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BBC News Article: Zombies help ageing title Arma II top video game charts

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I understood his comments just fine, not sure if maybe it is you who is confused.

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I understood his comments just fine, not sure if maybe it is you who is confused.

The way you structured your post, it seemed as though you misunderstood Max Power.

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DayZ players don't have ADD.

I don't see them showing up on Arma servers running around shooting and blowing things up like a small but annoying minority group of free players.

If anything, all that walking and walking and walking, creeping around and dieing 50 times a night is excellent training for playing Arma.

sense spoken. i play a lot of dayz these days. with the concept of the finality of death in the game makes tactics more important then ever. congrats to BIS

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Well, if it help the studio we loved stay afloat, I am always welcome for it, just make sure that BI make the game a military sim in the first place then all will be fine;)

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Everything that brings money to BI is great. Everything that shows how versatile this sandbox game is, is great.

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Its worth if its help to produce and hire professional devs to create a more awesome military simgame and sandbox! Lets see how BIS will use it to "develop/make all the things" !! Btw how pissed are all those publishers/devs who made just console games and don't allow their customers to be creative..... Difference between casual popcorn franchises and smaller indy game projects is getting bigger. Now lets hope that BIS are not getting drunk or overhyped by DayZ's popularity! Maybe BIS will invest in something that will do some 'groundbreaking' in milsim gaming eg take over eSimGames, DCS and make an all-in-one AwesomeSplendidSim? Sorry just dreaming... ;)

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I agree on the comments in ref to BIS getting more funds through this and it snagging more "potential" core game players and all good for promotion.

Although a slow influx of low post counters asking for A3 to scale back to COD types and skim the surface folk seeing Arma3 = Dayz is a bit grating at times, esp some official video youtube comments.

I suppose you could say "thanks for funding BIS and making the milsim supported longer, enjoy your zombies while it lasts" :)

The undead have helped an ageing PC game come back to life.

They make it sounds so dated which doesn't help, they fail to explain OA, ongoing updates, and so on, but you cant ask for everything.

Either way, everyone gets something from it & just proves its worth as a sandbox.

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I like what DayZ did. Unlike what Rocket said it isn't an anti-game. It is a game. Anti-game is something like all those cinematic CoDs and even recent Max Payne 3 - where you are not allowed to play the game. Just watch a stream of non-stop cinematics.

But there's one problem with new DayZ audience I see. They don't care about what else ArmA offers and it's really annoying when a discussion to every ArmA3 newspost on some web-sites quickly turns into "why do we need this, just do DayZ". Imagine it spilling to these forums.

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Before DayZ came out, it was, "FDF will look amazing in ArmA I", "ACE will look amazing in ArmA II!" etc (yes, FDF and ACE are realism-based enhancements, DayZ is part fiction, but it is still showing that people are looking forward to a mod and not the actual game). Some day "DayZ" will be replaced by the name of the latest next-big-thing mod.

I completely agree. DayZ will be a one hit wonder I think. It will retain a core player base for sure, but a few of the people I know who have tried it said it got tedious after a while. I think it will all die down eventually. People are drawn to it because it is something new. Just like anything else, if it is overplayed it will get boring and old quickly. It's nothing to worry about.

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IMO it depends on how much further development will be put into DayZ. Imagine DayZ played on new maps. The possibility is only limited by our own imagination. Eventually some of the DayZ players will check on the core game and maybe mods. Here's where's actually happening . . . or they gonna fall in love with ArmA and hang around or they will move on.

I wouldn't worry too much. For me DayZ is very much welcome it shows how much variety there is in how to play ArmA and if it gets further developement and resources I'm glad about it.

The talented ArmA modding community is awesome and creative that's what makes ArmA for me always feel fresh and it never feels old.

A thank you to all modders from my side. You make this game immortal.:cheers:

You rock!!!!!!!:cc:

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I completely agree. DayZ will be a one hit wonder I think. It will retain a core player base for sure, but a few of the people I know who have tried it said it got tedious after a while. I think it will all die down eventually. People are drawn to it because it is something new. Just like anything else, if it is overplayed it will get boring and old quickly. It's nothing to worry about.

