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Operation E3

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Hmmn, so the full game will use Chernarus and not Limnos...

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Wait... What?

The link describes a Day Z game coming out in 2012, using Chernarus.

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Hmmn, so the full game will use Chernarus and not Limnos...

Placeholder description from the website? AFAIK, BIS never said anything about E3+DayZ, that is IGN assuming something...


@MOH: Seen that breaching door part? The high point of the whole EA presentation.

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Very soon Dayz will be stand-alone game LINK :confused:

This is probably the same reason I had to correct another game website for (Gamer.no). They are probably going to interview Rocket and by that has added DayZ as a separate entry.

DayZ is not an official product of Bohemia Interactive as of right now.

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If you got that from the Day-Z ign page. Its NOT a new game coming up. It still refers to the mod.

Really? :rolleyes:

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IGN sees DayZ as a separate thing from ArmA 2 and since ArmA 2 isn't being talked about by BI at E3 and Dean is coming to represent DayZ, they list it as something different. .


Dean has slipped word to IGN that DayZ is becoming a new game and he is whipping it out before 2013 on Chernarus.

I think the first one is more likely.


Pure, I can't edit your document. :/ Am I doing something wrong?

Edited by bobtom

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i wouldnt be surprised if they maded #dayz a standalone.

However many people thing otherwise, in the end BIS is a company which main goal is to make money.

my grand-dad always said : ' You should bend the iron while its hot'

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I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually made it Standalone either, it sure would bring in the $$. :)

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If their are smart they should wait until arma 4. Getting a lot of people to get arma 3 for day-z will create fans for arma too. Then when they sell a standalone day-z game. Those guys will buy both day-z and arma 4.

By then, the Zombie hype will be over.

I´m really looking forward to whatever the BI guys have to show. Nothing of the conferences today really caught my eye.

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Questions, questions, and more questions....

Lets hope the coming few dayz will enlighten us a bit more, and if not: Im sure the community will have a pile of questions to ask for the Dirty Dozen

im off to bed. NOTHING of that E3 caught my eye, so i bet UBI has nothing to add either.

goodnight all!

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