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"Uncertain orientation" is why I don't use the clock method with live players either -- it only makes sense when there's a unified sense of where each number on the clock corresponds to and thus where one's sector corresponds to, and the bearings method already provides that... the difference comes down to "common frame of reference".

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Also the word alpha. I'm not entirely sure what he means by complete alpha, since alpha itself implies software that is not complete.

Thats nice but, when do you want to release the full game then ? July or December 2013 ?

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Thats nice but, when do you want to release the full game then ? July or December 2013 ?
Somehow I imagine that not even Maruk knows... that may well depend on the player feedback of the alpha, in terms of "how well (i.e. stably) does it run on computers-that-aren't-BI's".

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Thats nice but, when do you want to release the full game then ? July or December 2013 ?

Max Power is a moderator, not a developer, so I don't think it matters when he "wants to release the full game".

The only currently available official info on the release schedule is "2013", so December 2013 is entirely within the realm of possibility.

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The only currently available official info on the release schedule is "2013", so December 2013 is entirely within the realm of possibility.

I think they should update the release schedule like "2013 maybe..." dunno, though it will be more informative.

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I think they should update the release schedule like "2013 maybe..." dunno, though it will be more informative.

"It's done when it's done" is all you need to know or care about.

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Ye, definitely.

Now I see why people keep calling you a troll... go play somewhere else pls.

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I think they should update the release schedule like "2013 maybe..." dunno, though it will be more informative.

And I think you should *really* give it a rest.

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Yet I don't see the problem with how it's done until now. Not only it's informative (will you really know whether Lacey is AR or medic in some user made mission you never touched until that moment?) but it's kinda... series defining perk. Ditching it will take away some ArmA out of ArmA.

Erm, you know the AI calls subordinates 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 etc etc as it is now?

It would make more [realistic] sense [in the campaign] for the AI to call out names rather than numbers, as a good squad will know each other anyway.

will you really know whether Lacey is AR or medic in some user made mission you never touched until that moment?

Will you know whether 6 is medic? Because thats how it works now...

it's kinda... series defining perk

calling your subordinates 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 etc etc is a perk?

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Will you know whether 6 is medic? Because thats how it works now...
I'll agree with this -- unlike the idea of "fix what isn't working as intended", some of the existing systems are actively getting in the way... in this case, impeding situational awareness and quick(er) comprehension of the situation.

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Erm, you know the AI calls subordinates 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 etc etc as it is now?

It would make more [realistic] sense [in the campaign] for the AI to call out names rather than numbers, as a good squad will know each other anyway.

In the campaign yes but if ArmA3 campaign is anything like what they promised they will have to record a loong list of names.

And as I've said I'd prefer BIS record per role not per name (if it's anyone but a "token" rifleman). That would be much more useful gameplay-wise

Will you know whether 6 is medic? Because thats how it works now...

Yep. But I will know that "corpsman"/"medic" is a medic.

calling your subordinates 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 etc etc is a perk?

I've said phrase gen is a perk. But numbers aren't a problem to me either. If they stayed I wouldn't care. I'm playing a game, not some pseudo-dramatic movie-wannabe where I supposedly have to care about soldiers.

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Just curious if there will be something like a "no voice" radio switch/option for AI in multiplayer? Or will the AI be able "to collect + update contact reports silently" and inform the player when he want to hear these infos from AI?? Imo for SP it can be much more authentic to call names - depending on how many AI teammates the player has to care for. With bigger teams/squads its imo better to call them just by their leaders names or group specification + customisable callsign (MG team Bravo, AT team Yellow, sapper team One4All, support team Hotfixers etc).

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In the campaign yes but if ArmA3 campaign is anything like what they promised they will have to record a loong list of names.

And as I've said I'd prefer BIS record per role not per name (if it's anyone but a "token" rifleman). That would be much more useful gameplay-wise

Yep. But I will know that "corpsman"/"medic" is a medic.

I've said phrase gen is a perk. But numbers aren't a problem to me either. If they stayed I wouldn't care. I'm playing a game, not some pseudo-dramatic movie-wannabe where I supposedly have to care about soldiers.

Issue with only calling by role is that you will have multiple rifleman to command, so still not so usefull.

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Is possible technology that will smoothly read names by letters so they won't have to record all names? You know what I mean? It will make possiblity to make game completely read anything (any name, any text) - even in missions - so modders won't have to record their own voice for voice brifing etc. Game will be able to read players' nicknames. That would be awesome. But I guess It's not possible as reading by letters will be really hungry on PC usage.

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Well, siri exists but I really doubt that something similar could be integrated without sounding completely out of place. Most likely they will do about 50 common surnames, ranks and special cases.

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Issue with only calling by role is that you will have multiple rifleman to command, so still not so usefull.

That's why I said 'except' riflemen.

Of course come to think of it the ideal mixture will consist of using roles if there's only one soldier of that role in a squad and names if more.

Is possible technology that will smoothly read names by letters so they won't have to record all names?

Such technology does not exist yet. Even best text-to-speech offerings still sound robotic. It's not just about saying it letter by letter, it's also about correct pronunciation with a correct emphasis.

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Actually you'd be surprised how good some voices are. The techno very much exists and I use it on a weekly basis for temp speeches in video editing. Sometimes, people don't even believe it's a fake voice.

The only drawback is that the good voices on the market all have a very neutral "news anchor style" tone. No "Shouting" or "whispering". No acting really, just news reading.

That'd be perfect for briefings, but not so much for battle action. So far at least.

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Actually you'd be surprised how good some voices are. The techno very much exists and I use it on a weekly basis for temp speeches in video editing. Sometimes, people don't even believe it's a fake voice.

The only drawback is that the good voices on the market all have a very neutral "news anchor style" tone. No "Shouting" or "whispering". No acting really, just news reading.

That'd be perfect for briefings, but not so much for battle action. So far at least.

Well you're right with that. It will sound weird when you get hit you and still will say with chill "I'm hurt. Medic."

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Well you're right with that. It will sound weird when you get hit you and still will say with chill "I'm hurt. Medic."

"Now you can see I've taken a hit to my head. It's nothing serious, but I am bleeding badly."

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Hey everyone!

To make a long story short then i was "surfing" on the internet and found this:

Daniel Musil, A3 Project Lead: The exact date will be announced following E3, but it should follow a month or so later. It depends on a number of internal and external developments.

Jay Crowe, Creative Director: Once we manage to shake off the jet-lag from LA—wash off that conference-hall smell—we intend to set out what’s on offer and how we’ll be inviting people to get involved in much greater detail.

However, its 6 months ago so how come happen we havent heard any real things yet?

Peace off!

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Daniel Musil, A3 Project Lead: The exact date will be announced following E3, but it should follow a month or so later. It depends on a number of internal and external developments.

Well, there's no two ways about it: what a depressing read! (I wonder if that smell is still on my shirts..?)

It's true, much has since changed: PhysX, Limnos, DayZ, to name but a few. We've come some way since then; however, our intention hasn't shifted. We will release our plans in one go: clear, concise, to the point.

We're close to the finish starting line - and we're determined to deliver on our promises. However, it'll be actions, not words, that will be the proof of that. :)



Edited by RoyaltyinExile

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