and it fries your pc somehow? or worse there's a sound update and it makes you permanently deaf?

Whilst so of you will no doubt be thinking this is extreme and yes perhaps it is, but if people are being employed to cover these bases, monitoring, checking, QA etc, why arent the simple things being done?

Basically im begging you to do more detailed Dev Changelogs and be on the ball, its not a dig just a wish that come release date, we have a game we all want to play and have massive faith in... not some broken poor excuse due to money and time not allowing it

Champy_UK - Just to clarify, I'm not associated with BIS! I was trying to portray a simplistic overview of how the firm I work with handle issues logged online (in our case, forums).

I would hazard a guess that the QA Team at BIS is very small, with an already overburden workload, and all with only 'x' working hours in a day. Should the team be very small I very much dount they are able to test all area's/modules within their gaming title. You have to remember that they'll also be the same people likely testing their other gaming titles.

(The firm I work for have a fairly decent sized QA department, especially for a Games Development Company - The department is broken down into teams that handle different area's of the game/including different formats - This allows core focus on the 'many' area's of the game/formats - Saying that, there is never enough bodies/people & time to cover EVERYTHING - Even with selected external-testers).

Taking the side of BIS - They might not have updated certain tracker cases as the fix in place hasn't been verified; if it has then yes, its probably something they have missed due to the number of issues on the tracker and from what I've highlighted very broadly, above.

Note: This is all assumption on my part here and I have no knowledge of how the internals of BIS work.

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Okay I feel really late in noticing this but what happened to the lens flares on the lamps and vehicle lights?

example: http://www.arma3.com/images/screenshots/large/arma3_screenshot_08.jpg

Hi, I must change this flare, because, I can use only one of type flare for all light source (except Sun and Moon.) Flare was good for power light source, but for street lamps and small light source it was too significant. For me is this problem still open a will be try it change. My idea is option choose own a texture for each light source seperatly. For this time I use the "universal" flare for all light source. Thanks for feedback.

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Champy_UK - Just to clarify, I'm not associated with BIS! I was trying to portray a simplistic overview of how the firm I work with handle issues logged online (in our case, forums).

I would hazard a guess that the QA Team at BIS is very small, with an already overburden workload, and all with only 'x' working hours in a day. Should the team be very small I very much dount they are able to test all area's/modules within their gaming title. You have to remember that they'll also be the same people likely testing their other gaming titles.

(The firm I work for have a fairly decent sized QA department, especially for a Games Development Company - The department is broken down into teams that handle different area's of the game/including different formats - This allows core focus on the 'many' area's of the game/formats - Saying that, there is never enough bodies/people & time to cover EVERYTHING - Even with selected external-testers).

Taking the side of BIS - They might not have updated certain tracker cases as the fix in place hasn't been verified; if it has then yes, its probably something they have missed due to the number of issues on the tracker and from what I've highlighted very broadly, above.

Note: This is all assumption on my part here and I have no knowledge of how the internals of BIS work.

i know that its fine, i was just saying that how come these basic rules cannot be applied in the situation of BIS. As for the tracker... they should have realised that by opening it up to the whole community that this would happen. they should have hand picked reputable clans, and asked their respective leaders of the Arma community to be the voice on the FBT, that way they could have elevated the traffic and know what had been submitted was a valid ticket to be checked and worked on.

Not to be receiving tickets from pubescent teenagers looking for XXX fodder begging for BIS to inculde female soldiers within arma 3 so they can play dress up and un dress and put her into rude poses :)

Its should be called the Feedback Lottery as it seems its the case if your ticket rises through the dross and gets seen and solved...

maybe i need to go calm down but the faith i had at the beginning is leaving me now....:(

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Yes, you and your friends need to be on the Development branch. Workshop is currently enabled only for Dev branch.

Workshop content will download if you are not on dev branch if that matters. I'm dev branch at work but not at home and when I got home it downloaded the subscribed files for me.

