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  1. OK so I got a little bug in my head today where I wanted to go and make some adjustments to a few things I had used long ago. So I went and downloaded all the Massi faction stuff for USSOCOM and I opened up the old template DEVGRU_Hangar_Template linked here and updated it. I removed all the modded stuff as it was one of my pet peeves that I had to download and use mods that I didn't want to use for just one mission. I used to do it because I never felt like updating this thing to just vanilla. So this updated template only has 2 dependencies and I think 99.9% of the Arma 3 community uses them in one way or another and if you don't they are supremely simple to remove on your own. Mods needed are: ACE and CBA I left all the VAS and ASORGS stuff in the mission as I found they were really simple. I took out all the references to Massi's weapons at the weapons table so if you are wanting to use this for your own stuff then go into the game logics and just type in between the quotation marks in the init field which weapons you want to use there. I also updated the weapons crates to use the larger NATO webbing ones so you can stuff those suckers to the gills if that's your thing. Thanks to @syncie who originally built the stuff out. With all that said here is the Updated Special Mission Unit Hangar
  2. Download Links: NR6 Sites: NR6 Sites 1.0 (Google Drive) INTRODUCTION As I have been working on expanding battlefield immersion in scenarios set up using HAL, I've wanted a lightweight script that could populate bases and observation posts without causing too much strain. So I made this small script that uses a very slightly modified CBA defense script similar to the one used in CBA's defense module. This script's goals are to add unpredictability in the way bases are set up and to speed up and facilitate the setup of such sites. Although I also made a remake of the stock BI Sites module so that it works with any mod, I have found that such module put too much of a strain in most missions and didn't work well in large scale scenarios so I didn't publish it yet as I believe this is a better alternative. USAGE Add all files inside mission directory. Called using: [position of site, radius of site, number of groups, chance for patrol,,minimum building size, side, array of available groups for guard to spawn (can be a config path or array), controlled HAL leaders] call NR6_Sites; Ex: [(getPos this),100,4,0.2,1,west,[['rhsusf_army_ocp_teamleader', 'rhsusf_army_ocp_grenadier','rhsusf_army_ocp_autorifleman','rhsusf_army_ocp_rifleman'],['rhsusf_army_ocp_grenadier', 'rhsusf_army_ocp_rifleman']], [LeaderHQ,LeaderHQB]] call NR6_fnc_Sites; I recommend placing the call inside the init of an object or game logic you plan on using as site center the same way I did in the example above. FEATURES Places a fully configurable site or patrol on the position it is called on. Troops can occupy buildings and garrison a position while also patrolling the designated area. Fully adapted to work with ZBE_Cache and HAL. In the case of HAL, the units spawned are NOT controlled as they serve as independent defense. The main difference added in this version of the CBA defense script is that it spawns units which are immediately moved to their garrison positions instead of ordering them to reach their positions. It behaves in that sense similarly to the BI Sites script. CHANGE LOG NR6 Site 1.00 -Initial release CREDITS All credits for CBA go to the CBA Team who made the framework on which my script is based. As this addon uses the CBA defense code with mild modifications, all credits for such code go to them. BUG REPORTING If you encounter any bugs, feel free to comment and provide feedback on this thread. REQUIREMENTS Event though the script includes the code from CBA that has been modified, Community Base Addons is a critical requirement for the sites to function. License: As CBA is licensed under GPLv2, so is this script which uses slightly modified code from it. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/
  3. Extended Fortifications Mod Sustainable security solutions for your safety. More than 1 year after announcing and hundreds of working hours, im happy to release the third public version 0.7 of the Extended Fortifications Mod. It contains a variety of 94 modular base elements aiming at the extension of vanilla fortifications by adding the possibility of creating contorted military outposts on small areas, mountain bases, checkpoints aswell as the refining of big sized, military bases. As Im going to be absent for 6 month from September on, please submit suggestions or bugs before that time. Benno FEATURES - 94 single models - Up to 6 range LODs - "Simple object" option in Editor - Editor preview pictures - Server key (.bikey) included - Zeus integration PLANNED FEATURES - Ace integration - More assets KNOWN ISSUES - CHANGELOG Version 0.7 (02.09.2017) ADDED Note: Updated license! EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m_soil_c_blufor EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m_soil_c_opfor EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m_soil_double_c_blufor EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m_soil_double_c_opfor EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m_soil_c_blufor EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m_soil_c_opfor EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m_soil_double_c_blufor EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m_soil_double_c_opfor EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_beam_single EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_beam_single_c_blufor EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_beam_single_c_opfor EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_beam_single_filled EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_beam_single_filled_c_blufor EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_beam_single_filled_c_opfor EFM_wood_wall_2m_door EFM_beam_wood_h_4m EFM_beam_wood_h_4m_railing EFM_coverage_camo_net_2x2m_blufor EFM_coverage_camo_net_2x2m_opfor EFM_coverage_camo_net_2_8x2m_blufor EFM_coverage_camo_net_2_8x2m_opfor EFM_stair_wood_1m EFM_stair_wood_1_7m EFM_stair_wood_2_7m EFM_ladder_metal_1_7m EFM_ladder_metal_2_7m EFM_ladder_metal_3_7m Fixed fixed performance issues for revetment_wall_types missing zeus objects deleted unsupported UV Sets _______________________ Version 0.6 (24.08.2017) ADDED Zeus integration EFM_wood_wall_2m_beam EFM_wood_wall_2m_door EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_single EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_beam_single EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_single_filled EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_beam_single_filled EFM_wood_wall_2m_single EFM_wood_wall_2m_single_filled EFM_wood_wall_2m_support FIXED Added "simple object" possibility in EdenEditor Server key now working properly EFM_coverage_plywood_2_7m - changed _as for top side EFM_coverage_plywood_2_7m_beam - changed _as for top side EFM_coverage_plywood_2_7m_fortified_A - changed _as for top side EFM_coverage_plywood_2m - changed _as for top side EFM_coverage_plywood_2m_beam - changed _as for top side EFM_coverage_plywood_2m_fortified_A - changed _as for top side EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m - fixed alpha texture EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m - fixed geometry / fire / physX LOD EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m_soil - fixed geometry / fire / physX LOD EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m_soil_double - fixed geometry / fire / physX LOD EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m - fixed geometry / fire / physX LOD EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m_soil - fixed geometry / fire / physX LOD EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m_soil_double - fixed geometry / fire / physX LOD ____________________ Version 0.5 (03.08.2017) ADDED EFM_beam_wood_angular_bearer_01 EFM_beam_wood_h_1_5m EFM_beam_wood_h_1_5m_railing EFM_beam_wood_h_1m EFM_beam_wood_h_1m_railing EFM_beam_wood_h_2m EFM_beam_wood_h_2m_railing EFM_beam_wood_h_3m EFM_beam_wood_h_3m_railing EFM_beam_wood_v_0_5m EFM_beam_wood_v_1_5m EFM_beam_wood_v_2_75m EFM_beam_wood_v_2m EFM_concrete_barrier_new EFM_concrete_wall_big_half_new EFM_concrete_wall_big_new EFM_concrete_wall_big_new_camo_blufor EFM_concrete_wall_big_new_camo_opfor EFM_concrete_wall_big_pillar_new EFM_concrete_wall_half_new EFM_concrete_wall_new EFM_concrete_wall_new_camo_blufor EFM_concrete_wall_new_camo_opfor EFM_concrete_wall_pillar_new EFM_coverage_camo_net_1_5m_blufor EFM_coverage_camo_net_1_5m_opfor EFM_coverage_camo_net_2m_blufor EFM_coverage_camo_net_2m_opfor EFM_coverage_concrete_2_7m EFM_coverage_concrete_2m EFM_coverage_plywood_2_7m EFM_coverage_plywood_2_7m_beam EFM_coverage_plywood_2_7m_fortified_A EFM_coverage_plywood_2m EFM_coverage_plywood_2m_beam EFM_coverage_plywood_2m_fortified_A EFM_ground_surface_2x2m_dirt EFM_ground_surface_2x2m_soil EFM_ground_surface_4x4m_dirt EFM_ground_surface_4x4m_soil EFM_ground_surface_8x4m_dirt EFM_ground_surface_8x4m_soil EFM_rack_wood_big_new EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m_soil EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m_soil_double EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m_soil EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m_soil_double EFM_stair_wood_3_5m EFM_support_hole_dirt EFM_support_hole_soil EFM_mobile_barrier_A EFM_mobile_barrier_B EFM_mobile_dragons_teeth_small EFM_mobile_dragons_teeth_small_orange EFM_pole_B_01_yellow EFM_pole_B_02_black EFM_pole_B_03_black_white EFM_slide_gate_small EFM_tetrapod_line EFM_tetrapod_line_wet EFM_tetrapod_pile_big EFM_tetrapod_pile_big_wet EFM_tetrapod_single EFM_tetrapod_single_wet CONTENT DOWNLOAD Steam Workshop Armaholic Included Files EFM_basic_textures.pbo EFM_modular_base.pbo EFM_road_barrier_items.pbo EFM_road_barrier_static.pbo LICENSE By downloading and using my work, you hereby agree to the following license agreement. Creative Commons Attribution by nc-nd-4.0 International Public License -Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives For more info, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/legalcode Additionally to this license, I prohibit the use of this software or parts of it in any "pay-to-play" monetization scheme and / or server. This addon is provided for Bohemia Interactives Arma 3 series only. Please report any infringement of the license above directly. CREDITS Special thanks to Jay, Jokoho, Da12thMonkey and X3KJ aswell as the whole ArmaWorld and Discord Community for helping me out with bugs and scripting. DISCLAIMER One or more textures used on the models included have been created with images from http://www.textures.com/ These images may not be redistributed by default. Please visit http://www.textures.com/for more information. _________________________________ THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY CHARACTER INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF GOODWILL, WORK STOPPAGE, COMPUTER FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION, OR ANY AND ALL OTHER COMMERCIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES.