You must not know many geeks.

Day Z is the zombie game that people have been begging for since this craze started. It's the game that no one has had the courage or the infrastructure to make, and its popularity is proof of that demand, since the zombie fad is on the decline overall.

Day Z may get old in its current incarnation: an alpha mod. Hell, it's not even in beta yet, so its crazy to bet against it.

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Just goes to show that if you build something properly, people will come :)

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I gotta say in defence of all the new players of Arma because of DayZ I've met they have been pretty sound guys (and possibly girls) and quickly adapt to the combat in Arma.

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You must not know many geeks.

Day Z is the zombie game that people have been begging for since this craze started. It's the game that no one has had the courage or the infrastructure to make, and its popularity is proof of that demand, since the zombie fad is on the decline overall.

Day Z may get old in its current incarnation: an alpha mod. Hell, it's not even in beta yet, so its crazy to bet against it.

Yeap, from what I've noticed when my friend talks about zombies and shows what they have, it's all about preparedness of a societal collapse. Even if such a thing is hinted to in a zombie game, the majority, especially tripple A, come down to nothing more than beat em ups. You may be afraid of zombies in dead island, resident evil 5 (if you can call them that) and dead rising for a short time, but once you get used to the visceral violence suddenly they become more or less abuse puppets than anything else.

Whereas DayZ pits you with bar essentials, a canteen of water, a bit of food and a hand gun with five or so magazines at most. Furthermore there is a looming threat of other players, would that stranger you see scavenging off in the corner be the friendly sort, could you forge an albiet tenuous alliance or would they simply kill you and take what you carry? Likewise lets say you come down to a desperate situation, no food in sight and no structures nearby, they are unaware of your presence and you have the perfect opportunity to kill them and take what food they "could" have.

It's really a full collapse itself, the loss of control, the possibility that other people may not be so kind and band together, the possibility that there are people actively hunting other people rather than the monsters themselves, joined with other survival elements such as the need to eat, drink, monitor body temp, loss of blood (which leads to blurred vision, loss of color and blackouts and eventually death.)

Furthermore you have to be careful of your actions, you'll spend more time crawling around, lucky if you can crouch much less full blown run to avoid detection. As if all this weren't enough you must also take care in how and when you shoot, as the louder weapons tend to attract the monsters. There is a reason for the motivational poster at the start of this video.

Also notice how at 0:33 the player recklessly runs into a rock, fracturing (or breaking?) their leg, so environmental awareness is even more important.. All in all I can understand the appeal, and in a way dayZ has a great deal in common with the core game save for you can't really trust anyone, the need to eat, stay warm and drink while also scavenging to survive and at times really testing your resolve and morals to do just that, wether it be sneakily sneaking around a group of zombies, surviving with another player or going lone wolf and killing everyone to try and ensure your own survival.

Oh yeah, and like Arma at it's core, DayZ is quite brutal in that despite having the ability to respawn, you lose EVERYTHING when you die. Map, compass, rations, new weapons, all of it. And in a way it makes it's own stories because when a persons body temperature drops to a certain amount they become ill and start coughing, slowly getting infected, just the thing that happened to the guy I was trying it with, after playing with him for a while I now had the choice of winging it to a hospital with him in hopes we could acquire an item to deter the infection before he turns, or I could shoot him and be done with it.

I think most of you are being a bit too presumptuous, seeing the zombie element and assuming on what it is, if you try it you may find yourself going through the same paces that you do in Arma itself.

Edited by NodUnit

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The missing component for me personally is the Z'eds' pathfinding. They're too frustrating to deal with once they start swarming because of the way they zig-zag and, particularly since the switch to FSMs, the sometimes oddly long delay between move commands which sees them run right past you and 25m on before turning back. Yes it's really about survival and societal collapse but I think the difference between this 'experiment' continuing to grow or not is the quality of the zombies themselves, significant improvement on which would require engine-level support from BIS. Dare I say, a bit of gore wouldn't go astray either.

