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SOPA - Internet as we know it about to be gone?

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Hmmm sounds like Chernarus to me

Well, maybe we could round up everyone that dont want to be tracked via Internet and digitised with politics. We could gather a money and buy Madagascar, Island or some other, out of the way, isolated location (so nobody will try to "bring us the wonders democracy"). We could create our own intranet, copy all existing Internet on massive servers and say goodbye to outside worlds :p.

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Well, maybe we could round up everyone that dont want to be tracked via Internet and digitised with politics. We could gather a money and buy Madagascar, Island or some other, out of the way, isolated location (so nobody will try to "bring us the wonders democracy"). We could create our own intranet, copy all existing Internet on massive servers and say goodbye to outside worlds :p.
You dont have to go that far...I kow from own expertise that even in germany the digital world ends 30km from the next larger city...here in the woods we have internet only at 80kb/s and Smartphones do not work as such due to low connection, they have to switch back to gms "emergency" mode. The digital revolution is only in towns with more than 20.000 people. fast internet is somethign I know only at job in city office...hell we do not even have decent prepared roads all through winter here. Edited by Beagle

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nea.gif Don't get false hopes, people today have turned in to submissive careless fools. I predict that nothing will happen, life will go on the same as always, we will read about Anonymous in the newspapers, then put them in the trash can and go to work patiently waiting for another law to come out which will tighten our leash :wink_o:

Saddly true, I've spoken with many people within the weeks about the NDAA and most responses were "Well theres nothing wrong with it if it's keeping us safe"..I don't normally talk with bravado but that is not what the american spirit of all things is supposed to be. It's nice to know that a nation that thousands died for over decades had become all for nothing because some spineless prats can't be arsed to think about something other than their own safety.

I imagine it's not too different in the EU but I hope there is at least more active spirit to the ideals of your countries.

On the other hand it's going to be eerie if this winds up turning out to be like V for Vendetta..seriously, with the corrupt government direction and the Anonymous..

Edited by NodUnit

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I imagine it's not too different in the EU but I hope there is at least more active spirit to the ideals of your countries.

All it needs, is a spark for things to go explosive. Even timid people have their limits on what they will accept. Just wait until majority can't find a job, nor has money to buy their food, or even saving to call upon thanks to inflation.

What we are all dealing with here isn't Democracy, but Coinocracy instead!

Only the rich will survive.. Or so they think! Throwing money into a hoard of angry people isn't gonna save your hide, when they know you'd set them up.

Traitors foolishly selling-out their own people like that, will always end up dying a traitor's death. Just give it time, and people's minds snap one by one.

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All it needs' date=' is a spark for things to go explosive. Even timid people have their limits on what they will accept. Just wait until majority can't find a job, nor has money to buy their food, or even saving to call upon thanks to inflation.

What we are all dealing with here isn't Democracy, but Coinocracy instead!

Only the rich will survive.. Or so they think! Throwing money into a hoard of angry people isn't gonna save your hide, when they know you'd set them up.

Traitors foolishly selling-out their own people like that, will always end up dying a traitor's death. Just give it time, and people's minds snap one by one.[/quote']The main problem with Europe is that it's population is aging rapidly and in the same turn shrinking. 25% of germans are 60 or older while onyl 17% are 20 or younger. As long as pensions are still safe the majority sees no problem at all.


btw the real problem tzhe statistic hides is that the group 40-60 is stronger than the usually most politically active age group 20-39 group already.

Edited by Beagle

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The main problem with Europe is that it's population is aging rapidly and in the same turn shrinking..

Insert a period of mass-destruction by means of unrest and war, and it'll solved with blood flowing, where many did not dare to see it coming..

It's a cheap dirty trick really, to have people kill themselves or one another like angry pit-dogs let loose in the fighting-cage for owner's coin being won or lost..

The first thing that goes, are people too easily stricken being hit the hardest:

Elderly, handicapped, heaps of poor folks, foreigners blamed, and the like...

What did Julius Ceasar say? Ah yes; Devide and conquer wasn't it? Still true..

In the meantime they do their best to keep people's attention diverted..

