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Hey folks. There is one thing i couldn't figure out about my recently imported panzerschreck. It's all good and working as it should, except for 1 thing: rocket collision is not working. When the rocket collides with any material or surface different from metal, it will simply go through. First suspect seems to be the geometry lod, so i reworked it from scratch: a simple long cube, with component convex hull done, autocenter property assigned and mass (tested any masses, from 2.7, to 3.3, 50, 10.500). The rocket model is the one which exits the launcher, so it consists of 2 selections, the rocket itself and the flaming tail. Goes without being said that the reworking of the GEO lod has not worked.
collision [SOLVED] Vehicle spawn (collision issues)
thy_ posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hello there, I am facing some challenges to implement the findEmptyPosition and avoid collision among vehicles those spawn in the same spot. Some help to fix it will be very much appreciated. Here below is my code working pretty fine, except for the collisions in some rounds. If you prefer, here is for download: // SIDE SPAWNS // Spawnpoints for each faction. Only the specific faction can spawn. _bluAllSpawns = ["bluSpawn01","bluSpawn02","bluSpawn03","bluSpawn04","bluSpawn05","bluSpawn06"]; _opAllSpawns = ["opSpawn01","opSpawn02","opSpawn03","opSpawn04","opSpawn05","opSpawn06"]; _indAllSpawns = ["indSpawn01","indSpawn02","indSpawn03","indSpawn04","indSpawn05","indSpawn06"]; // ................................................................................................................................................ // SHARED DESTINY // Waypoints where any faction can go. _goToSharedDestiny = ["destinoComum01","destinoComum02","destinoComum03","destinoComum04"]; // SIDE DESTINY // Waypoints where only the specific faction can go. _goToDestinyBlu = ["destinoBlu01","destinoBlu02"]; _goToDestinyOp = ["destinoOp01","destinoOp02"]; _goToDestinyInd = ["destinoInd01","destinoInd02"]; // ANY DESTINY // Use _goToAnywhere for the group to consider going to both shared destinations and those of all factions. _goToAnywhere = _goToSharedDestiny + _goToDestinyBlu + _goToDestinyOp + _goToDestinyInd; // ................................................................................................................................................ // BLUFOR GROUPS // Number of soldiers and type of faction squads. _bluSquadLight = ["B_Soldier_TL_F", "B_soldier_AR_F"]; _bluSquadRegular = ["B_Soldier_TL_F", "B_soldier_AR_F", "B_soldier_AR_F", "B_soldier_AR_F"]; _bluSquadHeavy = ["B_Soldier_TL_F", "B_soldier_AR_F", "B_soldier_AR_F", "B_soldier_AR_F", "B_soldier_AR_F", "B_soldier_AR_F"]; _bluVehLight = ["B_Quadbike_01_F"]; _bluVehRegular = ["B_MRAP_01_hmg_F"]; _bluVehHeavy = ["B_MBT_01_cannon_F"]; // OPFOR GROUPS // Number of soldiers and type of faction squads. _opSquadLight = ["O_Soldier_TL_F", "O_soldier_AR_F"]; _opSquadRegular = ["O_Soldier_TL_F", "O_soldier_AR_F", "O_soldier_AR_F", "O_soldier_AR_F"]; _opSquadHeavy = ["O_Soldier_TL_F", "O_soldier_AR_F", "O_soldier_AR_F", "O_soldier_AR_F", "O_soldier_AR_F", "O_soldier_AR_F"]; _opVehLight = ["O_Quadbike_01_F"]; _opVehRegular = ["O_MRAP_02_hmg_F"]; _opVehHeavy = ["O_MBT_02_cannon_F"]; // INDEPENDENT GROUPS // Number of soldiers and type of faction squads. _indSquadLight = ["I_Soldier_TL_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F"]; _indSquadRegular = ["I_Soldier_TL_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F"]; _indSquadHeavy = ["I_Soldier_TL_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F"]; _indVehLight = ["I_Quadbike_01_F"]; _indVehRegular = ["I_MRAP_03_hmg_F"]; _indVehHeavy = ["I_MBT_03_cannon_F"]; // ................................................................................................................................................ // BLUFOR STRATEGY // All faction groups and destinations. _bluGroup01 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _bluAllSpawns), BLUFOR, _bluSquadLight,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _bluGroup01 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToSharedDestiny), 0]; _bluGroup02 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _bluAllSpawns), BLUFOR, _bluSquadLight,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _bluGroup02 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyBlu), 0]; _bluGroup03 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _bluAllSpawns), BLUFOR, _bluSquadRegular,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _bluGroup03 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToSharedDestiny), 0]; _bluGroup03 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyBlu), 1]; _bluGroup04 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _bluAllSpawns), BLUFOR, _bluSquadHeavy,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _bluGroup04 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToAnywhere), 0]; _bluGroup04 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToAnywhere), 1]; _bluGroup05 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _bluAllSpawns), BLUFOR, _bluVehHeavy,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; //This one will hold position (no waypoint). _bluGroup06 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _bluAllSpawns), BLUFOR, _bluVehHeavy,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _bluGroup06 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyBlu), 0]; // ................................................................................................................................................ // OPFOR STRATEGY // All faction groups and destinations. _opGroup01 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _opAllSpawns), OPFOR, _opSquadLight,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _opGroup01 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToSharedDestiny), 0]; _opGroup02 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _opAllSpawns), OPFOR, _opSquadRegular,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _opGroup02 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToSharedDestiny), 0]; _opGroup02 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyOp), 1]; _opGroup03 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _opAllSpawns), OPFOR, _opSquadHeavy,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _opGroup03 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyOp), 0]; // ................................................................................................................................................ // INDEPENDENT STRATEGY // All faction groups and destinations. _indGroup01 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _indAllSpawns), INDEPENDENT, _indSquadLight,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _indGroup01 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToSharedDestiny), 0]; _indGroup02 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _indAllSpawns), INDEPENDENT, _indSquadRegular,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _indGroup02 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToSharedDestiny), 0]; _indGroup02 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyInd), 1]; _indGroup02 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyInd), 2]; _indGroup02 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToSharedDestiny), 3]; _indGroup03 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _indAllSpawns), INDEPENDENT, _indSquadHeavy,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _indGroup03 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyInd), 0]; _indGroup04 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _indAllSpawns), INDEPENDENT, _indVehHeavy,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _indGroup04 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyInd), 0]; -
Hi, guys. I'm trying to create a ruined city out using the mosque towers and minarets from the religious prop subsection, but for some reason, if I have a minaret lying diagonally (say, it's up against a building), my player character can't move under or around it because of some strange invisible walls. Is there any way to fix these collision issues? I can post a screenshot if my explanation is unclear. Thanks so much! EDIT: Here's a video demonstrating the problem.
