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By any slim chance that this great MP mission can have AI fill-ins just like the A&S promode...

Are you referring to an ability to recruit AI units as part of friendly squad ?

If so - it's not that hard to do by utilizing 'bon_recruit_units' script (for example) & adding the action on Mobile HQ.

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Just been playing lingor version and i keep spiking....we dont think its server related but maybe AI scripting bug....could you look into it please.


btw at base there are no spikes its just when we enter ao areas

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For real, you guys made public multiplayer actually worthwhile.

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hey this may sound stupid but where do i put the pbo file after downloading it? been wanting to try out insurgency, and also just to get this straight.... there are no AI in this? because i would just like to host a LAN game like with warfare and have ai in my squad.

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hey this may sound stupid but where do i put the pbo file after downloading it? been wanting to try out insurgency, and also just to get this straight.... there are no AI in this? because i would just like to host a LAN game like with warfare and have ai in my squad.


1. Place it in the mpmissions folder of your arma directory.

2. Yep...still no AI. There are rumours that there are versions of it with AI floating around, so if you find one, please link it here because I'm looking for it too. Thanks.

Let me know if my instructions were not clear.


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Hey Fireball, i had an idea. How about you adding independent faction as well? You could put them as enemy to everybody and they would be another team competing with BLUFOR to find the ammo caches. OPFOR would fight against 2 invading forces which are enemies themselves.

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Hey Fireball, i had an idea. How about you adding independent faction as well? You could put them as enemy to everybody and they would be another team competing with BLUFOR to find the ammo caches. OPFOR would fight against 2 invading forces which are enemies themselves.

Not going to lie. That sounds like a terrible idea.

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Not going to lie. That sounds like a terrible idea.

Why does it?

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To be honest if you don't understand why you probably just need to give it a try and see.

Sometimes when someone thinks something is a bad idea is simply because he doesn't see how this idea can be successful. And when that someone is experienced with the game/gameplay/missions he'll more often than not be correct, especially when the suggestion has very little detail explaining how and why it would work and actually be good.

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hey, i've just depbo'd this mission. trying to make it so i can play it with a friend on the sangin map.

I want to add the secop manager with the support fuctions ... transport, uav, cas etc... but when i add it with the trigger all that appears is the a10 airstrike it seems to be overriding the secop support functions. how can i remove the a10 feature completely ?

i did try deactivating it in the description.ext but it still gets in the way >.<.

EDIT: common\client\support\functions.sqf is what i have been playing around with i tried to comment out the parts i thought were related to the a10 CAS strike but now it just stays on the loading screen for ever!

nvm i figured it out, just commented the support out from the init-client common yay.


Edited by HoneyBadger
more info

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Hi guys,

been playing around with insurgency and having great fun, so thank you

wanted to ask if there was a way to enable respawn on squad member after a player has died ?

onPlayerKilled = {

if (livesLeft > 0 && time > 30) then {

westDeaths = westDeaths + 1;

publicVariable "westDeaths";

hint parseText format["

<t color=""#00FFFF"">West lives remaining:</t> %1



if (remoteControlling && heliRC == 1) then { call exitRC; };

detach player;

player setUnconscious false;

if (captive player) then { [nil,player, rSETCAPTIVE, false] call RE; };

bloodloss = 0;

camPlayer = objNull;

deadPos = getPosATL player;

[server,server,"loc",rSPAWN,player,{ sleep REM_PLAYER_BODY; hideBody _this; sleep 10; deleteVehicle _this; }] call RE;


respawnSystem = {

private ["_c","_vehicle","_arr","_camPlayer","_plrs","_ctrlText","_pos"];

call disableSerialization;

scopeName "main";

_camPlayer = objNull;

respawnCamera = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0];

respawnCamera cameraEffect ["INTERNAL","Back"];

while {isDead(player) && time > 30} do {

if (isNull camPlayer || _camPlayer != camPlayer) then {

_arr = groupMembers(true,"array")+[fieldHospital];

if (livesLeft == 0) then { _arr = nearestPlayers(CENTERPOS,AORADIUS,true,"array"); };

if (isNull camPlayer) then { camPlayer = _arr select 0; };

camAttachCoords = [0,-3,1.5];

if (camPlayer == fieldHospital) then { camAttachCoords = [-50, 0, 12]; };

respawnCamera camSetTarget camPlayer;

titleText [" ","Black in", 2];

respawnCamera camCommit 0;

respawnCamera attachTo [camPlayer, camAttachCoords];

_camPlayer = camPlayer;

_vehicle = camPlayer;

enterSpawn = false;

_c = 5;


if (alive camPlayer && !enterSpawn && isDead(player)) then {

if (_c < 5) then { _c = 5; };

if (_vehicle != vehicle camPlayer) then {

_vehicle = vehicle camPlayer;

respawnCamera attachTo [_vehicle, camAttachCoords];

respawnCamera camSetTarget _vehicle;

respawnCamera camCommit 0;


call respawnTags;


if (_camPlayer == camPlayer && enterSpawn) then {

_plrs = nearestPlayers(getPosATL camPlayer,300,true,"array");

if (camPlayer != fieldHospital && (nearestEastMen(getPosATL camPlayer,respawnRange,true,"count") > 0

|| vehicle camPlayer call vclisFull) ) exitWith { enterSpawn = false; _c = 5; };

cutRsc["Rtags", "PLAIN"];

_ctrlText = (uiNamespace getVariable 'TAGS_HUD') displayCtrl 64434;

