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SOPA - Internet as we know it about to be gone?

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This whole copyright thing is sooo retarded. Defenders talks about jobs. I don't really get it. 2 millions people work for music industry? And piracy means most of them will be fired? Well, I don't see the problem here. That's capitalism isn't it? This business model was their decision. Capitalism ... OK, Corporations making laws ... NOT OK.

+1. The people fighting against internet piracy now are the same idiots who tried to make the VCR illegal when it was new. They're swimming against the tide, and they will eventually lose.

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It isn't like anyone earns or loses money when a video is posted on YouTube, you may not buy CD either way - what's worse is that a publisher may have uploaded a music video himself, but won't allow other users do the same. What's the point? I can watch videos uploaded by the publisher and not buy CDs either. What's the difference? The cozy feeling of not having a butthurt for a greedy suit?

The difference is that I would go crazy without free access to music, break down and buy a CD.

So they make less money this way, not because of real piracy, but because of a general lost ability to completely control the availability of their product on the market. It's a whole new ballgame.

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you missed one point (which i told) and which Topas quoted movie shown

such regulations are dangerous because they can forbid quoting

as i told

in PL we had following case:

one TV station shown false material, journalists lied

another TV station mounted program about it with fragmenst of above (first) TV station to show lies

and ... it was blocked, because of intelectual property law

second TV station couldn't show broadcast of first

movie was removed from Youtube "because part of movie belongs to xxx company"

what does it mean ?

imagine yourselves, primeminister before election says "i will raise wages for 10%"

after election guy says "i will decrease it for 15%"

and you want proove that guy is liar

so you mount his records and put on YT and suddenly "because of ip material is removed"

such acts are not made for music industry or software industry only

such acts are "door" to enter cenzorship

because all is intelectual property, even our posts here

so when you want to proove someone lies, you cannot quote it (cause guy demands for example 1 milion dollars for his quote or refuse to use it by others )

it is backdoor to global cenzorship

musicians, actors, writers... they are not goal

well informed citizen is at aim

Edited by vilas

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Operative;2093070']SOPA-supporters say that if you listen to music in the internet' date=' never buying it, you are robbing the artists.[/quote']

lol I would rather quit listening to music forever than accepting SOPA. In germany we have pay a fee for the usage of radios, computers, mobile phones with internet capability and tvs. We have to pay copy charges included in some of the product prices ... well ... I think those dudes are getting enough. Don't know how it's handled in other countries, but I expect a similar situation.

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The difference is that I would go crazy without free access to music, break down and buy a CD.

Yes maybe 1 or 2 CDs but not all related to what you can listen to now. That's how it was before the internet. That's like 10 bucks of income to publishers, while they waste millions to fight windmills especially considering that they themselves make their content freely available on YouTube which they also fight.

SOPA-supporters say that if you listen to music in the internet, never buying it, you are robbing the artists. I don't see it this way. YouTube created ALL the current bestselling artists out there. Without it, they would be nowhere near where they are now.

A single live performance brings more money to any artist than sales of his records during a month. A ticket usually costs much more than an album itself.

The difference is that labels get barely anything from live performances but most of their income comes from sales of CDs.

That's why you see lawyers of Sony, BMG, Universal and other big crap chasing people who won't pay regardless, not lawyers of artists.

Edited by metalcraze

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Yes maybe 1 or 2 CDs but not all related to what you can listen to now. That's how it was before the internet. That's like 10 bucks of income to publishers, while they waste millions to fight windmills especially considering that they themselves make their content freely available on YouTube which they also fight.

A single live performance brings more money to any artist than sales of his records during a month. A ticket usually costs much more than an album itself.

The difference is that labels get barely anything from live performances but most of their income comes from sales of CDs.

That's why you see lawyers of Sony, BMG, Universal and other big crap chasing people who won't pay regardless, not lawyers of artists.

The artist usualyl does not get more than 10% of the sale income of a CD release, this is no guess but a hard fact I was told from members of two not totally unknown metal bands with "Nuclear Blast" contracts.

Edited by Beagle

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i double this what you said about incomes from CD, i also know few musicians (also metal bands) they also say that they earn from live show i also know old musican (63 y.o.) who says similar things (he played in 60s, 70s in west (emigrant which now returned) )

we also have in Poland payment of "radio/tv tax" :/

so what f*** piracy they talk if i have to pay every month for "artists asociation because i have TV in home" (maybe US citizens do not have such payment as we in EU have)

but i am surprised that you all say about music only

don't you see that such acts can be backdoor to forbid quoting and proving ?

look more carefully on what i wrote about 2 tv stations , which one was lying and second was trying to prove facts comparing broadcast with real facts

when you have tv station broadcast - let's say "document" , this is also i.p.

when you want use fragment of it, you can't (so also you can't prove "look, they lied showing this" - because you cannot use part of recordings)

this is most dangerous

Edited by vilas

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A single live performance brings more money to any artist than sales of his records during a month. A ticket usually costs much more than an album itself.

The difference is that labels get barely anything from live performances but most of their income comes from sales of CDs.

Dude, I don't even have a CD player... And the drive I got in my PC was last used to install ArmA 2...

I have 200+ GB of music on my PC, I'm not going to keep this much music at home in the form of CD's because its impractical, it damages the environment (nobody thinks of this) and to be honest I'd rather save the money and go to a concert with my friends. :tongue:

The more time that passes by, the more I really think that the captured Nazis didn't only make rockets for America and the more I remember this Soviet poster (A little glimpse in to the future form the past):


(Maybe the commies we're lying to use after all) :rolleyes:

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Freedom - the American way

Propaganda is funny. Sometimes correct, but always funny.

