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It's funny to see that the defenders jumping in are those that didn't actually *get* the supporter edition.

Seriously? "Defenders jumping in"? Supporter or not, he's right, it did say that.


If you're concerned that there won't be any, going by how Win played out, I wouldn't bet on it.

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It's funny to see that the defenders jumping in are those that didn't actually *get* the supporter edition.

Funny to see that the people who want BIS to make DLCs are the ones who bought the Supporter Edition / (into the Hype). Wich tells me that they bought it for the wrong reasons. Period

Seriously wouldn´t you be happier with a full expansion? Maybe if you get a discount?

I seriously considered getting the supporter Edition but then I decided against it. Looking back at how Arma 3 turned out to be I´m more than glad that I decided against, otherwise I´d be all over the forums bitching and nagging about everything I consider to be wrong in the game.

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Seriously wouldn´t you be happier with a full expansion? Maybe if you get a discount?

We all agree on that, a stand-alone/huge expansion would be great for all of us.

Regarding the success of the 3 dlcs in A2, I'm sure Bis will do that in A3. As long as they don't break/split the community, it's all good.

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Only 2 DLCs had success, the third one was kind of hatred by almost everybody.

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Seriously? "Defenders jumping in"? Supporter or not, he's right, it did say that.

If you're concerned that there won't be any, going by how Win played out, I wouldn't bet on it.

I know it said so, I bought it anyway. Not the point though; "if any" at least says it is possible, even suggests it is likely.

I haven't played the campaign yet, I am currently on stable so I can't really say what your last sentence means.

Funny to see that the people who want BIS to make DLCs are the ones who bought the Supporter Edition / (into the Hype). Wich tells me that they bought it for the wrong reasons. Period

People do things for their own reason, and yours is not the right to judge whether those reasons are wrong or not. And you are wrong, in your assumption. I want BIS to make DLC, regardless of whether I get it for free or not. I happily spent a few Euros now and then for the game that I have been playing for 600 hours now. My decision to buy the supporter edition had nothing to do with either free DLC or my name in the credits, it was merely motivated by wanting to support BIS. Still, who are you to say that people are wrong expecting something in return?

Seriously wouldn´t you be happier with a full expansion? Maybe if you get a discount?

If it is standalone like Arrowhead, no. I disliked the fact that Arrowhead was Stand-alone, and all the confusion that arose from the myriads of different editions. If it is like Resistance, then yes. Integrated in the main game, with Arma III as a requirement.

I don't know what life cycle Arma III should have; personally, I hope for both, at least one full-fledged expansion and smaller DLC packs. I liked the DLC from Arma 2 (even ACR, minus its technical and qualify flaws). I like the idea of adding factions to the game for more variety. I'd also like to see other, more themed DLC (like, time periods for example).

I don't even need a discount. If I had to pay full price for an expansion, fine with me. The deal for me isn't so much what I have to pay (as long as it says reasonable; 15 Euros for a four-maps-pack like in CoD is not), but the extra stuff to play around with.

I seriously considered getting the supporter Edition but then I decided against it. Looking back at how Arma 3 turned out to be I´m more than glad that I decided against, otherwise I´d be all over the forums bitching and nagging about everything I consider to be wrong in the game.

If you have ever seen me bitching and nagging on the forum about what I don't like about the game (which supposedly happened), then it didn't have anything to do with the Supporter edition, but solely with the fact that I spend a lot of time with the Arma games in general, and I want them to be as good as possible. When something doesn't fit that, I'll bring it up. I might try and slap people with my supporter badge, but that is only for emphasis. Arma is more of a hobby for me than just a game, and I am not ready to give up that hobby.

---------- Post added at 22:52 ---------- Previous post was at 22:48 ----------

Only 2 DLCs had success, the third one was kind of hatred by almost everybody.

Because of the sloppy execution. I liked the units. The campaign was meh. The biggest issue with ACR was the ton of bugs, not only with the campaign/missions but also with the other stuff, like lasers not functioning correctly, maps that were mere cut-outs, no town names, Chernarus road signs, some road signs in the middle of a meadow, etc. While both the BAF and PMC DLC's had their quality right (although I damn sure wish they would have gone for something else than the M8), ACR came across as a quick money grab, and it rightfully got a lot of flak for that, whether it was intended like that or not.

