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Yeah thats pretty much true ray, the 'hollywood flame' concept was made by the movies because you do get muzzel flash 80% of the time from blank rounds.

You do get a muzzle flash in the day time from time to time using ball rounds but this is usually due to a carbon build up in the gas parts stemming the gas untill it builds up and forces its way out causing a noticeable flash. This is mostly seen with machine guns.

Hope that helps

Edited by Bigpickle

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I haven't read the whole thread but is it a common bug that about 30% of the bullet ground impacts aren't visible? No dust bouncing off the ground, nothing. This makes it hard when adjusting aim by the bullet impacts. This even happens with grenade launchers, sometimes the grenade doesn't make any visual effect when hitting the ground.

Or is it just my computer?

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Wondering if there's a way to adjust the weapon sounds without all the other ambient sounds.

ie: turn up volume so a tank firing sounds something similar to RL,or at least louder than an airsoft gun anyway and every ambient creak , groan and rattle sounds just as loud.(wind , foot steps etc.).

IRL , you don't want to be in front of the muzzle when it fires.

Oh and I've also noticed that quit often bullet impacts don't seem to show.

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OS has acknowledged most of these issues and is working on it as we speak. this beta is just a taster.

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I haven't read the whole thread but is it a common bug that about 30% of the bullet ground impacts aren't visible? No dust bouncing off the ground, nothing. This makes it hard when adjusting aim by the bullet impacts. This even happens with grenade launchers, sometimes the grenade doesn't make any visual effect when hitting the ground.

Or is it just my computer?

This is most likely to do with the particle limit in Arma2/OA. There's probably some better info on this thread somewhere, but basically, when the game reaches a certain number of particles on screen (smoke, flashes, dirt etc) then it will cull old ones to make the new ones.

You might be experiencing this if there's a lot of stuff happening on screen.

There's also a weird bug with A2/OA where sometimes grenades don't trigger when they're supposed to (might be when they hit a roof for instance). I can't nail it down so I haven't put a ticket up on DH yet.

Hope that helps.

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Ive noticed this is well but only when the weapon is fired at range like when you use a scoped weapon u fire and looking for where the round landed it doesnt appear, im not sure why tho.

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I've seen this with out BC as well. I know for a fact it has happened when I was using ACE2 but if I recall it would tend to happen with out it as well. It's been a gripe of mine for a long time.

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Gots an question about the tracers, what file do i need to open up to get them changed to an different color? Also would like to change the tracer size on some weapons. Lots of files for the tracers and i dont know what to open up to change the size and color.

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Gots an question about the tracers, what file do i need to open up to get them changed to an different color? Also would like to change the tracer size on some weapons. Lots of files for the tracers and i dont know what to open up to change the size and color.


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Im having issues by changing tracers color and tracer roundsevery. I set my 30Rnd 545x39_AK to tracersEvery = 4; yet it does not shoot 4 tracers only shoots lastrounds 3. When i set my color for the 30mm A10 to yellow, it does not work. Do i need to chage anything els in the config to get the A10 to shoot yellow and my CA_Magazine to shoot tracerevery 4?

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TracersEvery = 4 means that every Forth round is a tracer, But as you say i think i has this problem before and gave up on it, maybe someone else might has solved it.

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i cant sign warfx with new Signatures...

maybe some Prefix inside missing etc.?

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Is there any way to let a campfire burn normally without the WarFX flames ?

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TracersEvery = 4 means that every Forth round is a tracer, But as you say i think i has this problem before and gave up on it, maybe someone else might has solved it.

TracersEvery =4 is what iv tryed and iv put 6, 2... but it does not work. If your having the same issue then its to do with the config on blastcores part:icon_frown: What about the color tracers? Iv tryed to change them too, but they dont work. Only thing works is how you can change the tracer size. In 1.2 there was no issue with changing colors of the tracers or even the tracersevery. Hope to see this fixed:biggrin_o:

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i cant sign warfx with new Signatures...

maybe some Prefix inside missing etc.?

I'm guessing "DERP" is the cause. I just signed one of the pbos myself just fine.

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Still doing optimizing, stamping out loads of FPS spikes and general cleaning up. Good thing is ive managed to decrease the chances of the particle cuts quite a bit. You still get em if you really go mental but they are alot less than before. Smoke grenades are sorted, some of the explosions need optmizing just started the mk82s and mk84s which caused some massive spikes in the FPS when being emitted for the first miliseconds so thats fixed. Proberly another week i rekon and il release it.

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Really nice news Opticalsnare. Has anybody been able to use the tracerEvery or even been able to change the tracers colors? Opticalsnare if you can put some light on why the color change does not work and the tracerEvery in the config.

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I'm looking forward to the day we'll get them epic muzzleflashes for every weapon. Mainly rifles and the M134 :rolleyes:

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Looking forward to it, really can't wait to get rid of the spinning fire - Big atmosphere killer :(

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Is OS releasing vehicle sounds in his sound mod? I'm wondering if I should keep my JSRS or go with Blastcore.

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think so yes ( atleast fixed wing and helis are confirmed but just maybe not all of them yet)

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