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Can someone explain to me what "new penetration" means?

---------- Post added at 15:57 ---------- Previous post was at 15:31 ----------

I personally like the new Jame Bond style smoke trail that armored vehicles have now to stop people from following them!

---------- Post added at 16:00 ---------- Previous post was at 15:57 ----------

Oh and the BTR-K Kamysh's mortal enemy now is the cement roadblock.

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Really not a fan of the new rotation

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The NLAW on the other hand is now guided again. I hope the current implementation is just a placeholder for proper inertial guidance. If inertial guidance is not planned, no guidance at all would be more realistic and more fun than the current magic-auto-guidance, which is highly unrealistic, boring and clunky to use.

Let's hope it will be more realistic in the future, but personally, I'd prefer it remained guided.

See the case of the NLAW shows what bothers me about ArmA3's "futuristic" setting.

I don't mind the prototype and fictional weapons and factions, but stuff like this bothers me: they had to give some kind of an AT weapon to the BLUFOR guys, but they couldn't just give them the M136, cause that's not futuristic enough, so they chose the NLAW. Later, I guess, they figured guided missiles for your run out of the mill AT guy was pretty OP, so they made them unguided. Now they changed the NLAW back, to make it more authentic and left the RPG unguided, which is excellent, because that's how it is IRL.

The whole ordeal could have been avoided if they've given BLUFOR the M136 or, if those are too old school, the SMAW.

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Remove the -world parameter from your launch options :icon_twisted:

It's better thx^^

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I used to place a chopper in the editor and fly just to make practice and i noticed some frame problem.

I don't have a last generation pc, but I was able to play Arma 3 in SP all on Standard at 37fps.

After the last patch I was playing at 20/25 fps, and I had to disable PIP and set Clouds on Low to get more than 30.

Anyone alse have the same problem?

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RPG projectile effect is also new and looks very authentic, but it looks like a recoilless rifle projectile, not like an rocket propelled grenade/warhead. Isn't the RPG ingame supposed to be an rocket propelled genade?

PG-32V and TBG-32V rounds have rocket booster that burns all fuel available completely before it even leaves launcher tube. So the behavior described is authentic.

The NLAW on the other hand is now guided again. I hope the current implementation is just a placeholder for proper inertial guidance. If inertial guidance is not planned, no guidance at all would be more realistic and more fun than the current magic-auto-guidance, which is highly unrealistic, boring and clunky to use.

Would be nice to have indeed.

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Holy cow I don't know if I just got a lucky spawn but the default cloud coverage which I believe is 30% looks gorgeous! Before, at this same level of clouds, the sky would be mostly empty and small botches of clouds here and there. Now today I load up and the clouds are gorgeous! Like big pillowy white clouds all over the place. It fits what I'd expect 30% cloud coverage should look like! Nice!

Now if only the weird warping effect of the clouds could be resolved then all would be good in my world :)

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Holy cow I don't know if I just got a lucky spawn but the default cloud coverage which I believe is 30% looks gorgeous! Before, at this same level of clouds, the sky would be mostly empty and small botches of clouds here and there. Now today I load up and the clouds are gorgeous! Like big pillowy white clouds all over the place. It fits what I'd expect 30% cloud coverage should look like! Nice!

Now if only the weird warping effect of the clouds could be resolved then all would be good in my world :)

can i have what your taking ;)

haha i will check this out!! i love the clouds tooo what do you mean by warping effect?? photo?

---------- Post added at 20:21 ---------- Previous post was at 20:20 ----------

I used to place a chopper in the editor and fly just to make practice and i noticed some frame problem.

I don't have a last generation pc, but I was able to play Arma 3 in SP all on Standard at 37fps.

After the last patch I was playing at 20/25 fps, and I had to disable PIP and set Clouds on Low to get more than 30.

Anyone alse have the same problem?


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I notice that the individual unit icons for opfor in the editor are messed up. Well, when looking at a zoomed out view they are small like normal, but as you zoom in they get huge. They actually overgrow the "playable circle" which is normally always bigger. One soldier icon takes up the space of about 4 in game. They were accurate before.

I created a ticket for this. :)


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can i have what your taking ;)

haha i will check this out!! i love the clouds tooo what do you mean by warping effect?? photo?

---------- Post added at 20:21 ---------- Previous post was at 20:20 ----------



Phenom 2 X3 720

6gb Ram.

I know is not really good, but I was playing since the alpha without problem-

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Antorugby, did you suddenly change to the dev version ? A couple of versions ago, they reset all profile settings, so you would have to revisit the graphics settings. Easiest way is to run an autodetect


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also the 3d voices are too quiet.

can anyone confirm if the "man...." or "move....." issue has been fixed? as its too quiet i couldnt tell.

even with the radio turned off.

---------- Post added at 20:47 ---------- Previous post was at 20:45 ----------


Phenom 2 X3 720

6gb Ram.

I know is not really good, but I was playing since the alpha without problem-

hmmm like the post before me, run an autodetect. make sure vsync is off.

check your 3d resolution and the object draw distance as they are demanding.

you can download a benchmark mission called armamark or something like that on armaholic.

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No, I always used the dev version and autodetect doesn't work really good for me, it sets something on high and the game would not run really smooth.

I have to say that I didn't notice the frame drop much with other chopper, but in the littlebird was more noticeable.

When i played Arma 3 in mp with a lot of pepole I had to switch something to low or disable something to have a really good game, i'm scared that after the last update i can't enjoy a great mp game.

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No, I always used the dev version and autodetect doesn't work really good for me, it sets something on high and the game would not run really smooth.

I have to say that I didn't notice the frame drop much with other chopper, but in the littlebird was more noticeable.

When i played Arma 3 in mp with a lot of pepole I had to switch something to low or disable something to have a really good game, i'm scared that after the last update i can't enjoy a great mp game.

you may want to look into a newer cpu and maybe gpu :) even if its like a model up it will be an improvement.

also MP is badly optimized at the moment net code bla bla bla im sure it will get better

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you may want to look into a newer cpu and maybe gpu :) even if its like a model up it will be an improvement.

also MP is badly optimized at the moment net code bla bla bla im sure it will get better

Yeah, for the final release I hope to have another pc, I need it even for Rome 2, just bought a Trackir 5 so I'm just putting away some money. :P

Anyway, I can confirm that the problem happen only with the Little Bird, I tried some heavy chopper with 35/40 Fps without PIP and all on standard, but when I take the Little Bird the the fps swing from 22 to 27, mostly 25.

EDIT: Is strange, because it look totally random, sometimes is fine with the same fps of the other chopper and sometimes the drop to 25.

Edited by Antorugby

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make a ticket about this and make a repro mission and compress it with a zip or rar program and upload it.

maybe a photo of the littlebird and fps and the heavy chopper and fps counter .

that will give us an idea and give the devs an idea.

if you attach the mission i will give it a try and tell you my findings.

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Is it true that the radio chat is still disabled? I have to activate it each time by debug.

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i can hear it still :/ mine is fine

But is it visible? global - group or vehicle chat.

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make a ticket about this and make a repro mission and compress it with a zip or rar program and upload it.

maybe a photo of the littlebird and fps and the heavy chopper and fps counter .

that will give us an idea and give the devs an idea.

if you attach the mission i will give it a try and tell you my findings.

You can find the screenshots here: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Antorugby/screenshots/?appid=0&sort=newestfirst&browsefilter=myfiles&view=imagewall

It seems that the problem is more noticeable in the Little Bird because is fast and fly low, the problem occour for me with all the choppers but only if I fly low and fast.

There is no mission, just the editor and one chopper.

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