And to this day, no patch to fix at least some of the issues.

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Funny to see that the people who want BIS to make DLCs are the ones who bought the Supporter Edition / (into the Hype). Wich tells me that they bought it for the wrong reasons. Period.

Speak for yourself. I didn't buy the supporter edition for the DLCs, so so please don't speak for me. Period.

I bought every game and every expansion from OFP to Arma 3. I did it because I liked the games.

Besides, I would bet that MOST people bought the supporter edition for the support, not for anything else.

However, saying that if BIS makes no DLC, someone is going to be miffed is their right. You have no right to judge them on that. Also Period.

Oh, so you also think I'm "bitching" because I bought the supporters edition ? Are you serious ?

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Sirs, please, don't get personal on this. It has been clearly stated that our plans are for both free and premium DLCs. Please, stay constructive as all of you are most of the time, we appreciate your feedback, but stay on the topic too. There is no reveal regarding DLCs, expansion or anything like that around :icon_twisted:

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Sirs, please, don't get personal on this. It has been clearly stated that our plans are for both free and premium DLCs. Please, stay constructive as all of you are most of the time, we appreciate your feedback, but stay on the topic too. There is no reveal regarding DLCs, expansion or anything like that around :icon_twisted:

Ok, so I'm asking: although there has been no news about it, are you guys working on some DLCs and/or stand alone expansion?

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Ok, so I'm asking: although there has been no news about it, are you guys working on some DLCs and/or stand alone expansion?

In a past entry Maruk talked about Premium and free DLCs, and new maps.

Also Scanning the horizon

Edited by MistyRonin

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Let me remind you that I merely replied on what you wrote here

It's funny to see that the defenders jumping in are those that didn't actually *get* the supporter edition.

So this actually applies to you in the first place:

People do things for their own reason, and yours is not the right to judge whether those reasons are wrong or not.


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Sirs, please, don't get personal on this. It has been clearly stated that our plans are for both free and premium DLCs. Please, stay constructive as all of you are most of the time, we appreciate your feedback, but stay on the topic too. There is no reveal regarding DLCs, expansion or anything like that around :icon_twisted:

^^ This still applies. Please take any and all personal discussions to PM.

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Yes, in this blog our intention was to keep the community up to date with our general plans for the new year.

With that in mind, we've identified a modest number of free and premium DLCs that will provide a clear focus for our ongoing development. These mini-projects give us the chance to create some really interesting new things and, we hope, genuinely enhance Arma 3's gameplay.

The specifics we provided were limited to stating our intention to announce a free MP DLC (i.e. Zeus) and, longer term, build a new terrain. We weren't in a position to confirm any further details than that, but - hopefully after Zeus has been released - we'd like to provide a more definitive roadmap for 2014, sharing some of the specifics of the planned content and features.

Given the 'lessons learned' from previous announcements, that's all we can say with confidence for now. :)



Edited by RoyaltyinExile

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What you mean by "premium DLCs" ? Paid DLCs but with a Lite version of it, as done on A2 DLCs?

IMO< one of the best approches on the subject.

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What you mean by "premium DLCs" ? Paid DLCs but with a Lite version of it, as done on A2 DLCs?

Premium DLC means a DLC that you pay for (unless, of course, you have the limited 'Supporter's Edition'). Free DLCs would be things like Zeus, which are small, consistent packages made available via updates to the game.

we'd like to provide a more definitive roadmap for 2014, sharing some of the specifics of the planned content and features.

As part of this, we'll also explain our take on how to offer premium DLC without splitting the community. We're still working out the exact details (as the previous pipeline causes us certain heachaches in terms of maintaining different data), but we can say it'll be similar to the 'Lite' approach in the sense that everyone should be able to play together, which is a clear priority.



Edited by RoyaltyinExile

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Any new (and better I hope) SP campaign en route?

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Any new (and better I hope) SP campaign en route?

I really enjoyed it ( specially the first and the last episode which was outstanding, the second was just OK IMO ).

But I guess yes, they must after the Win's ending cliffhanger!