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Freedom - the American way

Propaganda is funny. Sometimes correct, but always funny.

That's true biggrin.gif

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Ok it seems that I was right, now its "think of the children".

Sorry :p Couldn't resist ...


Guess I've broken laws now .. somewhere :confused:

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Legislator;2093633']Sorry :p Couldn't resist ...


Guess I've broken laws now .. somewhere :confused:

What a stereotypic textbook move this is by the government :butbut:

They'll think of something to put you away for if you say stuff that they don’t like don't worry :wink_o: and if not they will just turn you in to a crazy man, communist, terrorist etc...

I guess if the belt keeps getting tighter we will soon have lots of American immigrants in Eastern Europe :biggrin: *sarcasm*

On topic now:

How is monitoring your financial transactions going to help fight paedophilia on the internet? And what a coincidence that this brilliant idea just came up now at the perfect time, any brain-dead monkey knows that paedophilia has been a problem on the internet for ages… and this could have been tought of years ago :rolleyes:

Edited by -Martin-

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How is monitoring your financial transactions going to help fight paedophilia on the internet?
Its not, none of it is.

Everything you have seen since 2001 has been "take the worst case scenario, drum up a campaign, offer the solution" all of which are out of context and the end result is more tracking of ............... >> YOU << .

If this isn't enough for the penny to drop for the masses, its a lost cause.

Long term plan, get everyone into a network and onto a computer, make it free, then lock it down when its a dependency ... all planned long ago, and if anyone wants to throw tin foil hat and conspiracy crap into this, simply look around.

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Site of the Polish parliament - Sejm hacked + site of The Polish Prime Minister and slimy servant to The EU Donald Tusk - hacked.


Anti ACTA protets in EU are getting on strength

Edited by Sudayev

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Site of the Polish parliament - Sejm hacked.


Anti ACTA protets in EU are getting on strength

yahoo.gif Ura! Poland and the Czech Republic really need to stop following American influence, especially Poland...

I hope that those German hackers get their satellite in to space so we can have open internet (although 1 satellite wouldn’t handle it anyway), although they would probably still arrest people for copyright breaches even if the satellite doesn't belong to the US, unless the server was in an Asian country, in which case the US would just buy their way to closing it :sad:

I guess the only way to stop this is if a few people get h**ged in a uprising like in the Middle East... :tongue: Its about time we stop taking this from them.

Edited by -Martin-

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Damn bastards they wanted to sign ACTA behind our backs in very shadowy circumstances, while Mr Buzek ex-President of the European Parliament, have announced that signing will be scheduled to 26 Jan. and in beginning of February he invites all Polish internet users to discuss about ACTA, does it sound normal - to sign first and then discuss? This man obviously took some wrong pills.

Jerzy Buzek said:

Dear friends. I´ve received lots of questions from you on ACTA and other ongoing issues. Why don’t we meet on a Facebook chat again to discuss them all? I would like to invite you to take part in the chat in early February

Today Polish govt heard the mesage loud and clear, but thats not all. People are sending letters with concerns about ACTA to their local parliament members, demonstrations are planned too.

These govt sites below were blocked. Some of them are still blocked.

mf.gov.pl, stat.gov.pl, ets.gov.pl, praca.gov.pl, mkidn.gov.pl, mkidn.gov.pl, pip.gov.pl, mzios.gov.pl, arimr.gov.pl, uzp.gov.pl, premier.gov.pl, knf.gov.pl.

Polish leading media are creating false image of current events, they call Megaupload - The World's Best Piracy HQ. Sigh... By the way they also marginalize the role of Ron Paul, they seem to avoid this name like fire, dunno why :/

Polish Sejm is try to deny of any attacks - "Sejm: This is only a technical problem" - how pathetic of them...

It's going on, the internet is buzzing very loudly.

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Sounds like a shoot first ask questions later, at any rate I'm surprised that megaupload is in so much trouble considering the server isn't even in the US, although this is another website not in the US, you'd think piratebay would have been a larger target.

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I can see these sites moving offshore, the ones that are left at least.

The US will create some US firewall and just block them or make a half arsed attempt at it.

With the way the US laws are coming down on net companies you would be crazy hosting anything in the US.

Russia would be a better prospect lol.

The one thing I find truly strange is why isn't Hollywood and the music industry trying to adapt? why won't they try new ideas, I no longer want blu-ray disc hoggin up space. I'm all for digital solutions, one media centre and a TV, hopefully they'll merge soon as well.

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Hi all

Hollywood has had its day like the old fashioned broadcast TV networks it is in decline, each year their percentage of peoples leisure time and cash reduces along with their share of the advertising market. The providers of entertainment are increasingly diverse and the channels to access the market grow with every technological innovation. The genie is out of the bottle.

A musician no longer needs to sign to a label in fact they are stupid if they do. The fastest growing and most popular stages at Glastonbury are those featuring unsigned acts. And those artists do not have give up 95% of their earnings to their distributor.

If you make Film or TV you can distribute world wide via the internet, ditto games and you get to keep far more of your income.

The traditional dinosaurs of The Music Industry, Hollywood and Broadcast TV are in their death throws that is what SOPA, PIPA, ACTA and all these other treaties is all about.

That is why Murdoch was insulting the US President. Murdoch is desperate for he knows his business and his power are on the wane.

America can choose to decline with the dinosaurs or it can come into the 21st century.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Yeah it's because the once big time music Industry has made losses in the last years. EMI has shut down due to bankruptcy and others will follow. The same has happened with the movie industry since fast connections have being introduced people are able to dl directly from the net in a couple of hours any film they want.

In any case it's not over yet . . . curious what they come up next with to censor the Internet.

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