wld427 1705 Posted June 10, 2008 Myself and FA Dalai Lamar decided to start a small project of addons. Our goal was to make the RACS not suck so bad. In order to do this we enlisted the help of a few people namely vilas, the FFAA Mod, the Malvinas MOD, Ebud,Rellikki, Shadow NX, Obmar and CapMorgan . With thier models and textures, along with our own retexts of those models and modification, they have become equipment for the RACS. We are constructing the full scope of weapons from the M60-2000 tank to new infantry and helicopters. Here are a few snapshots of what we have so far and we have only begun to fight! Rapier Site there are more to come so stay tuned! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R0adki11 3949 Posted June 11, 2008 impressive, i like the m60 -2000 that looks very promising . So you going for essentially a modernised RACS after the war with the North and a United island? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FA Dalai Lamar 0 Posted June 11, 2008 Hey All, Well...we are embelishing history a little....or imaginary history hehe..... This is really any time period you want it to be...We are taking great care to equip the Racs with equipment they could realistically maintain and afford... Kind of 1st world hand me downs. You can use this project Racs to take on the SLA or post war Rebels. We will be releasing some Opfor units as well, both SLA and guerilla types....You get to choose. Wld427 and I just felt it was high time the RACS could at least begin to fight back on their own...don't worry no RACS F22 Raptors or anything....Think 2nd world as I say. We'll keep you posted.....Off to my configging hole! Best Regards, Lamar PS:We would Also like to thank Ebud, Vilas, Rellikki, Shadow NX, Obmar and CapMorgan for being first class gentleman! Cheers yall! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CameronMcDonald 147 Posted June 11, 2008 Looks good, but TBH I'd love it if all the paint schemes matched up, colourwise. Great idea though, keep it up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FA Dalai Lamar 0 Posted June 11, 2008 Oh they will buddy...and for the most part do right now...that's really really important to us too....these are very early pics. We do the parking lot color matching test all the time with BIS and ours hehe....Wld427 has done careful color matching...lighting does play a part as well as those pics were taken by 2 different people at no doubt different times in ARMA day. Stay tuned for more pics. Lamar Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chops 111 Posted June 11, 2008 Nice one! I especially like the looks of the Rapier, I reckon more SAMs are definitely needed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MontyVCB 0 Posted June 11, 2008 Do you plan to do new soldiers? RACS with OTVs had always bugged me. Prehaps do a Reskin of the CWR or P85 teaser infantry (with their permission of course). Looks good though I like your M60-2000. Not sure if the AH-1Z would be in the islands price range though, prehaps a more cost effective design would suit the RACS better? Just a though, keep it up looks good! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
itim_tuko 0 Posted June 11, 2008 LAVs Arent these LAV on the pic V100 and V150 Commando Vehicles? If its ok I would be interterested in a cooperation as I was working on some M35 in RACS colours as they are missing some good transport vehicles. Here is a pic of my M35 RACS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Juan 0 Posted June 11, 2008 Some weapon diversity would be interesting, like some European weapons like the G3A3 and some G3SG1 for Marksman, some FN-FAL and derivates, etc. Lots been allready made for what I found and there is some nice quality stuff out there. I noticed that you mentioned about Vilas helping in this project, and his European weapons are excelent, so maybe the use of some of them would be a good solution. Also noticed that Army of Czech Republic project mod released an excelent Land Rover Defender addon that needs to be finished and they would be excelent for special ops of the RACS army. Maybe you guys could iron out this addon. Ofcourse, this is a lot of permissions requesting, but if the authors give you the green light this will be great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
digitalcenturion 20 Posted June 11, 2008 This sounds like a good initiative. Will you attempt to add other community made addons into the pack, for example the HWM UH-1 or the standalone M60A3 (these two are my favorite RACS addons)? Is the M60-2000 something that exists in real life btw? In the distant future when I'm done with the Mi-28 I've always wanted to do an A-37 Dragonfly for RACS, nothing says latin american COIN aircraft more than a dragonfly. And about the AH-1Z, perhaps an older model cobra would be more appropriate? Might be difficult to model tho.. Or a different design altogether, like a Gazelle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FA Dalai Lamar 0 Posted June 11, 2008 Hey guys thanks for the feedback and support! @at itim_tuko....that truck looks GREAT and we would love some cooperation on this project...and yes those are V100s and V150s...US Army tends to call anything with armor and wheels LAVS (Light Armored vehicles) PM me or Wld427 and we'll get with you promptly. @Juan don't worry buddy...there will definitely be a European flavor to this addon...this is just the first series of vehicles we screened. There will be a reserve force armed with FALS for sure...also a police force armed with Eropean SMGS and rifles...Being an Ex Spanish Colony our RACS guys will be armed and armored in a Spanish flavor...we're just waiting on a few Mlods from our friends at FFAA...they have been very supportive of us....Expect The VEC series in RACS! and about those CZM landrovers we will ask The Sun if we can use them because we definitely want to...RACS Guard units. @Digital Centurian and Paratrooper....we totally agree with the AH1, but WLD47 and I love the way it turned out...We are thinking of changing the loadout