Their matter of succes, wholy depends on your own willingness to be fooled..

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On the other hand it's going to be eerie if this winds up turning out to be like V for Vendetta..seriously, with the corrupt government direction and the Anonymous..

If we ever become guerilla's, we can always dry run our attacks in Arma.

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Form today's news;

Yesterday, after having found out that the opposition has presented a desideratum on 25th Jan to the Prime Minister to hold on with signing the ACTA agreement the United States Embassy called the Polish Parliament to check and confirm that ACTA will be signed, plus, asking about the exact voting info (who and in which numbers was for and who in the Innovation and New Technologies Commission of the Sejm was against accepting the desideratum)...

"I do have sympathies for US, but let them just calm down... We're an independent Parliament of Poland, friends and allies, not subordinate to the US Congress or President's Obama's administration".. Says a deputy of the Civic Platform..

Now, are we..?

Footage in Polish

Edited by topas

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If we ever become guerilla's, we can always dry run our attacks in Arma.

Oh! Imagine the controversy: Arma 2 the murder simulator! Arma 2 the tool for terrorists! Terrorists training camps: huge lan parties for Arma 2 players! :D

On the other hand we can use Arma 2 to plan and test an invasion on some island nation to establish free state!

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If we ever become guerilla's, we can always dry run our attacks in Arma.
any boyscout camp is a tenfold better traning than arma for a real resistance.

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Hi all

Really want to Piss off the SOPA businesses?

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I bet Murdoch is having a Seizure ROFL.

As I said the you cannot kill an Idea the Megabox concept is out. Bye Bye Dinosaurs. Adapt or die. Darwin has written your future.

Game Changer or what?

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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On the other hand it's going to be eerie if this winds up turning out to be like V for Vendetta..seriously, with the corrupt government direction and the Anonymous..

Hmmm something doesn't seem right with this Anonymous hacker group to me from day 1. It's too awkward to me in some way, the only thing that they do is overload servers and make websites inaccessible for a few days, delete files from a server that can be restored form back-ups but no real damage.

Kind of seems to me like Anonymous is a scheme set up to make us think that there is an enemy to copyright from which they are trying to protect us.

This play has everything, a good guy (government), bad guy (Evil copyright breaches), some mystical help that the bad guys get (Anonymous) and the poor people they are trying to save/harm (us).

If you don't have an enemy you have to manufacture one :tongue:

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On the other hand, "if there was no God, it would be necessary to invent him."

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Hmmm something doesn't seem right with this Anonymous hacker group to me from day 1. It's too awkward to me in some way, the only thing that they do is overload servers and make websites inaccessible for a few days, delete files from a server that can be restored form back-ups but no real damage.

Kind of seems to me like Anonymous is a scheme set up to make us think that there is an enemy to copyright from which they are trying to protect us.

This play has everything, a good guy (government), bad guy (Evil copyright breaches), some mystical help that the bad guys get (Anonymous) and the poor people they are trying to save/harm (us).

If you don't have an enemy you have to manufacture one :tongue:

Anonymous is not a hacker group. 4chan is, for example, or LulzSec and such.

Anonymous is anyone. Anyone, including yourself, can connect to ther IRC channel, take part of their discussion, chose a target alongside Anon members, and strike.

They are equivalent to street protest, but on the Internet. Nothing more

If you think DDOS is hacking, you're mistaken, and the day a true "cyberwar" begins, media will understand that Anon-DDOS takedown of websites were nothing compared.

Anonymous is just people protesting. They are not hackers by any means (though, probably, you'll find hackers amongst them)

If you're that sceptical, connect to some Anon IRC channel, see for yourself.

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On the other hand, "if there was no God, it would be necessary to invent him."

That's exactly the same story but much more complicated. Religion is a masterpiece of story writing and lot's has to be learned from it. From basic concepts of story writing, character roles, conspiracies, emotions to basic forms of crime (the murder of Abel by Cain), rebellion, theft etc… from which other crimes stem. Every good detective/writer or movie director should know the Bible well.

