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SOPA - Internet as we know it about to be gone?

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Filesonic is all but shut down now as well, you can only access your own files.

RIP file hosting sites.

That's why you use the Russian and Japanese file hosters.

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That's why you use the Russian and Japanese file hosters.

If anyone needs to learn Russian I can give them a good deal :rolleyes:

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yes, as Sudayev siad, Polish(Polish-speaking, cause not patriotic) gov. said that "it is possible to state martial law in case of cyberattack"

even pro-gov, pro-liberal TVN says it, not only opposition sites

if they made another martial law in PL, i hope people would make this, what Romanians did in 1989 (shame we had peacefull ending of communism, thats why we have so much problems now)

i ask, what f*** kind of democracy is system in which majority suffers due minority ?

democracy is system when majority rules, majority wants something and it is realized

not minority

democracy is "gov. makes what majority wants" not "gov. takes care about small group of very rich (or foreign companies) "

Edited by vilas

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if they made another martial law in PL, i hope people would make this, what Romanians did in 1989 (shame we had peacefull ending of communism, thats why we have so much problems now)

Romania '89?...Hmm...So you'd want to have over 1000 deaths and over 3300 injured like they did (In just few days)? No matter the numbers, what I see is hoping for a violent solution to a problem and preferring it over a peaceful transition - that alone is... something I'd classify as strange...


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yes, i will tell you why

cause otherwise "ex colonel of secret police" becomes "mr director of company X, businesman"

previously he had power (as for example secret police) in 1989, 1990, 1991 he became powerful manager of company (rady nadzorcze, zus, pko, spółki skarbu państwa)

when i worked 10 years ago in company, it looked like private owned company, but i found history of company

it was (as most of producers) state owned firm (before 1989)

after 1991 it became "spolka skarbu panstwa" (company half-owned by state, share company) and it was later privatized for very small money to one ex-political-servive major (oficer polityczny WSW)

guy suddenly became "businesman"

the same you had in economy

you were forbidden to keep money in USD, only PLN

when there was big inflation in 1988/1989 you lost all money on bank accounts (ksiazeczka mieszkaniowa)

but commies had money in USD, so they not lost anything during inflation

you ended in 1990 as "broken" , they ended "as rich"

later they get "dogali sie" agreement with new elites and divided business, courts etc.

how many high ranked officers not served before 1989 ? not many

how many presidents of local courst (prezes sÄ…du) were not judges before 1989 ? not many

almost all high rank (general, inspector) , almost all judges with rank as "president of court of city X" were chosen before 1989

peacefull transformation means for me "someone was not punished"

look at martial law process few days ago?

Jaruzelski - free

Kiszczak - free

Kania - free

all commie free and have high officers pension (how much money ex general gets ?)

who was arrested ? one ex opositionist for rumors in court (Adam SÅ‚omka)

this is a problem, when you have too much peace - some bad guys avoid justice

for matter of justice many people would like to see "blood for blood" , otherwise how to feel "justice" when your previous oppressor has pension 3 times bigger than you working hard ?

also when there is no "harsh punishment" people in "elites" see "hmm... seems i can do anything and i will get away with everything"

in 1982 i was evicted from home

my mother lost home in 1982, she was active in Solidarity and we were evicted (tak tak Jarek, byliśmy eksmitowani) (i was homeless for year, to 1983 with my mother, when we get small one-room flat thanx to TPD (towarzystwo przyjaciół dzieci) and Solidarity , i had to live in 23 square meter flat, one room of 15 sq. meters, nice ? we were eviced in January 1982 from 33 meters flat, many people here have bigger dressing room or garage, than home where i spent my life till i moved with woman i live )

many many people were getting free flats in PRL (i dont see it wrong, as you know, i support free flats idea and i don't support evictions) but for example my mother as Soldiarity activist never get free flat till 1989 (after 1989 there was no money to buy such)

judge who made such decision (political in 1982) is today president of court

the same judge lets free criminals who are sons of ex-commie "internal service" (np. wsw)

many children of commie high-ranks became mafia after 1989 cause they were untouchable

i had a burglary to home in 2005, guy who organize group of burglars is ... son of colonel , he was let free (a powiÄ…zanie np. mafii i i wywiadu prl ? ),

do you think , that if we had bloodbath in 1989, all would look as bad as today ?

i think, that many things could look different ?

i believe that our country might look better

people who rule, should have a kind of responsibility, not only never-ending profits and never ending immunity

i don't know situation of other ex-commie countries , but i know that half of Polish elites (business, directors, presidents of offices etc.) have some dirt in the past (ilu emerytowanych pułkowników jest dyrektorami w ZUS, PKO, instytucjach różnych ? )

Edited by vilas

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"My view", Anonymous is a front & funded back end arm of the game, its all a show, it all adds to the justification of tighter security, mission accomplished.