though and definitely looking for other attack helicopters...We have huey's from FFAA with Attack loadouts that Wld427 just gave to me to code and they are mean looking....A Gazelle would be ideal! Gotta find one...Malvinas gave us theirs but we need to ARMify it. The M60 -2000 is real and is a poor mans M1 so to speak...M60 Chasis with an m1 turret. Also expect some UNIMOGS too....and Mercedes Trucks. Digital centurian we would love to help on the A-37...it would be perfect! and paratrooper don't worry we are making new units and EBUD and CWR have been absolute princes with their help....new camo under development.... to tell you the truth we were worried about community reaction to new uniforms because of Mission making. I will make a replacement pack and a stand alone infantry pack. We aims to please and I think this will be a useful addition to all your addons folders. Best Regards, Lamar and Wld427 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gedis 0 Posted June 11, 2008 um, Ah-1Z is too bit modern and costy, i think it doesn't fit RACS. I advice changeing it to Ah-1F/J/T/ maybe even W. although F would perfectly fit for RACS. btw, whole idea is great Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MontyVCB 0 Posted June 11, 2008 Good stuff, look forward to seeing more. btw itim_tuko might want to unqoute that image before a mod see's it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flv*venom* 83 Posted June 11, 2008 Guys you're about to become my heros! I've always been a fan of the RACS (They offer so much mission making potential for politcaly incorrect things, hehe). Concerning the AH1, maybe you get in contact with the Battle Over Hokkaido team, iirc their latest OFP 'demo' models were quite impressive, and btw, a MD500 Defender is already in the making as well by Namreg. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Casimir 0 Posted June 11, 2008 That sounds great, i really would like some more RACS equipment Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NoRailgunner 0 Posted June 11, 2008 Sounds good and don't be afraid about "too modern RACS" - such things depends on mission maker. Great to see some "new" RACS customized vehicles & stuff! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Casimir 0 Posted June 11, 2008 yeah although it would be cool to have some fighter planes, I.E. old U.S. planes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daniel 0 Posted June 11, 2008 Yup, looks cool! <s>The export name for the Rapier system is Jernas</s>, although a simple green UK varient would be awesome! EDIT: I stand corrected. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RKSL-Rock Posted June 11, 2008 Daniel @ June 11 2008,17:24)]Yup, looks cool! The export name for the Rapier system is Jernas, although a simple green UK varient would be awesome! Not that Version it isnt. That's the Col Klink/DCA Rapier. Its a Rapier FSB (Field Standard B) so its export name was Rapier B1 or Rapier B1M. The "Jernas" System is the Rapier FSC (Field Standard C) its a totally different beast. Only the missiles are similar everything else is new. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the_shadow 0 Posted June 11, 2008 i thought i might as well ask since i understand you do a SAM system for arma.. any plans of making a ASRAD-R equiped M113? http://www.saabgroup.com/en....d%3D654 it´s nothing fancy but i think it could fit RACS quite well Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wld427 1705 Posted June 12, 2008 Thanks for the clarification on the Rapier system Rock. Seems there are a lot of different export versions out there and i was unable to pinpoint exactly wich one we have. As for old school we will probably see an M60A1 with the ole bubble round turret(1st version W/M48A5 turret). Its still in the development stage. as for birds, well i am still trying to get in touch with Col Klink to get his permission to use the A-4 skyhawk i reskinned for the RACS colors. We also have a F-4 Phantom II still awaiting permissions. Also i will shy away form the A-37 (PS i love that lil plane) as the malvinas mod gave us thier Pucara to use. So a lil work there and you will have your COIN aircraft. The AH1Z is going to stay fellas. Sorry but i like it. If i find the need for an "older" type helicopter than it i will look towards the Gazelle or maybee a puma or Lynx just to be cool. My MD 500 was in the works long before i saw that other one on the forums. I just never finished it as it was sorta my "education" project. I will finish it soon. I would also like to get into a C-130 or that really kick ass trans plane the FFAA mod has in thier pack. Also expect a a reskinned SH3 for the Sahrani navy. As sonn as FA Dalai Lamar cn get em configged up i plan to make several versions of PBRs and light missile boats too. We are about set with sam systems. We have 3 right now. with teh Barak, Rapier, and a neat little on on the LAV chassis Vilas let us use. I think the will be sufficient as one of our missile boats will have air defence capability like a pickett type vessel. Thanks for all the support and feedback as well. Please keep the suggestions coming. Thanks Eddie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ryankaplan 1 Posted June 13, 2008 as much as i hate the racs and the sla (an old school usa vs soviets fan myself ), this looks great. Keep up the good work fellas Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wld427 1705 Posted June 13, 2008 Sneaker Peaker of the A-4 and F-4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snake Man 407 Posted June 13, 2008 wld427 we definitely need to join forces as I'm about to merge textures/fix/tweak the footmunch's F4 model as well as Col Klinks A4 which I assume your screenshots are from. Can you please contact me in PMC Tactical forums so we can coordinate our work (that is, if you're interested). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FA Dalai Lamar 0 Posted June 13, 2008 Hey Snakeman, We are definitely interested bro thanks for the offer! Lamar Share this post Link to post Share on other sites