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SOPA - Internet as we know it about to be gone?

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The White House is against it, and from what I hear, President Obama would veto it if required. But I'm not 100% sure if I read it correctly.

Funny how they'd be against and veto that but pass the national defense authorization act..Oh well it would be nice if it were true, some conscience is better than no conscience at least the bastards won't take away the worlds freedoms.

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US is heading towards China's way of controlling the masses ? Hope that this bill is going FUBAR.

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In germany we stabbed the politicians with a wooden rod into the heart to cancel the censorship laws. We were successful so far. You should try the same in america.

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Legislator;2091854']In germany we stabbed the politicians with a wooden rod into the heart to cancel the censorship laws. We were successful so far. You should try the same in america.
Two of my youtube videos are banned in Germany. I don't think it has worked :mad:

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Oh and for the record, I don't ever want to see my name aligned with 4Chan and BoingBoing again!

I lol'd hard at that but agree.

Backers include 4chan, encyclopedia dramatica etc etc. :p

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Wrote my Senators today - nobody puts baby BI in a corner!

Oh and for the record, I don't ever want to see my name aligned with 4Chan and BoingBoing again :mad:

Hi all

We joined with Stalin to beat the Nazis.

I had to sit on the same side of the fence as Ron Paul; needs must.

This is the kind of scam that the bills SOPA and PIPA would facilitate except if those bills were passed the people would not just be threatened with a letter, peoples businesses would be destroyed and workers made jobless:


The major problem with such laws is that they abandon the principle of innocent until proven guilty. The punishment is applied without the case being heard.

Kind regards walker

Edited by walker

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Call me a conspiracist.

Really its my only form of indentity, but isnt SOPA like a distraction thing? I mean its slow, right in our face and easy to get rid off.

Its not like SOPA is a bunch of people, its a weapon represented by these bunch of people. And SOPA is so clear and over the top and has called up such a large number of combatants against it that it seems like its just a scheme.

It could just be considered a first strike to see who jumps out of what hole and then have a bomber bomb those holes, a diversion for another attack or easing people as a opening to a less horrid bill.

Everything is in place we have the internet people going RAHRAHRAH. So the crowd is definantly distracted. We think we have a clear enemy but really are just fighting symptons of a greater problem. And the moment this SOPA is gone and everyone is celebrating what stopping these guys to sneak past some bills with nasty fine print?

Damn right, cause an issue that's over the top, then scale back bit by bit with "alternate solutions" that seem to work "better for all" and then introduce another under a different name (already written) that creeps in as the same end results later. Nothing out of the ordinary at all.

BTW all that needs to happen is one big security hack, one big scam, one big "thing" to highlight to re-justify it all and its all aboard the merry-go-round.

The idea is, you have a page for your work, employment & purchasing etc, its funny enough just like facebook (cough) you do everything through this and can only visit sites that are "ok with the system" ... this is the future its was called internet 2 and the internet of all things. So long as you do everything through a track-able system and your completely "transparent" about it, you will "fit in".

Get the message folks, this is just a sniff of the changes to it. Keep on the look out for other suggestions about making the net more secure, they all tell a story.

Edited by mrcash2009

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Two of my youtube videos are banned in Germany. I don't think it has worked :mad:

Was about to write almost the same.

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Two of my youtube videos are banned in Germany. I don't think it has worked :mad:

That's not really censorship per se, just Google and GEMA being unable to reach an agreement on licensing fees. Mainly because the GEMAs demands are completely ridiculous - I believe they want 12 cents per stream (view) of any GEMA licensed title on YouTube, which Google is of course unwilling to pay.

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That's not really censorship per se, just Google and GEMA being unable to reach an agreement on licensing fees. Mainly because the GEMAs demands are completely ridiculous - I believe they want 12 cents per stream (view) of any GEMA licensed title on YouTube, which Google is of course unwilling to pay.

Well thats german bureaucrazy at work. By the way GEMA is a organization funded by the music industry. They basically charge everyone who dares to play some music in public. Be it a Restaurant owner who plays some nice background music or even a group of small kindergarden children that sings at someones door (Yeah its THAT ridicullous). Well and now they want to charge youtube. Of course this is all to get people to buy CDs instead of listening to the tracks on youtube. Lobyism in Germany makes such behaviour possible.