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"My view", Anonymous is a front & funded back end arm of the game, its all a show, it all adds to the justification of tighter security, mission accomplished.

do you think that "anonymous" is provocation to give governments reasons to make harsh control over citizens ? why do you think so ?

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As much as I do seem to see your point and understand what did you mean, speaking of a larger picture - judging the events from today's perspective, as a father of (soon) two children I cannot read this calmly and grasp the idea of someone's appraising of public unrest and being totally cool with the potential death/wounded toll of people (including accidentals, in theory my kids) involved.

No offense for your way of thinking or motives; just get in my shoes and you'll understand.

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What a fucking shame, Polish government calls ACTA - the success of the Polish Presidency of the EU (jun-dec 2011) FPDR.

At least my conscience remains calm, because I didn't support the Tusk euro regime in any elections.

Nevertheless it hurts my feelings that politicians who claim they fought with the commies, censorship and oppresion are trying to re-introduce such things once again in more civilized manner, more 'european' manner.

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comments in Polish press (Gazeta Wyborcza, pro-gov) "stupid kids should be charged" "right-wing church kids" etc. "it is all oposition fault" etc.

so according to Polish mainstream medias - opposition is to blame

and those who are against ACTA are only stupid kids who should pay for it and for sure they are inspired by ultra left wing party or right wing pro-church

noone (mainstream) writes about country's independance and freedom and economical situation connected with piracy in poor countries (or moderators delete such messages, what is "normal" on "mainstream" here in PL)

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Congress may take books, musical compositions and other works out of the public domain, where they can be freely used and adapted, and grant them copyright status again, the Supreme Court ruled Wednesday.


Its like the old is fighting their fight to stop or slow-down the new. Perhaps some people are too old to understand that their time was great but there is no guarantee that it will last forever. Times have changed...

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you know what is worst in this ?

that thing, which should be important only for US citizens, is influencing worldwide

law stated by US congress should be important only for citizens of USA, while it is touching people outside US borders, it is real shame that other governments follow and are ready to fight in their own territory for US companies interests - for me this is ***

every nation has it's border and it's acts, bills, orders, and it should touch only their citizens (voters, taxpayers)

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Walkers big post

Walker, I certainly agree that Murdoch is conservative in advancing and changing his business plans towards convergent technology. And that if the current terrestrial media companies like the BBC/Sky etc would probably prefer to keep it as a passively consumed entertainment product. My point was that there are people within those companies that have very innovate and creative ideas for moving them forward.

Like you mention in your post, you very rarely watch broadcast TV, so do I. But as I mentioned in my previous post, both the BBC and Sky (and probably a lot of US TV channels/providers) already have pretty robust IPTV systems designed for once there is a larger take up of Internet enabled TVs. The BBC's iPlayer-esqe system works very well from what I have seen of it. The point with these is that it's not Sky or BBC heads leading this change, it's the people under them.

Like you were, I am in the "media industry" (although I dislike the term seeing as it covers so many different areas) and every day I seem to have people lecture me on how things should be done, only to feel that they know less than I do about what the future holds. So I know where you are coming from with the "death of the dinosaurs" statement. That said, I would suggest that the dinosaur is indeed the owner rather than the company itself. Although (lets use Sky for this) they are something of an outdated business model when you look at the internet and modern ways of of getting media out there. I don't think Sky will go, they will change but I'd imagine they'd be there in some form or another for a long time to come. As for Murdoch, he won't.

TV in the UK closes down its last analogue broadcasts this year and digital has taken over.

Indeed, it's the week before the Olympics that London switches isn't it? Bet that will cause a problem for someone...