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Workshop content will download if you are not on dev branch if that matters. I'm dev branch at work but not at home and when I got home it downloaded the subscribed files for me.

You have been able to view and subscribe to the said UGC using a dev branch. The subscription then carried out to non-dev, because Steam handles the initial download, not the game. To be honest, I was not aware SteamWorks works this way and cannot recommend using it this way... but hey, if it doesn't break anything... :)

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Personally, I'd rather they spend their time fixing bugs than updating a freaking bug-tracker, and satiating anybody's sense of entitlement.

If it's fixed, move on. It really doesn't matter that it's not reported fixed. All it does is make certain community members feel ignored, and not "part of the team". Bid deal, it really is their own problem. There's loads of people who will keep reporting bugs if they choose to stop. (like myself)

Or...realize that BIS is at a very difficult stage right now...I could easily emagine them working 16 hour days plus weekends (who knows if they receive overtime) for a community that sometimes treats them like dirt, it can really sting to fix a bug, and get a response like "how dare you fix a problem without keeping me informed"?

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Personally, I'd rather they spend their time fixing bugs than updating a freaking bug-tracker, and satiating anybody's sense of entitlement.

If it's fixed, move on. It really doesn't matter that it's not reported fixed. All it does is make certain community members feel ignored, and not "part of the team". Bid deal, it really is their own problem. There's loads of people who will keep reporting bugs if they choose to stop. (like myself)

Or...realize that BIS is at a very difficult stage right now...and when you are working 16 hour days plus weekends (who knows if they receive overtime) for a community that sometimes treats you like dirt, it can really sting to fix a bug, and get a response like "how dare you fix a problem without keeping me informed"?

People will have different roles at BIS, and it's not necessarily (and shouldn't be) developers who maintain the Bug Tracker System (that's not to say they can't add their comments into tickets).

I would expect the QA Team/Department, Producer, and/or assigned Moderators be the person's maintaining the Bug Tracking system - This would not impact the developers time in continuing with their coding/development tasks.

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;2460061']This thread and the time effectively wasted by both devs and reporters makes the FT almost useless.

The FT needs prio and full attention - not a chaos forum or even hellish all-in-one thread.


Forums should be for announcements and discussion.

Feedback and issue tracking should be done by... a feedback tracker, or an issue tracker.

Love BI to the core, but organizationally it seems like they could use some assistance.

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Personally, I'd rather they spend their time fixing bugs than updating a freaking bug-tracker, and satiating anybody's sense of entitlement.

If it's fixed, move on. It really doesn't matter that it's not reported fixed.

Is it then worth having bug tracker, if no one updates it when its fixed?? You are missing the point

Or...realize that BIS is at a very difficult stage right now...I could easily emagine them working 16 hour days plus weekends (who knows if they receive overtime) for a community that sometimes treats them like dirt, it can really sting to fix a bug, and get a response like "how dare you fix a problem without keeping me informed"?

Ho Hum thats what they signed up for and get well paid for, according to the high levels of skill, they certainly don't do it for the love of it.

im not treating anyone like dirt, im merely stating the facts.. and definitely plus 1 on Cliffords statement

if this http://www.bistudio.com/english/company/developers-blog/394-survive-adapt-win, thankyou BIS for going to some length to explain :)

Edited by Champy_UK
seen an answer

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Is it then worth having bug tracker, if no one updates it when its fixed?? You are missing the point

Sure, if stuff gets fixed... Yes, it would be nice to have it updated as soon as issues are solved, but the primary purpose of the tracker is for us to report stuff to BIS, not for BIS to report fixes to us ;)

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Hi, can anyone know why since the yesterday Development Branch patch, all the missions upload in my rental server not working? The missions appears as normal in the server list but whatever you choose not load and come back to the mission selection screen. In the today patch changelog say nothing about if this was fixed.

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Grrrr, "Camo" named selection has been deleted from many INDEP uniforms (equip_ia_vest01 / equip_ia_vest02), no more retexturing, most of my units are lost).

PLEASE BIS, correct this , please...

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