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Anyone else think BIS gave up on Chenerus too soon?

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For some reason I also find that Chernarus does look really nice...but when I'm playing online it just never seems as pretty. Horrible LOD of bushes and trees and dead vehicles..I don't know what it is exactly, it just looks messy and lo res. When ever I play it online it just doesn't look that impressive at all. But if I load up the editor and just go for a "nature walk", looking at the graphics, it's gorgeous...very odd. Anyone else find this?

Servers tend to put Chernarus view distance down to like 1500m so you're walking around in a fog all the time and watching trees pop in.

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Cherno was my favorite oficial map too but I didn´t like 2 thigs:

-Orange Trees. Yeah, that ones.

-The land texture from distance. That LandTex mod made it thousand times better while flying and stuff.

Sahrani and the CWR² remakes of the originals are also great. BIS always made good maps.

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I enjoy Chernarus the most. The only complaint I have is that they never fixed the physics of the rocks and the vehicles flip/fly in the air when the rocks are bumped. Totally unrealistic. :raisebrow:

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I thought that was a problem with the tanks, not the those specific rocks.

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I've recently gone back to playing my own editor missions in Chernarus, and am amazed all over again at how huge and beautiful and detailed and varied it is. Truly a work of computer game art. But, I'd also forgotten just how hard even the smallest villages hit my computer...

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I've spend all evening for the last days on Chernarus, thanks to DayZ. Searching every little corner of the map for stuff. I forgot how beautiful and detailed this map is! Really getting to know it again... :)

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My Favorite map actually is Cherna, just love the vegetation and feel, would have like'd to have seen another Bi campaign on it actually, aside from the warfare bit, I really enjoyed it, infact, gave me an idea, going to play it again :)

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It is very apparent that BIS put lots and lots of love into Chernarus. It's too bad that Gaia had to pollute it with all that radioactivity...;)


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IMHO Cherna is the best map BIS has ever done. All building enterable is the only thing needed to make it perfect. The whole countryside is really authentic. By the way, why did you choose this region to become the playground for Arma 2?

Cant agree with that, Nogova is one of the nicest islands in the series of BIS games. Cherna is nice, but its very expansive so much going on.

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I've spend all evening for the last days on Chernarus, thanks to DayZ. Searching every little corner of the map for stuff. I forgot how beautiful and detailed this map is! Really getting to know it again... :)

same here. :)

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it's actually not about giving up, it's more about that any update to Chernarus map would mean complete recompile of it's files and maybe some resources

so huge patch and ofcourse lot of work (as CH is way older map build than e.g. Shapur or Proving Grounds)

I said this a few times already, but I'll repeat it to keep it on people's mind: I wouldn't mind paying for an A2:OA addon that brings A2 (and even A1) stuff up to A2:OA standards. Optimized maps, units, etc. (After the release of A3, up to A3 standards.) I'd like to have a single game installed that is capable of loading everything released since (and including) OFP. I know it's a lot of work but it'd give us the best (latest) technology and all the content from all the games.

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I feel this thread.

Sometimes its nice to just go for a drive on chernarus.

When I did my small scale AAS missions I had a real good look around using the editor and preview and theres some interesting stuff there.

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No; it runs horrible for most setups. Only now are PCs getting to the point where you can play it with nice frame rates. Even my GTX 560ti 2GB, AMD 965 and 8GB DDR2 struggles with it. If you have a 570+ and an OCed 2500K it will probably run fine... but these are rather recent hardware. And this is the reason I prefer desert environments in ArmA 2.

That being said I do like the map. I just can't get very good frame rates (unless I disable all the grass, but that looks ugly and I might as well be playing in a desert). With the 560ti 2GB it is playable though, but it does frequently drop into the 20-30s at 1680x1050. But the slowdowns are annoying and make identifying targets and reacting quickly considerably more difficult.

I do hope ArmA 3 runs better in areas with lots of brush or else I'll need a GTX7** and Intel **** OCed to 7GHZ to max it out. :p

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For Arma III one 680 seems to be enough. with 2 680's constant frames at 60 with no dropdown seem possible.

A 680 is nearly double as fast as a 560ti and nearly double the cost - so its fair in my eyes.

and a good CPU

basically a ~1500 $ Rig will do the trick for Arma III.

But in one year this Hardware is maybe much cheaper!

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Well, they haven't had much to report. What are they gonna say?

Another elite SF squad from Task Force (Random 200) completed another mission deep behind enemy lines in Takistan last night.

Early reports indicate that the raiding party destroyed eight T-72 Main Battle Tanks, three BTR-60 Armored Personnel Carriers and two

ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" self-propelled anti-aircraft weapons , killing 200 Takistani regulars in the process. A spokesman for the Department of

Defense declined to confirm the details of the operation, stating only that the reports "bear all the hallmarks" of a standard Delta Force

mission, adding that "these are the sort of victories that our Special Operations Forces acheive on an almost daily basis in the GSAO

(Green Sea Area of Operations)."

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Yeah- now if only someone could come up with a mod? say like a zombie mod to rejuvenate Chernarus? :p:p

Could never play this map due to my old pc.

Due to dayz, now playing this loads in all forms..

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I think Chernarus is missing watery areas like rivers and lakes, which actually are ponds and streams :j:

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Dwarden once said BIS is thinking about adding an improved lighting model to OA (not the one in ArmA3 though) and that they tested it on Chernarus and it looks pretty cool.

From what I understood - at the least it removes the limit of 8 lights at once which should make night Chernarus really blossom with all the lightsources in villages and towns.

I really hope it will make it into the game and not just be another BIS experiment.

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Dwarden once said BIS is thinking about adding an improved lighting model to OA (not the one in ArmA3 though) and that they tested it on Chernarus and it looks pretty cool.

From what I understood - at the least it removes the limit of 8 lights at once which should make night Chernarus really blossom with all the lightsources in villages and towns.

I really hope it will make it into the game and not just be another BIS experiment.

Whoa whoa whoa! Now that would be one helluva patch! If they do this, BIS should be named the developer of the decade :)

(and I am sure we all as well the 60000 or so DayZ only players would deeply appretiate that - especially the DayZ where night lighting does have too many light sources at once - flicking some off randomly because of that - all too often)

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Chernarus is still my favourite map and applaud emphasis on lighting, however I believe optimisation should also be high on the agenda.

Looking forward too a new Chernarus with better night time lighting and less lag.

... oh and more accessable buildings ;)

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Chernarus was one of the most beautiful maps BI created and Takistan was the most boring,but they had to do it because playing on Afghanistan type terrain it's the new type of "coolness"(that and growing a beard).So yes they gave up waaaaay to easy on CH.

I like so much woodland environs or combat scenarios in those environments like CH,much more variation on missions and graphically more pleasing to the eye than plain desert.

I also have a hunch they chose desert type maps because their flying&driving AI is still bad so they needed maps with less objects(trees) and more open and bigger roads(perhaps same reason they went with Limnos for A3).

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I do think they ''gave up'' on it too early. No matter how much would I admire the sense for detail, the map had way too much impact on HW. turning AA+PP didn't quite made the deal either.

Nontheless, decent map for SP. Terrible for MP @ LAN matches.

The most annoying thing was grass - go prone, you cannot see damn thing yet your concealment just wasn't there either :rolleyes:

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I would not mind if BIS would take another look at Chernarus and fix some performance issues (the orange colored trees wtf), made more houses enterable, enhance the lights ofc and whatnot tweaks and stuff. I bet the almost 100000 DayZ players would appreciate the effort.

I suppose someone could make a dev-heaven ticket about Chernarus and then we could bump it.

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