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Congress may take books, musical compositions and other works out of the public domain, where they can be freely used and adapted, and grant them copyright status again, the Supreme Court ruled Wednesday.


Its like the old is fighting their fight to stop or slow-down the new. Perhaps some people are too old to understand that their time was great but there is no guarantee that it will last forever. Times have changed...

Thats unbelievable BS :(

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Polish minister said that PL will sign ACTA and "let people calm down"

Edited by vilas

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Polish minister said that PL will sign ACTA and "let people calm"

I'm so pissed at the moment! Why the fuck are they acting against the nations will ? What a bunch of dicks :O !

Prime sucker Donald Tusk knows that his popularity is dropping and he will do anything to remain in Brussels, you know something like lifetime well paid job in one of the EU organisations. Suck that Brussels tit, Tusk suck it dry

After the signing they will make a debate to try calm down the society + some TV announcements paid by the EU that in fact ACTA is good.

It will up to Sejm whether to accept ACTA or not. Regime party and loyal peasants from PSL will surely sign, opposition is against PIS,SLD,RP.

There is still a few days left, lets just wait till something spectacular happens.

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There is still a few days left, lets just wait till something spectacular happens.

I have to warn you that the Jews have been waiting for the Messiah for 2000+ years. :smile:

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in western countries most people vote

in PL votes half of voters or even less, 40% for example

why ?

cause no matter what politician say BEFORE election, he will turn 180 degrees and will do other things

Sudayev , you will be surprised, PiS voted ... yes

table :

1 Finlandia 69% AGAINST ACTA

2 Cypr 67% /=/

3 Estonia 67%

4 Dannia 62%

5 Malta 60%

6 SÅ‚owenia 57%

7 Czechy 55%

8 Austria 53%

9 Bułgaria 53%

10 Francja 53%

11 Niemcy 52%

12 Belgia 50%

13 Irlandia 50%

14 Litwa 50%

15 Luksemburg 50%

16 Holandia 48%

17 Hiszpania 48%

18 SÅ‚owacja 46%

19 Grecja 45%

20 Rumunia 45%

21 Szwecja 44%

22 Litwa 42%

23 WÅ‚ochy 33%

24 Portugalia 27%

25 Wielka Brytania 21%

26 Polska 14% <<</=/

woow, when it comes to raising wages in parliament, raising taxes, givig away right to self defence, weapons, giving away right to free social from taxes, honest courts, giving away immunity... Polish parliament is one-thought

so now our EU-parliament members are also "united" when "intererst of big corporations is in danger"

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It's a shame that men leading our once great country now represent Brussels and big international corporations first over their own citizens.

Poland - Brussels bitch and Donald Tusk is a pimp, he pimps Polish people for benefits from Brussels.

They found weakness, Poles can't protest and rebel like they did in past and Tusk knows this and he exploits this weakness. After the attack this slimy coward Tusk has hidden himself away from the cameras because he's afraid to tell people openly what he's up to, thats why he sent minister Boni to tell Poland - yes we still want to sign ACTA. Boni was white as a piece of paper after he said that. Tusk cares about his own PR and he often sends his minions to announce the worst.

@ vilas

Check your infos, PIS opposed ACTA and requested consultations.

the time is ticking away http://anonops.pl/

Edited by Sudayev

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It's a shame that men leading our once great country now represent Brussels and big international corporations first over their own citizens.

Poland - Brussels bitch and Donald Tusk is a pimp, he pimps Polish people for benefits from Brussels.

They found weakness, Poles can't protest and rebel like they did in past and Tusk knows this and he exploits this weakness. After the attack this slimy coward Tusk has hidden himself away from the cameras because he's afraid to tell people openly what he's up to, thats why he sent minister Boni to tell Poland - yes were still want to sign ACTA. Boni was white as a piece of paper after he said that. Tusk cares about his PR and he often sends his minions to announce the worst.

@ vilas

Check your infos, PIS opposed ACTA and requested consultations.

the time is ticking away http://anonops.pl/

Guess why lots of people in Croatia are opposed to joining the EU. I hope that they don't because they will just become another whore to Brussels, the only thing that the EU did for the Czech Republic was to allow us to run away to the UK in the hope of a better life... Other countries had their borders closed until recently.