_ctrlText ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format[

"<t color=%2' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000'>Spawning in %1</t><br/><br/><t color='#808080' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000'>Left Arrow: Previous unit<br/>Right Arrow: Next unit<br/>Backspace: Respawn gear menu</t>"

, abs ceil _c, "#FFFFFF];

if ((ceil _c) <= 0) exitWith { breakTo "main"; };

_c = _c - 0.1;


if (!alive camPlayer) then { camPlayer = objNull; };

sleep 0.1;


if (!isNull camPlayer && alive camPlayer) then {

call loadout;

call addActions;

if (vehicle camPlayer != camPlayer) exitWith { (vehicle camPlayer) call moveInVehicle; };

player setDir getDir camPlayer;

player setPosATL getPosATL camPlayer;

} else {

_pos = startLocation modelToWorld [-14,-13+(squadNumber(player)-1)*6+(unitNumber(player)-1)*1.2,0];

player setPosATL _pos;

player setDir (getDir startLocation)+90;


openMap [false,false];

respawnCamera cameraEffect ["terminate","back"];

camDestroy respawnCamera;

"dynamicBlur" ppEffectEnable true;

"dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [6];

"dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 0;

"dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [0.0];

"dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 5;


Or is it something to do with varibles?

camPlayer       = objNull;
enterSpawn      = false; 
respawnCamera   = objNull;
camMap          = false;
deadPos         = CENTERPOS;

from what i can tell, with my limited knowledge the option should be there for either spawning on a group member or mhq, or have i got it completely wrong lol

I have done a search but could only find respawn topics about being to close to mhq.

Edited by bignewy

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Hey Fireball, I just wanna say I enjoy insurgency a lot. On the United Operations server it's discouraged to play unless late at night so we also had to drop the player count down to max 20. We also are still playing an old .75 version because I can't seem to find any that utilize ACE + ACRE. I was wondering if you had any versions that use those mods on 0.8, currently I'm trying to edit our version a little bit and I'm giving me a crash course on how to edit, but my main goals are to add more vehicles, like the MRAP/UAV and to add a simple revive script from ace domination. I think it would make our experience just that much better. Could you help me?

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Not going to lie. That sounds like a terrible idea.

I would agree that this does not sound like a good idea.

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I scanned every post in here and did not see anything about enemy vehicles not respawning, If it has been brought up sorry for the re-post.

I have been in many, many, many servers and have d/loaded many versions of this map/mission and have yet to see any enemy vehicle respawn on any server or any map I d/loaded, even the new 0.80 I d/loaded straight from your site and put straight into the editor and tested on my server, and not one enemy vehicle respawned. Can we plase get a fix to this? Thanks, Robert.

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i've got a couple of questions on editing it, maybe readers or the maker can answer me:

the clan i play with would like 1 additional chopper that is pilot locked and 1 vehicle that is locked aswell!

maybe this has been done before and you can help me set this up! since i do not know how to go about with the vehicles being defined instead of individually named!

plz help me out

Edited by BelgarionNL

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;1984406']What's wrong with the answers you got here?

because that was related to locking a vehicle for clan only! and this is related on how to add a CAR3TYPE with 1 vehicle and a additional HELI

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Last night we got in another game and it was great except for 1 aspect, our squad was limited in the weapons that we could equip with at base. e.g. one chap tried to grab a javelin (BRDM2 was laying waste to our squad) and received an error message "You cannot select this weapon as one of its type is already in use by a squad member".

I looked in the parameters page of the mission but couldn't find this option. Is this an option in Insurgency? Or is this a side-effect of a mod?

Also, in the parameters page IIRC there's an option called Enemy AI numbers with several values (50%, 100%, 150% and COOP). What does the COOP value mean?

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"You cannot select this weapon as one of its type is already in use by a squad member".

You simply got this because someone else in your squad was carrying an AT launcher, there's only one allowed to have it with the exception of the teamleader I think. Partly due to realism and the fact every seems to strap an AT on their back :p

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Also, in the parameters page IIRC there's an option called Enemy AI numbers with several values (50%, 100%, 150% and COOP). What does the COOP value mean?

Pretty sure this applies to allowing people to play on the OpFor side. 50% means you can have 2 OpFor humans for every 1 BluFor human, 100% is 1:1, 150% is 1:2, and Coop means absolutely no OpFor.

At least that's how I always interpreted it, but I play coop only so I could be wrong.

EDIT: And I'm still hoping to see the desert Mk48 make an appearance so I can use it on public servers.

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Also, in the parameters page IIRC there's an option called Enemy AI numbers with several values (50%, 100%, 150% and COOP). What does the COOP value mean?

The other things have been correctly explained, but here you probably mixed two settings up in your head:

"Enemy AI numbers" has no "COOP" setting, that would be OPFOR : BLUFOR ratio (and there are no percentages, but...ratios!).

If you ask about "Enemy AI numbers" - this is the most misunderstood setting and I think I shall make an explanation of it, since every server admin seems to yank these numbers up to 200% at every occasion, probably because they were play testing the mission alone or with two players and thinking that with more players it would get boring with so "few enemies".

BUT, in fact, the "Enemy AI number" scales with the amount of players. 100 % mean that for every player in enemy territory , 4 enemies spawn somewhere outside of each players view cone (if there's space). 150% means then 6 enemy AIs per BLUFOR player and 200%, 8 enemies.

So let's do the math; in a larger town like Zargabad, with 30 players in the middle of it, with setting at 200%, it'll be packed with up to 240 enemy AIs crawling!

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