In religion we have a good guy (God), we have a bad guy (Devil) and we have the poor people that they are trying to help/harm (us). We also have mystical forces that helps each side (angels/devils) and we also have a family to which we can relate as humans (a father, mother and son) to make it more believable and a conspiracy (Jesus and the devil), when the devil was thrown down from heaven and conspired to destroy humanity by turning them against god ever since, however God sends his only son to Earth to stop him.

Probably the greatest story ever told :butbut:

But if you think about it, back in the day religion was used to control the masses ( an old version of media), now its modern media that does the job.

If you think DDOS is hacking, you're mistaken, and the day a true "cyberwar" begins, media will understand that Anon-DDOS takedown of websites were nothing compared

I know, that’s why I said the only thing they do is overload websites which isn’t really going to change anything yes.gif

Anonymous is anyone. Anyone, including yourself, can connect to ther IRC channel, take part of their discussion, chose a target alongside Anon members, and strike.

I find it point less, if we take down the government website for a few days they will still sign the law and we can't protest for ever, and in the time the website was down (1 or 2 days)... Well, people read about it in the news but it won't really have any effect on anyone, like the strike in front of St. Pauls cathedral. Sure it caused some financial losses, bothered a few people but overall it had no impact on anything in my opinion.

Edited by -Martin-

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Hmmm something doesn't seem right with this Anonymous hacker group to me from day 1. It's too awkward to me in some way, the only thing that they do is overload servers and make websites inaccessible for a few days, delete files from a server that can be restored form back-ups but no real damage.

Kind of seems to me like Anonymous is a scheme set up to make us think that there is an enemy to copyright from which they are trying to protect us.

This play has everything, a good guy (government), bad guy (Evil copyright breaches), some mystical help that the bad guys get (Anonymous) and the poor people they are trying to save/harm (us).

If you don't have an enemy you have to manufacture one :tongue:

who knows, maybe


- backups are duty of personel in almost all kinds of offices, so everyone makes it

- hackers do know that some government informations are too important to society function to destroying them, simple example: civil servant who deals with civil law issues, has on his PC documents of applications from citizens for example for :

help, farmers asks for EU-refound for tractor, businesmen control protocols, so if you destroy such data, whom you will make problems ? to minister ? or to usual people ? than they would made themselves enemies for citizens

in many institutions most important data computers are not in normal web (internet) which you can acces from web (it is not movie) , they are in infranet

when you destroy date - you become enemy of gov. and in our so called "democratic" states someone can find you "hang himself, because he had love problems"

they are showing that they can do something, but do not harm to avoid problems for other people (if you destroy PC of civil servant, it is not problem for him, really, it is problem for applicants who wrote application to office)

wise hacker who is not psychopathic sadist will not make problem to another "not-guilty" people

if there are "stinking cases" , believe me, there are no documents about them, there are only oral talks between clerks, noone writes it ;)

if you really would like to harm government - there are few possible ways - hack into accountants bureau , check pay-list (salaries) and public financial data which minister earn what money from tax ;) than people will see how much from their taxes gov. steals or "public contracts" (how much they spent for furniture, cars, mobiles, luxury things)

but of course you might be right, cause like my mother told me:

during her studies, biggest anti-communist agitator on university was ... son of colonel of Secret Militia and provocateur who was later reporting people who "agreed to speak against communist party" (sometimes provocators shout the loudest) and they had problems

Edited by vilas

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I find it point less, if we take down the government website for a few days they will still sign the law and we can't protest for ever, and in the time the website was down (1 or 2 days)... Well, people read about it in the news but it won't really have any effect on anyone, like the strike in front of St. Pauls cathedral. Sure it caused some financial losses, bothered a few people but overall it had no impact on anything in my opinion.

Well, you basically find protests pointless ;)

They are very allegoric and such, but they're just people showing publicly their concerns. Like I said, some modern form of public protest.

Now, if you think about how the Internet importance will raise in the upcoming generation's life, this kind of demonstration may gain more and more influence as time passes, and possibly will impact in the future, like public street demonstrations can impact today. Just because Internet is going to be more and more proeminent in the future (which is exactly why many people having firm grip on public information today don't like a free Internet and fight against it), don't disregard Anon that fast. They look weak, useless and unneedingly theatral currently, but it'll change.