As for protests in Poland... What happened to the Slavs? Have we turned in to rags after conquering a quarter of the planet? That we can't even stand up against our own government FPDR

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I heard about Croatia. Looks like Croatians were not interested in the accesion referendum, voter turnout 43%. Total votes circa 1,900,000 with 60% for YES. The minority decided for majority, soon they will regret. Same situation was in Poland where under the same voting circumstances Poles have elected Donald Tusk and his crooked clique to continue to rule Poland for another four years. Now they are bitching how bad under Tusk is, at least I managed to stop a few people from voting on Tusk and now they are thankful - "I was so blind, I only voted because I used to vote on Tusk in 2007 too". Nevertheless I don't know why Croats want to catch a ride aboard this sinking and rotten boat of EU.

I'd vote against the accession if I had to vote now.

Like you said -Martin- EU only allowed me and other Poles to go to the Great Britain and sign up for work there, I even took longer pause from my studies to go there. But then I lost my job and had to go back home, to Poland where I had to work illegally, to work illegally in my own country! only because there was no work back then.

They told us - crisis comes to the UK, come back home, we have plenty of work back in Poland. There was no work and their big words became empty phrases to boost regime's own image (once again this slimy rat Donald Tusk was inviting us back to Poland, he promised that Poland would become another Ireland). What a shame. I didn't take any money nor funding from the EU and I can only feel the rising oppression from the EU regime.

They are telling us what to do and what to think, their EU law is above our national judicial system. It's Us - Poles and Them - EU & Donald Tusk and his clique. I want to step out from the train called the EU, because the country has failed and no longer cares about it's citizens. They only care about their future careers and deeds in Brussels first.

I do believe in Visegrád Group, we Slavic people could make a good alternative to the EU,an an alternative that's rooted in OUR cultural system and reality. Once the boat called the EU will drown, interest in Visegrád Group may rise.

I feel sorry for Hungary right now PM Viktor Orban tries to think Hungary first, EU then. Now he's feeling the wrath of the EU for acting against the code. Hungarian leaders have balls! I wish we had such people in power right now, so there would be no ACTA and other oppressive laws in Poland.

Edited by Sudayev

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I do believe in Visegrád Group, we Slavic people could make a good alternative to the EU,an an alternative that's rooted in OUR cultural system and reality. Once the boat called the EU will drown, interest in Visegrád Group may rise.

Hmmmm the Visegrád Group is a good idea, but in my view it is very, very complicated and not many people know of it or can understand it properly with an open mind.

I think the first problem and biggest that would happen is Hungarian and Slav nationalism – not everyone can understand the connection.

The second issue is that we would need to connect the Balkans too, which would bring more problems such as Kosovo and finally it would also be logical to connect Ukraine and the two Russia’s (Russia and Belarus) but its vey improbable that the Russian Federation would ever connect and if they did Moscow would want to lead plus the Kavkaz region would be a problem too.

But if we managed to get over the Hungary problem and have the Balkans connected directly through land we could take care of Kosovo... I guess we need to inform people about this and raise awareness more, a lot of youngsters don't even know that they are Slavs...

The Visegrád Group could of course work as it is now... Develop itself economically and then join countries one by one as the EU is doing, but at a much slower and controlled rate.

Anyway that was way off topic, probably worth starting a thread about in the Slavic Union user group tough :o

Edited by -Martin-

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I feel sorry for Hungary right now PM Viktor Orban tries to think Hungary first, EU then. Now he's feeling the wrath of the EU for acting against the code. Hungarian leaders have balls! I wish we had such people in power right now, so there would be no ACTA and other oppressive laws in Poland.

V. Orban and his clique are far from being democratic, they are trying to suppress any pluralism, opposing forces and independant press, his militias are reminding us the saddest days of Europe.

All these Nationalist movements will only lead to one thing, as history showed us already : war.

But Martin is right, a dedicated topic should be opened.

Edited by ProfTournesol
Lots of typos..

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I heard about Croatia. Looks like Croatians were not interested in the accesion referendum, voter turnout 43%. Total votes circa 1,900,000 with 60% for YES.

On the contrary, people were very interested! There have been very large anti EU demonstrations and stuff like that. I suspect that many votes simply disappeared. :(

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