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Is OS changing the aircraft fuel burning effects? As it is the smoke often times creates these little "pebbles" of smoke in the sky.

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Is OS changing the aircraft fuel burning effects? As it is the smoke often times creates these little "pebbles" of smoke in the sky.

Yeh its been worked on, made the fire less big and less blinding, the smoke also is less but larger and the lifetime is decreased so its less system heavy.

Yeh the soundmod will change most vehicles from tanks, aircraft as well as jeeps,trucks & cars etc.

Edited by Opticalsnare

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Yeh its been worked on, made the fire less big and less blinding, the smoke also is less but larger and the lifetime is decreased so its less system heavy.

Yeh the soundmod will change most vehicles from tanks, aircraft as well as jeeps,trucks & cars etc.

Sounds amazing I truly cannot wait. Now I just have to decide between this and JSRS 1.3 when it is released. :confused::butbut: I'm assuming the sound mod will be separate from the visuals mod. Decisions, decisions...

Is there any chance you could include wingtip vortices in a future version? I noticed in your video the A-10 had wingtip vortices, yet mine do not. The only aircraft for me which has wingtip vortices is the F-16C addon. This would be a really cool feature if all aircraft had wingtip vortices. :)

Here's something I've always been curious about: Would it be at all possible to implement contrails into the Real Virtuality 3 engine?

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Is there any chance you could include wingtip vortices in a future version? I noticed in your video the A-10 had wingtip vortices, yet mine do not. The only aircraft for me which has wingtip vortices is the F-16C addon. This would be a really cool feature if all aircraft had wingtip vortices. :)

http://armed-assault.de/downloads/vapor-trails.html .. too lazy to dig up BIF Thread ;)

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oh mann an ultra Opticalsnare special version would be absolutely lovely! :)

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LOL had about 20.000 RPT lines about that 556 sprite that cant be called cause it has not only one LOD level. Whats up with that! :-D Massive!

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Nah I dont push mate, if theres anyone with patience its me. :)

Its just that I was shocked, lol, never had so much RPT spam like thousands of lines which say the same! :-D

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i cant sign warfx with new Signatures...

maybe some Prefix inside missing etc.?

im also having the same problem, need v2 sigs :(

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Cor i got something real special for you A10 and GAU8 lovers out there. :cool:

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Cor i got something real special for you A10 and GAU8 lovers out there. :cool:

Ooooh what is it!? :yay:

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Is there a version of this that works with ACE2?

The latest one does? I've been using it for months.

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Cor i got something real special for you A10 and GAU8 lovers out there. :cool:

me want :)

the GAU is actually one of my favourite weapons!

reworked effects? that would be awesome

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Cant get the tracerEvery working nor the different tracer colors:confused_o: Iv tryed different numbers, iv try to put the config file in the userconfig folder, tryed it with out mods and still nothing works. Only thing works for the config file is the tracer size, thats the only thing you can change. Im not the only one as Bigpickle says he has the same issue. If anybody got this working to where you can change the tracerEvery and the colors it would be nice to get some info.

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Cor i got something real special for you A10 and GAU8 lovers out there.

If there was ever a time that this smiley was more suitable then it is now.

All Hail The A-10 ¦:yay:¦:yay:¦:yay:¦:yay:¦:yay:¦

I did have 10 yay smileys but there is a cap of 5 : (

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Cant get the tracerEvery working nor the different tracer colors:confused_o: Iv tryed different numbers, iv try to put the config file in the userconfig folder, tryed it with out mods and still nothing works. Only thing works for the config file is the tracer size, thats the only thing you can change. Im not the only one as Bigpickle says he has the same issue. If anybody got this working to where you can change the tracerEvery and the colors it would be nice to get some info.

the new version of the mod is out sometime the end of this week with a bit of luck, maybe test again then mate.

@ I've been waiting for your A10 ever since i saw that vid you made and were you said it used like nearly 10 sounds for engines.

I think im gonna explode with excitement now scanners_head_explode_screenshot.jpg

Gotta love that Scanners movie!

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the new version of the mod is out sometime the end of this week with a bit of luck, maybe test again then mate.

Yha, i dont know why its not working. Really would like to see a fix for config:smileee:

Edit: Is the top of the config to say enum { // =0 // Error parsing: Empty enum name?

Edited by 1in1class

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Guys PRONTO!!! I need a video where you can see particles disappearing. I created a ticket on dev heaven and they wanna see a video. SO GIVE ME ONE. With or without blastcore does not really matter, without would be perfect. "With" just shows the flaw of the current system better.


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I did have 10 yay smileys but there is a cap of 5 : (


Yeah, I'm gonna have a blast with Arrowhead again I'm sure once this magic is outta the door. :D

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Guys PRONTO!!! I need a video where you can see particles disappearing. I created a ticket on dev heaven and they wanna see a video. SO GIVE ME ONE. With or without blastcore does not really matter, without would be perfect. "With" just shows the flaw of the current system better.


Not sure what you mean, is it like this video at 3:20 and forward where the A-10 drops a GBU and every other smoke puff and particle creation just vanishes and resets?

Also at 1:56 and forward, white smoke just vanishes because background particle count roof is hit

Edited by Sethos

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so your problem is the particle limitation right?

but baaack to topic!!

i have one question

did you make the tracer fot the M256 (Abrams ;) ) bigger OS ?

and one last thing can you give us a short breefing about the changes ( just very general nothing in detail gotta keep the excitement ;) )

Edited by PurePassion

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