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Of course this is all to get people to buy CDs instead of listening to the tracks on youtube.

How long will it take for people to finally realize that no one buys CDs anymore? Music is destined to be free for everyone; the fact that it costs literally nothing to reproduce demands it.

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@Tonci87: We have exactly same organization in Czech Rep. Also they charge a little amount of cash on every CD, DVD, USB/HDD, print paper, ... sold. And those money goes to few top artists (those that produce music I hate).

SOPA protest: I raged when reading Fox News, MSNBC, CNN... They was like "Defenders are music/record companies, our parent company. Opposition consists of sillicon valley companies". No people, just companis. FPDR

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The solution to piracy is, of course, marketing and mechandising.

I know people hate those flashy ads all over the screen (thank god we don't see popups anymore!), but it allows people to mantain and profit from their sites.

So, if some of the ads cash go to the artists, I think they may get much more income than selling CDs. It's like darwinism, were the most adapted survives: the industry must adapt to the new ways internet has opened.

The bestselling artists still sell a lot of CDs, but let's face it, the least famous ones have already adopted the internet as their main vehicle.

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Two of my youtube videos are banned in Germany. I don't think it has worked :mad:

True, but Youtube isn't a german company, isn't it? If it were, we would beat the shit out of them for filtering content files.

Maybe a new party in the US would be the alternative to the established system. Since a few years a new party called "Pirate Party" is growing trying to keep the balance with the corrupt ones.

But seriously ... laws are getting worse since 9/11 in the US. If someone is noticing it NOW and not before, than I don't know what to think. 10 years of silence might lead to 100 years of suffering.

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SOPA protest: I raged when reading Fox News, MSNBC, CNN... They was like "Defenders are music/record companies, our parent company. Opposition consists of sillicon valley companies". No people, just companis.

Welcome to capitalism? scratch_one-s_head.gif

Anyway, I heard that 8 US lawmakers withdrew their support for SOPA... I hope that SOPA doesn’t pass and we can keep the internet free (which in my view is a human right). I'm proud that BIS also joined in the protest :smile: It's about time we all stand up against the greedy corporations.

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Welcome to capitalism? scratch_one-s_head.gif

Anyway, I heard that 8 US lawmakers withdrew their support for SOPA... I hope that SOPA doesn’t pass and we can keep the internet free (which in my view is a human right). I'm proud that BIS also joined in the protest :smile: It's about time we all stand up against the greedy corporations.

Much more than 8. http://projects.propublica.org/sopa/

Yesterday the number of opponents was at 31. Today it's at 108.

Each profile has a link to the social media pages of the congresspeople. I looked at a few of them, and they were getting slammed by normal people who oppose SOPA. I guess many have started listening.

Now if only they would block PIPA too...yesterday the number of opponents was at 6. Today, it's still mainly supported.


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The major problem with such laws is that they abandon the principle of innocent until proven guilty. The punishment is applied without the case being heard.

I'm already well used to be guilty until proven innocent lol, Journalists are legally required to prove they didn't do something instead of having it proved that we did (with regards to libel) so unfortunately this is nothing new for me!

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Megaupload gone huh. What a shame. If understand SOPA correctly, it just makes it easier for something like this to happen.

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Megaupload gone huh. What a shame. If understand SOPA correctly' date=' it just makes it easier for something like this to happen.[/quote']

Yeah shut down by the FBI, I think SOPA would have meant to even after 1 infringing thing was found it would be the site's fault so could be blocked/taken down etc.

Also. Maybe it's just me but (and I know there was copyrighted material there) I never really saw Megaupload as a "massive piracy operation" like the FBI/Hollywood always say. Certainly sites I'd put above it in my opinion.

EDIT: One last thing, I always find it interesting the arbitrary figures that are claimed to be the lost revenue from site's piracy ($500 million for megaupload)


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Megaupload gone huh. What a shame. If understand SOPA correctly' date=' it just makes it easier for something like this to happen.[/quote']

Which proves that they don't need freedom-killng laws to stop piracy online. They can simply use the normal laws

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