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IMO it depends on how much further development will be put into DayZ. Imagine DayZ played on new maps. The possibility is only limited by our own imagination. Eventually some of the DayZ players will check on the core game and maybe mods. .... The talented ArmA modding community is awesome and creative that's what makes ArmA for me always feel fresh and it never feels old.

A thank you to all modders from my side. You make this game immortal.:cheers:

You rock!!!!!!!:cc:

lol .... agree.

I now long (lust) for simple things I never did before.

- A bicycle (my kingdom for just 1 bloody quiet bike ! lol )

- A mod that makes all buildings enterable

- A hang-glider !

Its also amazing how simple things can subtly change the way you and other play or act out (assumption: normal human).


Direct Voice -> lessens the odds of you pulling the trigger early on a player or vice verse

Smaller country servers -> Australia. Half the community knows you and vice versa

(BTW, was pissed when the other BIF thread was closed. Glad theres somewhere other than the choas thats the DayZ forum to chat about DayZ. It is after all a ArmA mod)

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I would be happy to go back to 1-3 threads on these forums to discuss DayZ (1 in A&M: D, 1 in A&M: C, 1 in MP) but Rocket doesn't want it like that, his mod his choice :)

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Yeh well .... I think we're technically exempt here. We discussing the big picture "affects" of the mod on the wider world ! ;)

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Playing DayZ just for two days now, but really like many of its aspects and novelities. Most notably the persistant character and the server environment - a great proof-of-concept.

Regarding the current hype around it and its influx of "fresh blood" to ArmA2, one might consider it a bit like Counterstrike to Halflife (okay, it hasn't reached that magnitude - yet?!).

I actually consider it an interesting opportunity to pull a (next-gen) cross-platform release of the RV-engine. Hardly any need for AI, simplified interface (no squad management), limited vehicle models, best suited for an island (Limnos could be big enough).

In its current alpha stage it is lacking any story and background, but there are lots of options discussed.

I see something like this:


- playing on a quarantined island (difficult to close the border North and West of Chernarus/South Zagoria :rolleyes:)

- Zeds are a result of an infection (mutated rapies?)

- survivors are immune to infection but carry the virus and could infect others (=> always new survivors arriving at the island, people that carried the infection away from the island before the quaranatine, or were infected by those - as such there might be multiple quarantine zones=islands)

- anyone trying to leave the island on sea or air would be free game for the patrolling Navy that keeps up the quarantine.

For "storytelling" I could imagine something like this (a bit of Stalker and I am Legend/Omega Man, I admit)

. government-affine

. local "Pirate" organisation

. bandits (non-affiliated hostiles)

. NooBs

After you found a receiver you hear tasks via broadcast radio transmitted by the governement or the pirates that you can do or not. Completing such tasks might give you access to equipment or other advantages, the government might even transfer you to a new island. Maybe the government is also working on a vaccine (cheesy, if that was the goal, but as a persistent MMORPG game that will never happen anyway).

The "Pirates" might search for evidences that the mutation is a result of governmental experiments, ...

Governmental (harbour, airfield?) and Pirate (bunkers, radio stations) bases would be natural camping spots for bandits waiting for the respective "affiliates" to pick up/deliver their goodies.

btw: Over at SimHQ there is currently a banner promoting TrackIR, that has jumped on the DayZ hype :x:

How to survive a Zombie Apocalypse?

Beans. More Beans. TrackIR.

Learn more about DayZ's essential surviving tool

Edit: I hope BIS/Rocket have already registered DayZ as a trademark :581:

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If you have suggestions for the DayZ team, you should probably post them on the DayZ forums. This thread is about the news article.

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If you have suggestions for the DayZ team, you should probably post them on the DayZ forums. This thread is about the news article.

That peoples, please. :)

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They already have Jamie from Mythbusters [Zombies with white shirt and Beret] so why not.

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