  4. Hello Community, I was wondering if anybody could tell me some military codes for radio chat. In the singleplayer Campaigns they say some things like AO, ENDEX, COMEX, FOB and I don't know the definition of these words or what they mean. As an arma fanatic I am currently developing a small singleplayer campaign and I would would be really grateful if anybody could post a link here where I can find a good explanation on military codewords for radio, mission and so on Thx for your help! Best regards, Scott Miller, Royal Navy ^^ :)
  5. FOB PRICE Story: In March 2008 czech contingent with my father went to Afghanistan to help other states here in the most dangerous part of the world to fight against Taliban fighters. For the time spent at FOB Price My dad took some photos that I would like to share with you. History: The base used to be occupied by both British and Danish troops; however, on 22 July 2013 the Danes left, having used FOB/MOB Price since 2007, so now the base is used by mainly the British under Operation Herrick (OP H). Despite the drawdown of British troops this base has been expanded by 21 Engineer Regiment during November 2012. Description: As you can see from the title will be a FOB Price southeast of Gereshk. I will draw from photos in 2008 that got out of Afghanistan. I hope that next year i will make a map around the Gereshk town and paste there FOB Price like static base. I built some buildings in Gereshk like hospital, police station and few afghan ouposts along the main road. In FOB Price will be about 800 metres long runway with two ramps for C17 and C130. Know issue: Red containers will be repaint its just basic layout of them for me. Pictures from A3 and from reality: !NEED HELP WITH TEXTURE ON WATCHTOWER. PLEASE IF YOU WANT TO HELP ME SEND ME PM! Donbass
  6. Arctic Fox Defense Solutions: The FOB Deployment Specialist In every major military operation in modern history, men have traveled across the seas to new frontiers. On these frontiers men have had to adapt to the ever changing climate and harsh living conditions. Not only does one have to keep the climate at bay, but also the enemy which is there for the same reason as you. In any conflict zone you will need somewhere to call home. An army without a home is bound to fail before it even start. Because at the end of the day you are there to kill or be killed. It's a very simple math. No matter how noble your cause. We intend to ensure the latter never happen to you or your men within the forward operating base if you choose our products. Forged from the best materials known to man at affordable prices, we offer a wide range of military hardware not seen before. Regardless of your climate, we will have you covered with every facility needed to sustain life at a high standard of living. We specialize in giving the end user the best possible packages to fit all your needs in the field. Battle proven trough many a theater of war. Robust, refined and highly flexible packages made for a specific purpose. Whatever you can think of needing in, during or after the heat of battle, we will provide you. That's a promise. I welcome you to Arctic Fox Defense Solutions, where technology and innovation melt together to bring you the best assets available. What we bring to the table is something new when it comes to ArmA'esque solutions. We want to bring an end to silly systems. Immersion is the main motivator for this project for me. There are many aspects of vanilla, or even modded ArmA that makes no sense. Crates with bottomless pits, wireless repairs and rearm with your mind, and other lovely aspects that make no sense at all. If we can have it our way, it will never be the same again. If you can think of it, we will have an asset for it. And if we dont have an asset for it, tell us what you would like to see, and we'll most likely create it, as long as its in our category. Have a look at our spreadsheet to get up to date on what we are doing, and what has been done. CURRENT VERSION DOWNLOADABLES Google Spreadsheet. Progress Report Tracking http://imgur.com/a/FfVdS Looking for a person to import stuff into engine. ArmA Mod Tools are the bane of my existence. PM me for further info.
