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About Casimir

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  1. Casimir

    Valhalla Mod - WIP

    Im just wanting it to be cleared up. At no point did i say it was illegal, but ive seen so many mods disapear due to textures and models taken from other games that for a project like this which really interests me would be a real dissapointment.
  2. Casimir

    Valhalla Mod - WIP

    It sounds like an amazing cross over between Fallout and Oblivion, I like the sound of it mate but i think you need to clear up the issue around that building from Oblivion. Can you legally use that or is it just a very similar looking model?
  3. Casimir

    AAN - ArmA Navy

    Great new Gnat. Will be testing these out as soon as i can
  4. Casimir

    Valhalla Mod - WIP

    Wow Its reminding me more and more of Elder Scrolls : Oblivion Keep it up it looks great.
  5. Casimir

    RPG City Life (Open Beta)

    City Life Newsletter now available! Issue 1 Im looking for article donations and story ideas for the next issue! *Coming Soon* - Stories From The City Life Server - Free Advertising For City Life Businesses and Clans!
  6. Casimir

    Island Daraisolas by L-J-F

    great maps and really good with autumn plants
  7. Casimir

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Some new shots. See The Rest Addons Used: -Daraisolas -Proper Plants - Textures By Przemek_kondor -Modul Sky
  8. Casimir


    sounds very interesting and origional. i hope to see this project turn good. any information on progress or are you still in the planning stages? regards cas.
  9. Casimir

    Project RACS

    looking good guys.. keep up the work
  10. Casimir

    USMC CH-46 WIP

    Think about it this guy is a member of the ACE team is he not? That probably means hes working on o few things at a time and this project has just been shelved for a while as he continues work for ACE? Whatever. Its probbaly best to leave the thread alone until he posts.
  11. Casimir


    Can you guys just not give Colonel well a break!? constatnly the same stuff tiem and time again. If you dont like it then forget it. theres no need to make the same points over and over again with only screenshots as evidence. This is a W.I.P. he could be using these as a base modle... he hasnt released them... so even if they are another persons models he can credit them on release. So guys... just give it a break.
  12. Casimir

    Hippie Funland

    Looks great Loki, what the approx size of the Island?
  13. Casimir

    alternative history  WWII 1952

    Sounds an interesting propsal, i like the sound of it, however im not so keen on you sleeping wiht my sister
  14. nice, will they be enterable/destroyable? could lead to some interesting missions.
  15. Casimir

    Armed Assault videos

    Arma - Lost? (the coldplay song, not the T.V. serise) random video i knocked up in about 1/2 an hour.. (yes it kinda shows :P) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=I_LDH1DGraA watch it if ya like