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Operation E3

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it's all nice, when men talk about arma and stuff, but arma is not a kind of place for them :p I knew only few girls who play arma, and usually it were some zombie or RP-Life missions. I don't know that one you talk about, and doesn't make me wanna know her. Just wanna see fucking ARMA 3 E3 STREAM! YEEAH!!"121122 :D

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At this rate we're all gonna be smashed even before any proper ArmA 3 coverage appears

Mmmmyeah.. I'm going to be on my way to the floor 2min after the first camera crosses the bunker threshold. That's about six and a half beers for certain right there.. God knows what else will be coming for the remainder of the visit.

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She is definately not the person that should present Arma. She simply wouldn´t ask the correct questions (Propably her first question would be "Will this game be available on consoles")

I agree! Jay might think otherwise (:p) but she's most likely going to be lost there like we are here. :D A woman's dream but oh well.. not so much for me

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She is definately not the person that should present Arma. She simply wouldn´t ask the correct questions (Propably her first question would be "Will this game be available on consoles")

Then you send her the questions to ask. She's with GameTrailers, and will have a lot of ppl watching her live stream. It isn't a bad idea to try to get her to go to the ArmA3 booth.

EDIT: YAY! Bunker's done! https://p.twimg.com/AupIxu3CMAMNW5l.jpg

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fuck, that CoD darkskined ops, right to BIS stand pisses me off. Pls burn it anyone...

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Why would you want youtube/twitter whatever "celebrities" asking BIS questions?

"When will this come out on Xbawks?"

"When will the cinematic stuff begins?"

"What are you planning to do to make the game more emotionally engaging?"

"How do you turn health regen on?"

"Will this be playable with WiiU controller?"

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And so it ufu ucg bj f jj

Edited by bobtom

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That must mean it will be dumbed down! The last tactial game is ruined :(

Yes, there is a crosshair, but that doesn't mean anything harmfull, especially not in the proper difficulty settings.

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In case people want to get together on TS and watch the e3 coverage, here is a Free for All, and clean TS for you to use with several channels prepped.


TS IP : www.limnosradio.com

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Ha! It's a bunker. Bottoms up, Sniperwolf :p

Bunker + all the splendids in the previous video. ^_^


Edited by Sniperwolf572
Pic smaller not to annoy everyone

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BTW if IJustine visits the booth, someone needs to send her over a doc of questions with "just hand this over to jay and say nothing and just nod and frown with interest in the right places, thanks" underneath. That way we get the answers, she gets to look good, BI get some eye candy and its a win-win for all.

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I got a georgeous new e3 visitor to spam! ( she got the looks :) )


I updated and added her to the e3-document

You gotto love this..... https://si0.twimg.com/profile_images/1770430485/ijustine-twitter_reasonably_small.jpg are there any single bohemians @e3?

They need to give her some alcohol and ArmA 3 shirt and I think she'll be ready ;)

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Man what is up with the whining about the crosshair? Is it really that big of a deal?

Most of the hardcore players turn it off and/or play ACE anyway...

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