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I really enjoyed it ( specially the first and the last episode which was outstanding, the second was just OK IMO ).

But I guess yes, they must after the Win's ending cliffhanger!

Glad for you.

However, I was disappointed by the campaign, don't find it very good.

I was excited at the begnning, but now I've finished it, I don't really appreciate it.

It's just like BF 3 campaign: just the average, nothing epic nor unforgettable. Amateurs missions makers could (and probably will) do better.

Far, far away the time of long, interesting and challenging campaign...

I really would have prefered something longer with much more characters - just like it was back in OFP days.

The game has so much potential, they really screwed it up IMO.

And so many feature we're waiting for since...soooooo long still not there (bipods, fastrope, etc...).

Really disappointed by the game and the campaign, I expected something else...

I hope they'll do better next time - just like they did between ArmA 2 and Operation Arrowhead.

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Glad for you.

However, I was disappointed by the campaign, don't find it very good.

I was excited at the begnning, but now I've finished it, I don't really appreciate it.

It's just like BF 3 campaign: just the average, nothing epic nor unforgettable. Amateurs missions makers could (and probably will) do better.

Far, far away the time of long, interesting and challenging campaign...

I really would have prefered something longer with much more characters - just like it was back in OFP days.

The game has so much potential, they really screwed it up IMO.

And so many feature we're waiting for since...soooooo long still not there (bipods, fastrope, etc...).

Really disappointed by the game and the campaign, I expected something else...

I hope they'll do better next time - just like they did between ArmA 2 and Operation Arrowhead.

I believe Arma 2's Campaign, though put together more thoughtful, interaction with civi's from the start, it was a bit chunky. It somehow felt, incomplete. Arma 3's campaign is much smoother in terms of tasks, and flow, but a simple campaign, easy story line to follow. They both have ups and downs. Though, with the Arma 3 engine, many things can be improved, even now still. The game isn't fully done yet.

Billy Mays ~ "But wait! There's more!"

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The supporter Edition clearly said: Includes all future DLCs if any.

If you bought the supporter Edition just to get free DLCs then you...

A) ... bought it for the wrong reason

B) ... are not good at math

Keep in mind that this doesn´t include DLCs for Addons. If they do the same thing they did with Arma 2 where they released OA and then DLCs you won´t get any of them.

As I already said I´m against many smaller DLCs. A big Addon like OA is just what this game needs and where BIS would really make some profit! Maybe the buyers of the supporter Edition could get a discount on that, that would be okay with me (and it is totally possible through Steam I just got a discount for Wargame RD because I already own Wargame AB).

You have to understand that there were two sides to my decision to purchase the supporter edition.

1. To support BIS to continue the ArmA series. (My fan side)

2. I was probably going to buy the DLC anyway. (My customer side)

I've purchased all DLC for OA and enjoyed them (though ACR you can find my thoughts on that in it's appropriate thread). Now BI hasn't actually announced any yet, and I don't expect a standalone expansion pack this time around. But if BI decides to not to make any paid DLC, I'm considering it a loss and probably won't be suckered into buying a supporter edition next time around if they're going to hide behind mouseovers.

Then you can point and laugh at poor old L3TUC3 for believing in and paying BI would actually make any DLC. But is the shame really on me here? They didn't have to put the "Free DLC (if any trololo)" entry on there. The fan will be disappointed and the customer will think twice next time. Now, I would've still gotten the supporter edition if the entry wasn't there, but I'm not forgetting about it either. It was there and influenced my decision, and wholly expect BI to hold on to their end (so far they have, I received everything else they listed).

I still think they'll make some, but I know my reaction if they didn't.

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And again, please continue this off-topic discussion elsewhere.

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Can anyone say anything about when the Update for "Win" will roll out today (and wich timezone your estimation concerns)? I have a community game sheduled this evening, and was wondering if we could already play with the new content, or if it will arrive so late, that we won't get in on time, thus don't need to wait for it.

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Hello Elena,

i can´t say a specific time, but i can guess. The last times the Big updated all have been deployed at 03:00PM +/- 1 hour Central European Time. Hope that helps.

now where i have posted this, we will get this update in the morning probably :)

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I believe A3 Tools have seperate update and seperate Techrep.

So could still be today :)

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