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although we have - 10 degree Celsius (or less) now people do protest on streets

unemployment grows again (2 percent in quarter) young people demand new elections and collect signs for referendum for ealier parliament voting, if they would do it, probably party which won those elections would go down (people feel cheated by false promises)

signing ACTA was "too much" it seems

heavy winter and people protest (mostly young, those who were cheated by liberal politicians promising them "green island full of success " )

mainstream media cheat on and on calling those who are against ACTA "i.p. thieves supporters"


edit - scared primeminister in tv told "if there will be such problem, i may not sign it" woow

maybe Boni (minister of digitalization) will resign ! :D

maybe protests of people on the streets will win, i hope

maybe young will understand that nations should be more independent than all those anti-nation "unions"


there were even some little fights with police , heh

Edited by vilas

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Hmmm sounds like Chernarus to me :wink_o:

Well, to be serious I completely agree with you, but there is just nowhere to go since all the developed countries follow America like ducklings follow a duck.

Sure, one can go to the 3rd world, but there one has different stuff to worry about instead of politics, for example finding clean drinking water :tongue:

They know we have nowhere to run, and that people are too concerned about their wellbeing for today and don’t care about tomorrow, meaning that any retaliation is very unlikely to take place, hence they can move us around like pawns on a checkerboard.

You don't seem to understand well the "3rd world" thing. It's a term used to reassure the countries from the south hemisphere submission to the contries from the north hemisphere. We have as much education, public health and jobs as you do, and our economics are doing better than yours if you think for awhile. Also, clean water is not such a problem in most countries.

"Underdeveloped" is a really wrong term. It's comparing young countries to the oldest ones. Comparing countries of different sizes and demographics.

In other news, really, there's nowhere to run, because all governments rule their population with iron fists. Some do it openly, while others prefer to sneak past the public views.

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Huge civic mobilization in Poland! Looks like our parliament wont ratify ACTA due to huge disagree (I hope so).

Today some politicians entered The Sejm wearing popular masks ;)



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It's actually a bit more complicated. Even if a miracle happens. the government will listen to the people and not ratify ACTA - it still may very well pass and be in force.

All that it takes is to have (at least) 6 other European countries ratify it, then even without Polish notification it'll be a paneuropean law, applicable to us as well.

(See Article 40)...

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so words "i will not ratify" are plain bs propoganda (he knows that it will be implemented but play "good cop"?)

but what's funny - they (gov.) said that "whole European countries already signed it"

i wonder how many signed it till today


photos from one of cities:


Edited by vilas

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All parties but the EU, Switzerland and Mexico signed ACTA in December 2011.

The EU signed ACTA on 26 January 2012 in Tokyo

By that are meant UK, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

Now, it's not impossible to find 6 signatories there, even if Poland withdraws.


photos from one of cities:

And from other cities: compilation

Edited by topas

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so words "i will not ratify" are plain bs propoganda (he knows that it will be implemented but play "good cop"?)

but what's funny - they (gov.) said that "whole European countries already signed it"

i wonder how many signed it till today


photos from one of cities:


I posted this link somewhere in this thread, but anyhow.


Representatives from the European Union and 22 member states -- including the UK, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden -- attended a ceremony at Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The five remaining member states -- Cyprus, Germany, Estonia Netherlands and Slovakia, are expected to sign up soon.

But don't worry, in my country noone knows about ACTA, the media don't say a word about it on the news or there's notthing in the newspapers. Therefor no real protest and very few realizes the span of the measure.

-edit: see topas-

Edited by Dekster

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I posted this link somewhere in this thread, but anyhow.


But don't worry, in my country noone knows about ACTA, the media don't say a word about it on the news or there's notthing in the newspapers. Therefor no real protest and very few realizes the span of the measure.

-edit: see topas-

Same here, nothing in the TV news but on the other hand the more "intellectuat" daily newspaper are full with it. You have to dig a bit to find any news about this.

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