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ArmA 2 site hacked

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what if its some user bored with no-hacks having fun with us?

common, BIS-made hacks are more solid, logical - and most important they are given every 42 hours

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It could be that it is not from BIS... it could be some joker playing with us :(

EDIT: again late >.<

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It could be that it is not from BIS... it could be some joker playing with us :(

EDIT: again late >.<

I think so .. H

prepare your travel to cuba P8h8 ....


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hmm do you still belive that this is possible for so small team.

I suppose, that BIS has some 144 employee;)

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I think theyre just some kids trying to confuse us...

why should iranian hackers call them like a turkish / ottoman regent? thats not logical

---------- Post added at 03:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:14 PM ----------

Okay they´re banned.

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This is a Chinese vocabulary if you put these 2 photos together according the order of appearance.

It basically means "Danger", "Crisis" etc.

Just a little extra knowledge, maybe not related.

It is also noticeable that they are written in Traditional Chinese, which is the original of Simplified Chinese writing, in which the former one is only being used by Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan etc. nowadays

sorry thats a spam ffs

Edited by Kenex05

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Quick question:

Does Iran exist within the scope of the Armaverse, or has Ardistan taken its place, and if so, would these "hackers" then be called Ardistanis as opposed to Iranian?

I've only followed the development of this thread with half an eye, so I might be wrong, but have the "hackers" used anything but persian about themselves? Is the Iranian denominator not something that we have applied to them?

Edited by Hund

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Quick question:

Does Iran exist within the scope of the Armaverse, or has Ardistan taken its place, and if so, would these "hackers" then be called Ardistanis as opposed to Iranian?

I've only followed the development of this thread with half an eye, so I might be wrong, but have the "hackers" used anything but persian about themselves? Is the Iranian denominator not something that we have applied to them?

Don't think Iran is on the Armaverse map.

No, they have only used "Persian" as far as I know.

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Of course there is no reliable reason to believe that Ardistan would be involved, let alone persian. It might be Takistanis, who are known to speak in a persian tongue.

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خداحاÙظ = Goodbye.. my Boss speaks Persian. :) Just asked him in work and hes well interested now lol

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01AUG39: Outbreak of World War II

:rolleyes: This happend on the 1st September. :D

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خداحاÙظ = Goodbye.. my Boss speaks Persian. :) Just asked him in work and hes well interested now lol

Then you can ask him if he knows Scott Miller:D

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55min x 85 = ~78 hours (3 days and 6 hours)

So if we had let the seeker run normally, it would have reached its end (Millers DOB) on Saturday, sometime during the afternoon or early evening. Now consider what else is supposed to happen around that time: the next hack, if it comes. (Saturday, 18:00 CEST).

I wonder if this has any significance.

Pretty much I think!

There's no reason to believe it's going 3D.

What do people mean with 3D? as in stereoscopic? if so arma already does that, despite with some glitches, I would welcome an improvement on that department yes!

What if the real iranian hackers seen this and thought who r they to take the mick out of us and Hack BIS :O

Hell hope not! that would mean google had already pick up on my idiot ramblings... (runs to go edit old posts....)

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Pretty much I think!

What do people mean with 3D? as in stereoscopic? if so arma already does that, despite with some glitches, I would welcome an improvement on that department yes!

Hell hope not! that would mean google had already pick up on my idiot ramblings... (runs to go edit old posts....)

I only wish there will be no hack happenning in sprocket.:(

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Why does that worry you? the steam one did not make my games in the library disapear or anything...

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Thats a good point Hund. Since i think Takistanis speak Farsi ingame.

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look at the 12th pitcher down description is : rendered in real time with experimental engine , well with them few picks and the , yes i say again nvida arma3 profile i say its arma3 with an upgraded engine.

Look at the quote on the actually picture also.. i new i kept seeing that! "Game 2" from that interview... i dont think Game II was ArmA II my 2 cents anyways

Rendered in Real Time - Game II experimental engine.

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Thats a good point Hund. Since i think Takistanis speak Farsi ingame.

They do. I thought it was arabic, but I looked at some

videos on YouTube, and when you say in-game "2, move to xxx" you say "Doh" which is Farsi (it would be "Ehtnein" in Arabic).

---------- Post added at 17:09 ---------- Previous post was at 17:06 ----------

Look at the quote on the actually picture also.. i new i kept seeing that! "Game 2" from that interview... i dont think Game II was ArmA II my 2 cents anyways

I remember having read some clarification on this which confirmed that Game II is ArmA II, and the experimental referenced some experimental render code that didn't make it in the final game.

Don't ask me for a link though, it's been a while.

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Whatever game it is, let's hope it has a better netcode than Arma II.

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