  7. CHERNARUS BASES by DonbassCZ Story: After one of the team went to Kunduz province in Afghanistan to help German soldiers with the construction of their fortifications. Meanwhile the second team moved into the area known as Chernarus. After the war which took place here a local bases suffered great damage and they need to revitalize into a state in which they were before the war. Description: Hey. So far, I do not want to give large targets, but mainly I'd like to expand the local airport (Balota, Krasnostav and main airport). Maybe I will build here a few FOBs + outposts. :) PS: I will add pics later Greets DonbassCZ
  8. TAKISTAN BASES Story: After a while we go back to the distant Takistan so we are here to help with the construction of bases on the wishes of the command of ISAF troops who operate in this region. Description: It will be about the two airports + FOB in the Jilavur, Feruz Abad, Garmsar, Rasman. I assume that this project will take me about two maybe three months, so whoever likes Takistan and my work will wait :). Right now I'm working on an airbase Rasman and here's an example where you would, of course, this is just a basic layout that will change the course. I will add here weakly update. Feruz Abad FOB: PS: Sorry for bad picture resolution. If you have some good ideas please write me a message! Thanks Donbass
  9. KUNDUZ BASES by DonbassCZ Story: After completing the work which related to building and fortifying bases in Takistan we moved to Kunduz province in the northern part of Afghanistan. We have been called by the local command to build a new bases and some outposts that should improve the current situation in this region. Description: Hello. After my latest project called Takistan bases i started building bases in Kunduz province made by Project Reality team. It will be about 1-2 FOBs (I cant say it now), 2 outposts. So i hope you are looking forward and I hope that it would be as popular as Takistan bases :) PS: I will add pictures as soon as possible (7th April 2016) Greets DonbassCZ
  10. Takistan bases by DonbassCZ Description: It will be about the two airbases in Rasman and Loy Manara, FOB Jilavur, Feruz Abad, Garmsar, police station in Rasman, threecheckpoints and two telecommunication towers outposts. Regarding both MOB'll be inspired several templates of Arma 2, where I came across a really great pieces that I would like to paste into my project. Of course I will not somehow copied from one game to another but I'll remake several objects and I hope they will appear in Arma 3. ;) I hope that you will like my bases. Pictures: Feruz Abad FOB Jilavur FOB Garmsar FOB Rasman police station MOB Rasman Checkpoint 1 Checkpoint 2 Checkpoint 3 Telecommunication towers outpost 1 Telecommunication towers outpost 2 Loy Manara HAFB(Helicopter Air Force Base) Download link: Takistan bases by DonbassCZ Greets DonbassCZ
  11. FOB Honor by DonbassCZ Description: This base is a remake of Battlefield 3 point E / Army base in Operation Firestorm with several objects which I added. I hope you will like it! Features: Virtual Arsenal Ambient life Vehicles Lights Details Credits & Thanks: CUP Team - CUP Terrains Complete Opteryx and S@ndBob - [FIX] OPXBuildings and OPXmisc Titi & McKeewa - CJTF101 Editor Requirements: Community Upgrade Project - Terrains Complete [FIX] OPXBuildings and OPXmisc CJTF101 Editor Download HERE! Pictures: Barracks: Second entry: Headquarters: Artillery nests: Greets DonbassCZ
  12. A template of a small forward operating base (FOB) for OFP/CWA built with Hesco bastions. To use it you can either copy/paste it or merge it with your mission. Just remember to delete the info markers after doing so. It's loosely based on the work of Mike-USA and some reference photos. DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/?dfi555g528xpeai CONTENTS - The template itself (fob_templ_addons_1.0b.Intro) - A demo mission showcasing features and issues with this FOB (fob_templ_addons_1.0b_demo.WW4_DesertEden2) - A binarized version of the mission above (fob_templ_addons_1.0b_demo.WW4_DesertEden2.pbo) ADDONS NEEDED - WW4 - http://www.moddb.com/mods/sanctuary1 or http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?124403-WW4-Modpack-2-5 - Editor Update 1.02 or greater - http://www.ofpec.com/ed_depot/index.php?action=details&id=158&game=OFP - MAPFACT's Military Objects - http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=7084 KNOWN ISSUES: HOW TO EASILY MODIFY THE COLOR OF THE BASTIONS HOW TO CHANGE THE FLAG That's all. I hope this is of use to anyone. Feel free to use, modify or distribute this template at will. You don't need to notify me, although mentioning where did you get it from and who initially made it would be appreciated. SCREENSHOTS Full album: http://imageshack.us/g/827/coldwarassault201203312.jpg/ DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/?dfi555g528xpeai --- EDIT: File updated. I've added the forcegetin script to the infantry guys too in the demo mission. Just to avoid the rare case where they aren't able to get in the truck if the chopper lands in a weird position.