I'm making a desert outpost scenario where its necessary that AI can walk over a fortification made with "ramparts". I can achieve this in zeus by placing the obstacle after giving a move order to a unit, like seen in the picture, and I've seen AI randomly walking over editor placed "ramparts" before but I can't achieve this result consistently. Does anybody have a solution for this?
Right now I am working on a mission file, I have a composition that spawns a few objects. One of the objects is a lazier wall/barrier - now right now if I put the composition down in Zeus, this wall/barrier will not let players go through it, but will allow vehicles to go through, and that's what I want it to do. However, in 3den Editor, when spawning the composition down, and playing the scenario, players can not walk through (like I want), but vehicles will no longer go through (which I want them to be able to go through). Any ideas on how to get this to work? In the editor I have enableDamage set to false, and enableSimulation set to false as well.
Turning off collision for terrain objects possible?
lunatic SMC-1 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - TERRAIN - (BUILDER)
So I've got a small problem with my terrain. There are a lot of bushes wich have collision. Usually that's totally fine but when there are big fields of bushes, those will block shots far too good. (making infantry within those fields nearly invulnerable) So I'd like to turn off the collision on those bushes to offer better gameplay. Is this possible at all? And if so, HOW do I do it? I haven't found any setting or option. (Of course I could rework all fields so that they just consist of a texture with those bushes added as clutter. But I wanted them to be good spots for hiding. And clutter will disappear on lowest gfx setting ingame, wich completely ruins the purpose of those dens bush-fields)- 2 replies
- terrain builder
- objects
- (and 6 more)
collision Check Object Collision (No solution yet)
draoth posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hello everyone. I'm creating a spawner that spawns around 300 different items in the 400 m2 range. How can i make my script detect if two objects spawn in each other? This is my script: _Locationx = floor random [-85,0,85]; _Locationy = floor random [-85,0,85]; _AllStr = Selectrandom ["Land_Wreck_Hunter_F","Land_Cncbarriermedium_F","Land_HBarrierBower_F","Land_toiletbox_F","land_bagbunker_small_f","land_ancientpillar_damaged_f","land_ancientpillar_fallen_f","land_ancientpillar_f","land_cinderblocks_f","land_pallet_vertical_f","land_bricks_v2_f","land_bricks_v1_f","land_bricks_v3_f","land_timbers_f","land_bagwall_long_f"]; _randomD = floor(random 360); _Str = createVehicle [_AllStr, getMarkerPos "area1", [], 0, ""]; _Str enablesimulation false; _Str allowdamage false; _locationstrX = (getPos _Str select 0); _locationstrY = (getPos _Str select 1); _Str setPos [_locationstrx + _Locationx ,_locationstry + _Locationy,9.293]; _Str setDir _randomD; [_Str] execVM "Hitcheck.sqf"; I hope someone has a solution to my problem. Draoth -
attachTo: How to enable collision for attached objects?
Undeceived posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hi guys! Simply asked: Is there a way to prevent this? :D How can I enable collision for the container so that it doesn't go through walls or other objects? Thanks a lot! -
Hey guys... I got problems. I created a 3 Level Complex. Its Awesome. I'm currently trying to get the upper level in game (OFP GOTY) since its the simplest level. lowest polys verts & textures. I created this in 3DS Max 2010. My collision Model consists of basic 3DS Max Boxes. 8 Verts & 12 Triangles per box. I used a simple Attach in Max to make it 1 Piece. I did not weld verts or anything crazy. Its set as Geometry LOD. I went to Structure/ Topology/ Find Components... then I went to Structure/ Convexity/ Component Convex Hull. (I read that here in a thread) Now it half way works. It gives resistance upon contact however if i keep pressing forward i can push threw my walls... Note* Also i tried adding Mass. Its a building... so i added a lot of mass. Ive no Idea what mass is actually for. Nor do I know how its Calculated. I would assume its for objects with buoyancy... like a boat or an airplane. But i tried it anyway. I didn't notice any effect. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Any advice is def appreciated.
Collision detection issue(interpolated/animated outside the building)
DancZer posted a topic in ARMA 3 - TROUBLESHOOTING
Hi BI! Sometimes when the unit running inside the building they appear outside the wall and when his position get updated he disappear. This issue is exist with your avatar too. On the left side i visualize how it's working now. On the right side, how it should be. The correction should happen before the rendering of the frame. I know that is not that simple, but this issue has major impact on the gameplay. It could reveal units position inside the building. Are you aware of this issue? Could you estimate when it's get fixed? Apex or post Apex or maybe never? Are you planning to fix it? More examples coming. Feel free to add. Edit: Maybe it's just for me, because sometimes i have <20 FPS.-
- animation
- interpolation
(and 3 more)
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